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Everything posted by Cardano

  1. ExpressVPN is one of the most expensive ones although it is very good. NordVPN and Surfshark are also very good but much cheaper. To get set up do a google search for the VPN you want, open the VPN web page and create your account with username and password, you can now use VPN on your desktop/laptop. To set up on any android device (IPTV box, Tablet, Phone) go to playstore app, search for and download your VPN app, using your username and password log in to your account, from the list select which country server you want to use, job done.
  2. Only recognised by the fact that you have a certified and translated copy of a foreign marriage certificate. A marriage conducted outside of the UK is not entered in to the UK registrar of BDMs. But my question was about divorce not marriage. Can a UK court grant a decree nisi and absolute for a Thai marriage when such marriage is not officially registered in the UK but registered in Thailand? If it can be done then what happens to your marriage registration in Thailand, will they accept a certified and translated copy of the UK issued decree absolute? or will the process of divorce have to be undertaken in Thailand under Thai law as well? Seems to me it is not a simple procedure.
  3. I bow down to thee Oh Omniscient One, the being of infinite knowledge, the one who know all!!
  4. Please note I said property prices not rental prices, that's a whole different ball game. Yes I agree there are cheap rentals in BKK, yet there are extortionately expensive rentals as well, all depends on location.
  5. The UK is a rather expensive country compared to what other country of a similar ilk?
  6. Depends on how you want to compare the two. If we take property out of the equation then the UK is much cheaper than Thailand based on having the same standard of living in each. If you want to adopt a typical Thai standard of living in Thailand then Thailand would be the cheaper. You need to compare apples with apples to get a clear perspective, which will show that overall the UK is the cheaper option. By the way many people have a decent lifestyle in the UK on less than 2680 USD per month.
  7. When you compare apples with apples Thailand is very expensive compared to the UK. Only possible exception is property prices outside of Bangkok.
  8. Hmmm........can you provide evidence supporting the high divorce rate you state. Yes some Thais have a problem adapting, or not, to life in the UK but I think the vast majority are very happy. Also be interested to learn how all these Brits who married a Thai in Thailand can actually get divorced in the UK?
  9. Would also highly recommend you set up a good subscription VPN such as Nord, Express or Surfshark. otherwise your ISP will eventually throttle your connection causing buffering and freezing.
  10. One of the best android boxes on the market, https://www.formuler.com/ comes preloaded with all the Apps you need including "MyTVonline 2" Electronic programme guide, Playstore, Netflix, etc. You just set up an account with an IPTV provider Using the MAC address shown on the label attached to the android box, once account is active open "MyTVonline 2" click on "add new account" input your details as provided by your IPTV provider and connect, job done. Formuler boxes can be ordered via Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=formuler+z8+pro&adgrpid=81306946693&gclid=CjwKCAjw-L-ZBhB4EiwA76YzOfxZYeK6DaRnaY-GhbE8vxqpb2NwkQxk3G65nmSQ_zeHZ6FpWwRlkBoCMUEQAvD_BwE&hvadid=585412561597&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9073376&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=16662898171008483776&hvtargid=kwd-867007869544&hydadcr=22337_13333082&tag=hydglogoo-20&ref=pd_sl_4khwlyaflz_e
  11. you probably wouldn't understand the joke anyway as it will be told in a stone age language lol.
  12. Unbeleivable!!
  13. You're wrong again AGB invented the telephone and it was Eddison who improve the transmission side to enable greater distances between calls. Carry on posting your condescending tripe as you wish and see fit. People will see it for what it is and ignore it.
  14. If you're not a Brit then don't comment on a country you have no experience of. You're just another one that thinks the UK consists of one place called London, how sad. By the way AGB is credited with inventing the first working phone and successfully acquired all patents for said device.
  15. Seems to me you are the one with the problem, they call it self interest by only telling one-side of a story!! What you are advocating is that he misleads his wife by using devious methods to protect his own self interest, is that your perception of how a true relationship works? Why can he not sit down with his wife and explain the reasons why he moved to Thailand, why he married her, and the real reasons why he doesn't want to go back to the UK. Even compromise and agree to take there for a holiday every once in awhile. Her response will tell him how strong a relationship they have.
  16. Try reading the concluding statement at the end of the OPs thread........How else can I convince her? Maybe a documentary on reality… As to your second point may be a better question would be who doesn't regard the UK as one of the most uniquely beautiful and diverse countries in the world. Answer........some UK expats whose lives revolve around trying defend that where they live is utopia. But in answer to your question yes me and the 37,000,000+ visitors every year, plus the millions who actually live in the UK and love it. Your 3rd point is a bit, well pointless really, there are many great countries in the world to live but I don't live there! There are many great cars in the world but I don't own one! etc. etc.
  17. Then help him with proper advise instead of bombarding him will all your negative views of the UK, he didn't ask for that.
  18. That's up to the OP to decide, not posters on this forum. What he should do is have a balanced discussion with her about the pros and cons of living in either Thailand or the UK and come to a conclusion they both agree on. Feeding her just the negatives is naive at best, she can see for herself on SM what living in the UK is really like.
  19. next time you go back to the UK try and get out a bit more, you'll be amazed.
  20. 5555, here we go with the name calling, just shows your level of intellect.
  21. The OP asked for a documentary on reality and from what I saw was typical comments from posters reeling off all the anti UK negatives they can dream up, that is not the reality. I am just providing some balance with the positives about the UK, yes we know certain places are not exactly appealing all countries have these places, especially Thailand. But the UK is generally regarded as one of the most uniquely beautiful and diverse countries in the world.
  22. What are these sounds you are hearing? My Thai wife and I have visited the UK numerous times over the last 20 years, from the Scottish Highlands and Islands down through all the English national parks and quaint little towns and villages. toured all of Devon and Cornwall and most of Wales. Oh and we've done London 3 times but there's much much more to the UK than London. So your silly presumption is wrong but it actual reads as though for you London is the UK and that you've not ventured much further a field.
  23. why only the s**t holes, show her all the stunningly beautiful places as well. Then show her all the many s**t holes here and the very few genuinely beautiful places. Noted that your low self esteem only puts you at the supermarket worker level in the UK, makes me wonder what kind of work you do here, may be a teacher perhaps?
  24. not here to help the OP, just giving a balanced counter argument to all the posters portraying only negatives about the UK when it's one of the best countries in the world to live.
  25. think the OP needs to ask himself what is the most important his wife and her happiness or his reasons for wanting to stay in thailand. If the latter then maybe he just sees his wife as some high level house maid
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