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Posts posted by Cardano

  1. 2 hours ago, Bert got kinky said:

    You really are having problems understanding this, aren't you?

    He was asking for a way out of having to leave everything that he has for an uncertain future, a way to convince his wife that moving to the UK would be a mistake.

    The negative views are to help him to convince her that the UK is not the right place.

    As mentioned before, your positive views on the UK would not help him in this matter.



    Seems to me you are the one with the problem, they call it self interest by only telling one-side of a story!!

    What you are advocating is that he misleads his wife by using devious methods to protect his own self interest, is that your perception of how a true relationship works?

    Why can he not sit down with his wife and explain the reasons why he moved to Thailand, why he married her, and the real reasons why he doesn't want to go back to the UK. Even compromise and agree to take there for a holiday every once in awhile. Her response will tell him how strong a relationship they have.

    • Haha 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Bert got kinky said:

    The OP asked for a documentary on reality

    No he did not, he asked for help in convincing his wife about the problems of moving to/living in the UK.


    But the UK is generally regarded as one of the most uniquely beautiful and diverse countries in the world.

    By who, you?

    If it is so great, why don't you live there?



    Try reading the concluding statement at the end of the OPs thread........How else can I convince her? Maybe a documentary on reality…


    As to your second point may be a better question would be who doesn't regard the UK as one of the most uniquely beautiful and diverse countries in the world. Answer........some UK expats whose lives revolve around trying defend that where they live is utopia. But in answer to your question yes me and the 37,000,000+ visitors every year, plus the millions who actually live in the UK and love it.


    Your 3rd point is a bit, well pointless really, there are many great countries in the world to live but I don't live there! There are many great cars in the world but I don't own one! etc. etc.

  3. 18 hours ago, Bert got kinky said:


    And what about the OPs happiness?

    Should he give up his job, most likely end in debt from the move, become unsure of his future and be miserable for the rest of his life because his wife dragged him away from where he is settled his life, on a whim, a flight of fantasy?


    That's up to the OP to decide, not posters on this forum. What he should do is have a balanced discussion with her about the pros and cons of living in either Thailand or the UK and come to a conclusion they both agree on. Feeding her just the negatives is naive at best, she can see for herself on SM what living in the UK is really like.

  4. 18 hours ago, Bert got kinky said:

    So, exactly how are you helping the OP of this thread?


    The OP asked for a documentary on reality and from what I saw was typical comments from posters reeling off all the anti UK negatives they can dream up, that is not the reality. I am just providing some balance with the positives about the UK, yes we know certain places are not exactly appealing all countries have these places, especially Thailand. But the UK is generally regarded as one of the most uniquely beautiful and diverse countries in the world.

    • Like 1
  5. 17 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    It sounds to me you have never taken a Thai wife back to UK especially London have you. 


    What are these sounds you are hearing? My Thai wife and I have visited the UK numerous times over the last 20 years, from the Scottish Highlands and Islands down through all the English national parks and quaint little towns and villages. toured all of Devon and Cornwall and most of Wales. Oh and we've done London 3 times but there's much much more to the UK than London. So your silly presumption is wrong but it actual reads as though for you London is the UK and that you've not ventured much further a field.

    • Haha 1
  6. On 9/21/2022 at 6:37 AM, Gottfrid said:

    Why do you need to convince her. If you are made for each other, both of you will understand, make decisions and stick together. If she want London and will not change. You want Thailand and will not change. Then it´s final. 

    think the OP needs to ask himself what is the most important his wife and her happiness or his reasons for wanting to stay in thailand. If the latter then maybe he just sees his wife as some high level house maid

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  7. On 9/21/2022 at 7:22 AM, spidermike007 said:

    Has she spent time there? My wife wanted to move. Took here to the US for 2 months. It was so over priced, most people were so sad, stressed out, and bitter, so serious and lacking in joy, she could not wait to get back here. Me too. Very happy to be here. 


    Just say no. I left. I don't want to go back. If you can't wrap your mind around that, we are not compatible. We are finished. Let's get divorced. Go to London on your own. If you can. Bye bye. See ya. 

    the UK is nothing like america or its people

    • Haha 1
  8. @essex boys
    Your quoted internet speed only applies to your ISP's network within Thailand and when connected via Ethernet. If you are connected via WiFi and/or you are streaming internationally this will result in much slower speeds. Also your ISP will throttle your connection if they see that you are streaming through the international gateway, more so if the domestic network demand exceeds a set threshold.
    Best solution is to get a good Package (minimum 300Mbs) and a good (paid) VPN such as Nord VPN, ExpressVPN or Surfshark.

