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Everything posted by Monolith

  1. I'd recommmend finding an accredited Endodontist (they specialise in root canals). I have had several root canal treatments done, and once in Hanoi I didnt check, the Dentist was just a regular Dentist at a well known clinic and in the end she really didnt know what she was doing - it took 12 visits and 18 months later I had to get a second root canal re-done it the same tooth.
  2. No problem. I just had a single molar done, I'd say the same treatment, titanium screw and ceramic crown (though still waiting on that - currently have a gum seperator installing final impression and tooth fitting in next two weeks) and the cost was 35K THB all up. I live in Ubon Ratchathani, so the costs are cheaper here are often cheaper than Bangkok - so I think you got a good deal. Compared to what it would cost in Australia it's an absolute bargain and they have been very professional. Best of luck with it!
  3. I had exactly the same experience, although I had a tooth abcess on the tooth that was extracted had infected through the jaw to my sinus's and required two weeks antibiotics before they removed (I'd already had two root canals on that tooth that cost a fortune so it might as well been made of gold :) ). Then same with the Amoxycillin after they extracted the molar. All went well in the end, I'm cautious to take antibiotics unless needed, but had not much choice this time around. It's my first implant, and the entire procedure when completed in three weeks will have taken a total 5 months (I believe it should have been 4, for some reason they extended a visit by 1 month). All has gone well and I wish you well with your treatment.
  4. WTF - this is one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on this forum.
  5. BS - it's the breed(s). They've been bred for killing, some/most might be lovely until.... and everyone is in shock...another pitbull mauling/killing. Another week. FFS.
  6. Where is the shock? These pitbull attacks happen all time. They are too big a risk.
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