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Everything posted by LOG54

  1. Yes.. we rent a condo from a foreigner and in our condominium there are numerous thais or foreigners renting out condos even on airbnb.. nobody declares anything.. This however would be quite easy to check for the RD if they cooperate with immigration office (at least for long term contracts) as we have to produce the lease agreement for extension of stay .. which includes all details about owner including passport copy !! Have a good day
  2. Hello For your info there has been meetings with some embassies, representatives of TRD and expats in Bgk.. For sure one with swiss embassy.. one with french embassy.. Already it came out that the Thai version of the Thai french agreement and the french/English version has one very important word which were different (something like should on one side and could on the other one) and the TRD representative said for them the Thai version is the valid one.. The french authorities have required TRD to clarify their position.. no answer till date.. Again, if Thailand proceeds and enforces the law, it will take months/years to reach a settlement with the other country.. And again, now there are numerous countries with no double taxation agreements where residents still are charged especially by a lump sum on imported money or required to pay the difference between their taxes abroad and in their country of residence. Have an excellent day
  3. Thank you.. of course France charges you as an expat on all your incomes..Thai tax will be higher for us and other issue is in March we still don't have the previous year tax which you get only in August.. Have a good day
  4. I 100% agree with you... There is still an issue at least for french... In Thailand if the law goes through, tax filing and payment on 31st march 25..BUT for 24, in France tax filing in may 25 and amount to pay received end of August 25.. so I assume we would have to pay full amount in Thailand, then ask for refund of the amount payed in France to Thai RD and following year, ask the french tax department to deduct from your tax the amount paid in Thailand, no ? I don't see how to pay partially in Thailand if I don't have the amount to pay in France.. Have a good day
  5. Hello This morning was told in Pattaya office to go to Chonburi office (as some said above).. Do I need a residence certificate from immigration or not ? Then one girl told me it would be valid one year, the other girl said it would be valid till my 5 years Thai driving license ends (2027) Can anyone confirm those 2 points please Have a good day
  6. Fortunately they apparently didn't think about it but a very simple way for them would be based on immigration rules where they assume you need 65.000 bahts per month to live here..so 800.000 bahts per year ..they tax on 800.000 bahts whatever they decide 5, 10 or 15%.. quick and simple.. they inform you have to go to RD and pay before 31st of march each year and join your TCC when applying for visa extension.. At least we would spare accountant/tax specialist fees.. They could say this is the minimum to pay.. but you should inform if you enter more and spend more... If people rent a house/condo for 30, 40 or 50.000 per month or more, they would assume you definitely are above 65.000 per month.. Then if you don't inform or lie.. penalties/criminal case for tax evasion/avoidance etc.. When elderly, it is difficult to be 6 months somewhere then fly to another place.. pay for 2 places rents or purchase (unless you wish to live with only one luggage of personal items) Then you have the flights bills, car renting in at least one of both places etc.. This would reach even more expensive than paying taxes ... and people who have a Thai family, kids at school cannot do that Have a good day
  7. And what if they tax anyway and let you go through the court process to have the Thai tax cancelled ?... They can also ask to file a tax return, calculate the Thai tax amount and deduct what you pay abroad.. From my calculation even with all deductions (elderly people bonus etc..,) thai tax is higher than tax I pay abroad.. difference for me would be quite huge.. Have a good day
  8. Also check what they do in Malta (EU country).. No double taxation ..they tax 15% the money you enter into the country...BUT minimum taxation 7500 euros per year !!!!! Have a good day
  9. Hello One thing is that they follow their timing.. They had announced new visas rules between September and November..and here we are.. What I fear is that (and it is simple to put in place) from 2025 onwards they will ask for a tax clearance certificate to proceed with extension of stay.. Also..the law requiring tax clearance certificate to leave the country exists, just not enforced now.. What if from July 2025, when exiting the country under long term visa or extension of stay, they ask for it (30th of June is 6 months period end).. Let's see if some more announcements are made regarding visas.. and if new tax law for 2025 is announced before December.. Personally we go before July 2025.. we won't be staying here when there is no security about what will be going on in coming weeks and months.. In Italy recently EU expats have received a HUGE tax bill, some had to sell condos or houses there to pay the bill.. For french they had payed taxes in France..They taxed them in Italy, with 4 years arrears !! Not taking the risk Bye Thailand Have a good day