  9. On 4/21/2019 at 12:20 PM, JWRC said:

    I do believe there is a higher being, and for the sake of the exercise I will call him God, 

    Many years ago my son was very ill and all the hospitals and doctors we had seen over a 12 month period couldn't find what was wrong.  He just kept getting worse and worse to the point he was hospitalised and we were told he probably wouldn't live to the morning and to prepare ourselves. Being bought up a Christian and married at that time to an atheist my son had not been baptised due to my partners objections, but I felt if my son was going to die, he should be baptised immediately. The hospital arranged a priest to come and my son was baptised in his hospital bed, my partner had left the room in disgust. The hospital suggested we go home and get a few hours sleep, when we got back 5 hours later my sons bed was empty, I thought we had lost him. A small miracle, after all the months a visiting specialist had been asked to see him and he realised what the problem was and they rushed my son to theatre, that's why he wasn't in his bed. He has never looked back, was it a minor miracle or a coincidence? we will never know.


    My second experience was a very nasty ghost who moved houses with my family, the ghost became very jealous of my grandson and would appear to him as a big Teddy Bear, after several months this teddy bear would attack my grandson while he was sleeping and bite him. Now I don't or didn't believe in ghosts until all this happened, my grandson who was only 4 at the time would not go to bed on his own because of the "Teddy Bear". My Thai partner was unperturbed at all this and we visited the local Monks together with my grandson, they were told of the situation and did their chanting over my grandson, they then gave me some "blessed water" and told me to sprinkle it all over the house and tell the ghost that we never had a problem with it, but would it please leave the house. Here's me thinking "what a load of twaddle" but game to try anything I  got some reeds and sprayed the water all over the house, not forgetting a particular wardrobe where the ghost lived. I have never felt like such a prawn in all my life doing this and telling the ghost that we didn't want a problem with it and that it was ok for him/her to move on and would it please go and live elsewhere. That night was the first peaceful night for months and we never never heard from the ghost again.


    So the first experience, was it a miracle or a coincidence

    The second experience - well what can you call it, I don't know.




    The first experience was the hospital finally got round to doing what they should have done in the first place.
    The second experience was your grandson either having a recurring nightmare or maybe calling for attention. Did you actually see bite marks? Where on his body were they located? Like you say "what a load of twaddle" there's no such things as ghosts especially ones that bite. Maybe a werewolf that was hungry.

  10. On 4/21/2019 at 12:03 PM, mauGR1 said:

    I think that there is a force who keeps the planets orbiting around the sun, the same force keeping the electrons orbiting around the nucleus of every atom.

    According to the Hindus, there are basically three forces, creation, preservation and destruction ( who is creation itself )

    Without any of those three, there would be no "world" as we see it.

    The concept of "omnipotent" supreme being comes from Christianity i think, that appears to be hard to prove.

    It's called a magnetism that enables planets to orbit the sun and electrons to orbit the nucleus of every atom..... Scientifically proven.

    • Like 1
  11. Yes you can buy them at a few years old from my wife, she has two plantations for sale or rent in Nong Khai both about 25 Rai with approx' 2,500 trees on each. Both plantations have natural spring fed ponds to ensure continuous availability of water which is essential to get maximum yield.
    1st plantation trees are 11 years old and have been tapped for last 18 months, now producing 240 kg / Rai / year, which will increase over next few years as they mature.
    2nd plantation trees are 15 years old and producing 280 - 300 kg / Rai / Year.

  12. 8 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

    That is not strictly true as some banks such as the Bangkok Bank will not allow an expat who is not working , to have a credit card unless the amount of the  credit limit is maintained in a separate bank account.

    No deductions are made from that account so it is not a debit card.

    Yes it is true, a proper credit card does not require you to deposit funds to cover your own credit limit, a debit card on the other hand requires deposited funds to allow use of said card up to the amount of funds deposited.

    • Confused 1
  13. 36 minutes ago, peterfranks said:

    Stop talking about things you don't have the slightest knowledge.


    Foreigners who legally work in Thailand can get a credit card without having money locked up in an account.

    I obviously have more knowledge than you, firstly we are not talking about the real credit cards we are talking about the mickey mouse credit cards issued by Thai banks.
    And yes I know foreigners can get legit credit cards in Thailand I have two issued by Krungsri Bank, and by the way I didn't need a work permit to get them.

    • Confused 3
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  14. 11 minutes ago, peterfranks said:

    Maybe YOU should engage the brain.


    You suggest using debit card instead of credit card.


    With a debit card the money also has to be deposited in the account. otherwise the card will not work.


    One of the differences is that with the debit card the money has to be in a current account, earning 0% interest, while with the credit card the money is in a fixed account, earning a certain amount of interest.


    Another benefit of the credit card is that you earn cash backs and points, each time you use it, which you can use to buy other things. Not an option with a debit card

    My brain is fully engaged thanks and it tells me you don't understand the definition of "credit"  Having to deposit X amount in a FD account is a security requirement of the bank to enable them to issue a card that allows you to spend your money up to the amount deposited, how is this credit?. Also note that the interest is only payable after your total deposit is locked for a set time period, any withdrawal will result in loss of interest. As for cashback and points just another marketing con. Also I didn't suggest using anything, I stated that the so called credit card issued by the OPs bank is not a credit card it is a just a debit card that allows a certain time period before any debit to your current account, there is no credit facility, he has to deposit his own funds to enable use of so called card (same as debit card).

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