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Everything posted by LOG54

  1. Hello Went this morning to Banglamung Revenue department to ask for a tax ID.. Asked me if I am working here..No.. Asked if I brought or will bring money to Thailand in 2024.. No (kept money of my condo sale here) Answer was.. you cannot get a tax ID and you don't have to file a tax declaration.. My Thai tax adviser (specialist) told me I had to get a number + have to file a declaration before April 2025 stating I didn't enter money in 2024.. no tax to pay but in this declaration would have to list all my abroad revenues (in this case they will have all info to tax next year on full abroad incomes) Has anyone tried to get a tax number and got another information? Thank you Have a good day
  2. Thanks a lot.. Yes, petrol. I had a GS battery fixed this morning by a small dealer who is on the railway road between floating market and Chaiyapruek.. Found him on Google.. had very good reviews..Nice and efficient.. I think it was cheaper than the yuasa battery fixed in B quick a few years ago.. 1700 bahts.. Have a good weekend
  3. Hello I love outside Pattaya in Sattahip direction Must again change my CRV battery..Last time went to B Quick.. Would anyone have a better option (I heard about GS battery ?) and where could I find it.. which model if different types ? Price idea ? Thanks a lot Have a great day
  4. Thanks a lot Have an excellent day
  5. Hello and thank you Jomtien... Both are here on O extensions, each with personal bank account + 800K, each with pensions and incomes abroad.... The idea would be if possible to reduce the amount of money blocked here for obvious reasons and open a joined account with 800 K (don't know what the amount is for married couple) Thanks for advice
  6. Hello, A farang couple residing here for years on O visa extension.. so each one with 800.000 bahts on account... If getting married, what to do ? Still 800.000 per person on separate accounts, or ? Thanks a lot and have a great evening
  7. Hello As said above, doctors in this hospital also attend in others.. Google the doctor s name and you will see.. Even there (private side of Sririraj) wait is a bit long. If you inform taking appointment it is an emergency they manage to give you an appointment. My experience.. heavy supraventricular aritmia.. after 3 years cardiac ablation was decided.. did it in public area Sririraj ( private side was 50% higher).. performed by same Professor Dr Sacchana Prumpueg..I cannot express how excellent this Professor is.. human, extremely nice, highly specialized.. As announced from beginning by the Professor, having double pathology, I had to undergo a second procedure a few months later, as it had improved but not solved totally.. Same procedure and all OK now for nearly one year.. Hospital has a good service, attentive and courteous staff, price is high but nothing to do with others you mention. For info, this week had to undergo a much smaller surgery (2 claw toes).. Did it in Jomtien hospital in Pattaya.. with the same surgeon the quotation in Bangkok Pattaya hospital was 70% higher than in Jomtien Hospital..on top of it they anticipated I would have to spend 2 to 3 nights or even 1 week there "as due to heart condition it was very difficult situation" and of course that was not included.. 1 night in JPH and out, all good, friendly staff, nice room and food and atmosphere was much better.. for info 1800 bahts for the room (was in from 9 morning till 10 am next day)!!! Hope this helps..if heart issues Dr Sacchana also attends in Tonburi.. Good luck and have a nice day
  8. Thanks for answers. The board had allowed a slight trimming but what was done is a trees slaughter, cutting the head at 4 to 5 meters under it.. Before the board could stop the massacre 10 trees were heavily cut.. Let's see what will go on and if angry co owners (many) finally join and take action ! I was wondering if there was any legal procedure which had to be followed but apparently nobody really knows Thanks a lot.. Anyway damage is done and irreversible Have a good day
  9. It was my question..which permission should have been asked for.. any specific infos ? Thanks a lot
  10. Hello Without AGM agreement the management in our condo suddenly cut 5/8 meters of the wonderful 35 years old trees in the gardens.. didn't he need permission? Is there an environmental association which could be alerted ? All beauty is gone.. only wood scrubs remaining Have a good day
  11. Thanks a lot.. Have a good evening
  12. Hello Can anyone, mainly Sheryl, recommend a good orthopaedic surgeon for this type of issues pls ? I read in internet that there is a "new" less invasive technique. Is it available here somewhere ? I live in Sattahip, but ready to go to Bgk if necessary Thanks a lot everybody
  13. Thank you but it doesn't answer my question (and I was talking about committee chairman not AGM chairman). Have a good day