  10. Hello Yes I did it in Thailand a few years ago.. it took some time as they send it to Germany.. I didn't do it in a so-called "pet center" specialized in attracting farangs and in a small vet it was much cheaper.. she put the chip at the same time.. @topt Last time I took dogs out of Thailand was 20 years ago (several times). Always did alone, smooth and quick process, they just filled and stamped a form (export licence).. 5 minutes, even did not take the dog temperature.. Looked in internet after posting here and yes apparently need now deparasitation by vet 15 days before + health certificate 2 days before going.. then go to airport office.. If anyone has other info, pls advise.. Thanks everyone Have a good day
  11. Hello From here to South America.. I know I have to go to quarantine center in airport before (will go one day before).. I think I need a vet certificate on international form).. Thanks in advance Have a good day
  12. Hello My dog has a chip, rabbies account, all vaccines etc.. I know I must obtain an export licence from animal center quarantine in the airport.. My question is, do I need a health certificate from a local vet on international form or do the quarantine department check the dog themselves. I will go there one day before to avoid any last minute issue. I know the documentation required when reaching abroad Thanks a lot
  13. Hello I need to go there (building 6) to get a criminal record certificate I need for a visa to another country.. Is there a car parking lot inside as, looking on Google street it seems quite impossible to park a car outside.. Thanks a lot in advance Have a good day
  14. Hello I don't know how to post a link.. Interesting article by Thai examiner on 8th in which they say "very quickly" long term visas will be linked to tax declarations.. Have a good day P.S. Here is the link: https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2024/09/08/revenue-department-preparing-legislation-as-new-expat-tax-regime-may-link-visas-and-tax-returns/
  15. Thank you...I have seen a form to fill.. and also they ask for a snap apparently.. Also I would bring a stamped letter and make passport copies.. Is there a validity date (read somewhere it is either 8 or 12 months) As you are in Bangkok, I imagine you don't know if possible to get it in other provinces but already very helpful to hear the process is quite easy Thanks a lot
  16. Thank you.. my post is wrongly written.. My question is in fact can I get it from a local police department or in Bgk only ? Should I then go to Bgk to apply ? Thank you
  17. Hello To apply for a long term visa for another country I need a criminal record from Thailand. We live in Najomtien/Chonburi. Where can I get that ? Thank you very much
  18. Thank you very much..
  19. Thank you.. I will check if they have a contact here..for us will be Thailand South America Will check if they have this contact also Thanks a lot.. appreciate your recommendation Have a good Sunday
  20. Thank you.. I found them on internet.. Would like to get the feedback of someone who used one company..but noted Have a good day
  21. Hello We reside in Chonburi province and would like to have recos for companies able to manage a moving from Thailand to South America.. Preferably from people having used it Thank you very much Have a good day
  22. Thanks a lot..I have taken this into account already in case the confirm their 2025 project. Went to meet my tax advisor yesterday and apparently they have regular meetings in Bgk with executives of the Revenue department.. in the last meeting last week they said that finally for 2024, they changed the procedure and people who don t enter money don't have to file any declaration, neither get a tax ID and won't pay anything.. so, now I will quietly wait till they clear year 2025 decision. Have a good day and thanks again
  23. I understand totally your comments and thanks for that.. I was pointing out redwood1 not you.. Should have quoted..Sorry Have a good day
  24. Thank you.. Exactly..I don't wish to pay more taxes than I already pay.. and ready to go if Thailand pursues next year on "worldwide income tax".. I also wish to follow the law and avoid penalties etc.. by lack of information I know now that I have one more year without having to worry and will wait and see what they decide for 2025 incomes. Surprising how on AN some people can t avoid nasty cynical comments.. Have a great day
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