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  1. As useless as he was as president he must have been happy when Biden took the reigns
  2. Get help your <removed> is consuming you and boring us
  3. For God sake go to a mental hospital and seek help we are over you and your ridiculous claims
  4. Your deluded with that comment, l personally know people that pay and when needed the cops turn up asap and actually do there job.
  5. How about this political <deleted> gets banned there's other forums for this crap.
  6. Stop Posting this <deleted> and get a life
  7. Have you counted them?
  8. Actually we think the Democrat supporters are stark raving mad
  9. Wrong!! It shows up as "Trade Finance Deposit" Which immigration uses
  10. And how would you get a "O" visa without a bank account. Think about it.
  11. Some people would say what a waste of money l say money well spent if you enjoy quality all round. Good decision.
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  13. I'm in Australia and had the same as you for the last 7 days

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