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Dr Jon

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Everything posted by Dr Jon

  1. 'Medical Opium Dispensaries' soon to be on every street?
  2. Drugs? The note clearly states that he needs money for food!
  3. Females can have orgasms? You learn something new every day!
  4. Sex on a surfboard? At sea?? Is it April 1st again?
  5. That was certainly the case years ago and it was fail one element and you had to retake all exams. Now they'll let anyone have a go.
  6. Thank Buddha it was ladyboys fighting. I hate to see actual ladies fighting. (Unless it's in mud of course).
  7. Dr Jon

    Illegal Parking

    No, not 'emergency blinkers', they are 'park anywhere lights'.
  8. How about enforcing laws from 20+ years ago banning cigarette burning in indoor public places? Clean air in bars and restaurants would be welcomed by the majority.
  9. How about stopping the illegal cigarette burning in bars and restaurants?
  10. Do you understand the difference between private property which you control (your own house) and private property which is open to the public (bars, restaurants, 7/11s, shopping centres, etc)? The article states: "consuming cannabis in public spaces is a major taboo, enforced with the risk of fines or imprisonment." A bar may be private property, however it is a public space. From your assurance that you only consume cannabis "if the bar has no customers", does that mean you immediately stop when a second customer arrives? Following your logic I will start a similar practice. After having ten beers I will only drive on roads with no other vehicles.
  11. So the bar gives you permission to break the law? Do you ask the other customers in the bar if they mind the stink? I'll start asking the bar for permission to drive myself home after drinking ten beers. It's a private car.
  12. I have found a location ideal for (brief) meditation...
  13. True... however they always have full view of the ornaments and general debris obscuring the windscreen.
  14. So, after 20+ years they are finally going to enforce no smoking laws in bars and restaurants? Or will the carcinogenic stink of tobacco and cannabis continue?
  15. "A Japanese man, who was exploring Pattaya’s night scene with his friend, said he was pickpocketed of over 60,000 baht in cash" He must have some seriously large pockets.
  16. What 'Rule of Law'? After 20+ years the police can't even be bothered to enforce no smoking laws.
  17. During all my life I've regularly hung out with drunk people and I've never once once been murdered!
  18. I am very sorry for the terrible predicament, however medical treatment is not free in the UK. It costs every man, women and child around £2,500 per year in taxation, whether you use it or not, for a very poor service. Currently NHS stands for 'Nothing Happens Soon'.
  19. Smoking indoors was made illegal twenty years ago. Five years ago it was made Illegal to smoke in the street near to a doorway.
  20. I have no problem with people smoking cannabis, or any other legal substances. However, because the existing legislation on smoking is ignored by selfish dimwit smokers, I strongly object to being forced to endure second hand cannabis smoke (and second hand tobacco smoke) when I visit a bar.
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