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Everything posted by RedArmy

  1. Could also just apply for a 60 day Tourist Visa to enter Thailand, extendable for a further 30 days to give yourself 3 months to set everything up for yourself.
  2. 4 - No insurance required. 5 - 800,000k Only needed in Thai bank account on day of initial 90 day Non O application. Rather than drive yourself crazy - Chill out, enter visa exempt, extend for another 30 days then apply in country for your 90 days Non O - Only 30 days insurance is required for this option
  3. Thats excactly the point I'm trying to make. Perhaps you could have kindly provided this information to the forum earlier.
  4. I'm sure that there would have been a lot of people on here who would have really appreciated this information a lot lot earlier. This is the 1st time i have heard or read about this.
  5. Respect brother. Thankfully, just missed out on that as starting following United a,few years later in 76. Beating the Dippers in the 77 Cup Final & stopping them winning the Treble, was amazing - We are still the ONLY English team to win the Treble - League, FA Cup & the European Cup in the same season. Having said that, this season has certainly got the potential to be the worst ever for me - The Dippers have already won the Doctor Pepper Cup & could (potentially) still win everything - I hope that the Rentboys beat them in the FA Cup final & that the Berties keep on winning to take the league title. The prospect of a Dippers / Bertie Magoo Champions League Final would be very hard to watch indeed.
  6. Slippery <deleted> - I hope Chelsea don't do Fat Frank any favours today - I fancy 0-4 - At least ????
  7. Big win for Burnley today - I would rather Lids go down, but if it's Everton i wouldn't lose any sleep.
  8. Little heads up - If applying for your 30 day extension to your visa exempt entry in Phuket - No need to go to the Main Immigration Office in Phuket Town - Can be done in the small tourist friendly IO in Patong. I would imagine that you would need this extension 1st, before any possible Covid Extensions which are currently only available untill 24th May. With land borders, opening up, its not looking likely, that these will continue - But hey, this is Thailand, hopefully they will extend the order untill 24th July, for those that require them.
  9. A 30 day Visa Exempt entry, followed up with a 30 day extension would provide you with 60 days.
  10. <deleted> - No one else on here willing to shed any light on the subject ??? Very dissapointed in some of the more regular posters on here ???? Maybe I'm the only one actually living in Thailand right now ??? Its ok, i understand - If i was plotted up in my Stockport Bedsit, i wouldn't have a lot to say either ????
  11. And all Bertie Magoos are from Stockport - Your point being ?? Come on Curly, I'm still waiting for you to reply on the Football Lads thread ?? I'm interested to know, are you even in South east Asia ??? Don't be shy fella - Its all good - You still plotted up in Stockport ain't ya ??? Probably never even been on a plane before ???? I have been to the council house only 3 or 4 times, but i bet you i have been to Maine Road more times than you ???????? I miss them "Massive" floodlights.
  12. Long story cut short - I watched the 76 Cup Final on tv & started to take an interest in United - The following year in 77, beating the Dippers at Wembley 2-1 & stopping them winning the Treble, that was it for me, my love for United just grew & grew - My ol man took me to my 1st United match in December 77 & my 1st visit to Old Trafford was in 79, last home game of the season. I loved football as a kid & my dad took me to see George Best play for Fulham at the Cottage alongside Rodney Marsh. One of my 1st ever matches was at the Bridge, i think around 76 ??? Fa Cup 6th round v Crystal Palace - Palace won 3-2, Peter Taylor scored that day. That day, Chelsea just didnt do it for me - So i stuck with United ????
  13. Respect brother, appreciate you breaking cover - Had a few hairy moments at Ibrox back in the day, but always loved travelling to Glasgow to watch United - I have a number of good Celtic friends & they always looked after me on previous Glasgow expeditions.
  14. Chelsea Rentboys in abundance on here - Relax & take it easy, life is too short, its only a bit of banter. The funny thing is, not only did i go to school right next to Stamford Bridge (Seagrave Road) SW6 - But my Uncles 1st cousin is one of your all time Chelsea Legends, with 193 goals for the club ????
  15. Its not about sell on value boy, its about "Assets" Current assets - Nothing to do with current / Future contracts - Future markets cannot be taken into account when selling a business - It's all based on the value of the market today - And Rudiger is still part of that today market value. Like it or not - agree or disagree, this is a fact of basic business economics. Take United for example - Our current market value is based on our current squad - Including Pogba, Cavani, Lingard, Matic, Mata. Martial, Jones, Bailey, Grant, ect ect, who are either out of contract or who will be sold in the summer. On 1st July, due to our rather unusual number of loss of assets, i see us losing anything between 5 -15% of our market value. Be careful, coz your market value could decreece by 0.5 Billion if not sold before 1st July.
  16. You will find that ALL bids were based on CURRENT assets & as Rudiger was still classed as an asset of your club - It has no reflection on "Good business" or not.
  17. Obviously I'm a Red. My man Rick is a Red too. The Wisp is a Dipper. A few Rentboys on the Firm too. A few YIDS ( No offence intended if you are part of the anti Yid establishment. Celtic, Rangers, Bar Codes, many representatives, No Gooners though ???? Oh yeh, & 1 from the Curly Watts society, AkA - The Bertie Magoos ???? I ain't been on here very long, just came to Thailand for the past 6 months (I plan to live here long term) - Seems like a decent bunch of chaps on here with a high knowledge of English football (Hopefully that will keep the Septic Tanks away). Im always thinking though, do some of you also live in Thailand ??? How long you been here ???? Where in Thailand are you living ??? Oh yeh, and where you are from originally ? Me - I'm an ol school Cockney Red (Its a London Ting) - 1st game in 77 - Travelled all over for years, Multiple European adventures, Barcelona, Moscow, Rome ect ect - I gave up my season ticket in 2006, just after the Glazers took control of my beloved Club. London born & Bred - 4 Bin Lids & got divorced last year after 27 years of Marraige. 54 - Left my job in September 2021, came to Thailand 4 weeks later & I'm still here. You only live once people - Enjoy every day of your life ????
  18. Gonna be ETH's First match in charge of United - I'll be there on the 12th - Anyway on here actually going to the match ???
  19. Yeh bud, this is Thailand, we dont indulge in illegal activities over herel ????
  20. Completely agree - I went through a very similar experience in December - I went in a day earlier & 5 minutes later walked out with my 60 days - Dated from when my current permission to stay ended.
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