  14. Hello Sorry for late reply.. I am talking about Juristic Person.. I am surprised the JP can be a commitee member (and even can it be the commitee chairman ??) as normally the board has the duty to Monitoring control over the condominium corporate managements Then if the JP and one of the committee member are the same person I find it quite difficult for the board to achieve its goal.. We can even go further.. what if the same person is the JP, committee member and committee chairman with very few control or participation of the other committee members ? That means the condo is managed by one person in fact (as the building manager will act under JP or commitee instructions .. Thanks everyone !! Have a good day
  15. Hello According to art 38 Condo act the committee/board has to control the management.. I didn't find in the condo act anything forbidding the JPM to also be a committee member..and even the committee chairman.. Obviously the "spirit" of the law doesn't allow it, as, how could the committee control the JPM action if it is the same person assuming both charges.. I would highly appreciate comments, in case experience, or hear about court decision in similar situation.. Thanks a lot Have a good night
  16. Hello The swiss guy was wrong.. there is no excuse about kicking anyone (man or woman) for no reason (even if you have a reason to react, no violence should be accepted).. This guy has obviously anger management issues and surely thought he could do anything without facing backlash.. Then, the social media bashing leading to foreigners bashing all over the place and for weeks is also totally out of control.. OK she was kicked ... the guy deserves a punishment.. But on the other hand did this have any physical consequence ? the answer is no apart maybe from a few bruises.. Apparently this girl went abroad to study medicine and in this case she surely is not the basic daddy s girl unable to stand any issue.. The best proof is that she did not hesitate to go to complain to the guard, call the police and then organize with her family the social media drama.. If being a doctor she is unable to stand any stress, I wonder how she will be able to act in her job.. Post traumatic stress just for being kicked in the back.. according to me, it is a joke.. Hopefully the court will be able to take into account the real damage she suffered without accepting the overreaction and drama
  17. Sorry.. by mistake answered from my partner account.. we are both in the same boat..Thank you Have a good weekend
  18. Thank you very much..That is what I unfortunately thought.. My mistake to have trusted the guy (farang) and invested in his property only based on promises he made and he doesn't respect now. Have a good day
  19. Hello Couple living in 150 SQM condo, 2 ceiling fans working full day, big fridge with freezer + a deep freezer, electric wine cellar, 2 computers, self cleaning electric oven, electric cooking range (we cook a lot, in fact every day), micro wave,washing machine, water heater for showers, we don't use AC...1200 bahts per month Have a nice day
  20. Unfortunately we lost Ubonjoe who was always nice, helpful and so much aware of all these points. He was always answering (even for the 20th time at saamee question) being always courteous.. Have a great day.. Hope the answers given can help.. would be good to know if all got all right
  21. Hello For info, went this morning at 8.00..got in new office and got a number to go inside after 8.30.. While I was waiting seated in the outside chairs the guy checking entrances at the door of "old" office came at 8.15 and asked me to enter and proceed which I did..8.20 was out with a ticket to pick up the certificate at 2..was there and in 2 minutes got it (given in new office on parking lot) ..quick and easy.. This afternoon there was a huge number of persons quieuing Have a good weekend
  22. Thanks a lot.. I prepared everything already.. Will go early Have a nice evening
  23. Hello I urgently need a residence certificate.. Can anyone inform if it is done on the spot in Pattaya immigration department I am on O visa extension.. Which documents are required ? passport and visa copy ? photos ? copy of lease contract ? anything else ? If anyone went to immigration today I suppose it is very busy after so many days holidays ? Thanks a lot Have a nice evening
  24. Best french cheeses in L auberge Restaurant (you can find on Facebook).. you can eat in the restaurant but also buy to take home).. the French owner/chef receives every week products from France. Have a great day
  25. Hello Same for me..Was buying all my meat there when Noel was there..After he left lots of different butchers appeared and went..One guy from Philippines was not bad..I don't buy any beef there since new company took over and all is way too expensive..Same company took over meat department in Foodland with same price range..Hardly see anyone buying... I think generally speaking sales are not good and the bakery surely faces also a lack of customers..Quiche and everything is there but in less quantity and on top of it they totally changed the display, so, have to look around to find what you're looking for Have a good day
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