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Posts posted by parallaxtech

  1. He went to a lawyer afterwards who asked for 20K to handle it next time. Then, he went to a visa fixer who wanted 30K to process it. When he went back to ask for a refund, he advised them that he was an ex-federal court judge, and would like to see where the visa fees were printed. They handed him a piece of paper written in Thai, but they wouldn't let him have it or take a copy of it. It was probably a tally of how much baht they had taken off of stupid farangs. Ask any Thai what they would do if they went into a government office to pay for a license for 1900B and they were charged 5,10, or 30k. The answer is that they would get thirty Thais and burn the place down. They are very aware that farangs will do nothing, so why shouldn't they continue their criminal enterprise???

  2. [ The latest twist in the Hotels guests report lists for which we were fined B10,000 last week, I find now, that the Immigration website has been down for three weeks and all the hotels can do is keep their logsheets until it comes on air again. If this is the case, what are my chances of getting a refund ? Today still unable to log in ! :(

    Mayor Crusty: SI doesn't give receipts, so methinks your chances are the same as they would be if you wanted to buy one rai of land at a reasonable price from a Thai!

    An 85-yr-old retired judge on a retirement visa was talking with me last year saying how nice the people were at SI as they always smiled at him when he paid the 30K for his extension. When I told him the fee was only 1900K he looked like he was having a coronary. I saw him two days later and he said that he went down to SI and asked for a refund on the overcharging for the past six years and they said, "No problem, just show us your receipt."

  3. If my friend's experience is anything to go by - take a good book.

    He went to renew his retirement visa this year (about the 6th renewal). He was asked for 5,000 baht. He told them that 5,000 baht was a mistake - it should be 1,900 baht (or whatever the real price was). They made him wait 6 hours. He got the visa for the correct price though.

    Good on ya! Each time someone pays 5K or more it raises their confidence level and allows their criminal operation to continue. Just pay the standard 1900 and hold your ground. Some might just say TIT, but when this topic was on the open forum it became clear that Samui IO was the only one doing this. All the others have their fees posted and even warnings not to pay over 1900B.

    And I always take a book.

    • Like 2
  4. As you are leaving the Chaweng PO on the ring road heading towards Lamai go about 1.5km and you will approach a gas station on your left there is a dry cleaners with a sign "Dry Cleaning" on the right side. It is not too far from Ohm Motorcycles and on the same side of the road. I have used them many times with good results.

  5. Pedophilia and incestual relations have been a part of Thai society since before the time of Buddha. Just google these topics to see how endemic they are to Thai society. The only thing that is different now is that Thai authorities have determined what a huge cash cow it is for them. Police don't make arrests unless it is profitable or politically favorable, hence few if any Thai arrests, but many highly visible farang arrests, even though farangs probably make up less than 1% of crime against Thai children. And who do you think runs the child prostitution rings?

    What scares me more than anything is the witch hunting taking place. Any farang is a target. If the police grabbed you along with a small child and paraded you in front of a camera, could you prove that you were not a pedophile??? I suggest all farangs be very careful around children here.

  6. What about all the regular cars blocking the Tesco front parking lot that exit out the entrance road at high speed and harass everyone coming out of Tesco? They have no taxi shirts and their vehicles are all makes and they shout "taxi" to everyone and then follow them down the road if they refuse. I see only a sticker "Samui Dragon" on the back window, which much be the local mafia. I'm sure that the Taxi Mafia would not be happy with them unless they were part of the same group. You would think that Tesco management would tell them to get off their property or pay rent. And, by the way, don't you need taxi licenses with proper taxis and uniformed drivers?

  7. Samui Immigration has been discussed on several threads -- just search "Samui Immigration" or "Nightmare with Samui Immigration." These people are criminals, scoundrels, scum, whatever negative label you want to put on them. All the embassies know about them and articles have been written about them. They must have someone very high up protecting them or they would not be operating with impunity.

    The one-year extension is 1,900THB as indicated on the TM7. I know several people paying 30K and standard is 5-7K. If you put the 1900 on top of the form in an envelope they will probably make you wait a little longer and probably will insist that you pay more, but if you stand your ground and smile, you might get by with it. If they ask for more, just say that you don't want reentry permits. I did exactly that last month and got my extension.

    While I was waiting I heard Mr Nut (manager there) threatening a farang that he would deport him if he didn't give him 30K. So, it's really a personal decision, but just keep in mind that they are mostly bark and no bite. It doesn't cost them anything to bark, and it makes them an absolute fortune!

    • Like 1
  8. Don't get my posting wrong. I'm not complaining about the high prices I just find it amusing. Especially the Thai selling to Thai. We are always told they just try to have the Farang over. ;)

    The Thais think it is funny, but most farangs find it highly offensive. One rai of coconut view in Lipa Noi would probably appraise at 100K (but sell for around 1M) and the house probably cost (Thai hiring Thai) around 1M to build, but nobody considers appraisals here. Hang any price you want on a house -- it's just a matter of how long you wish to wait to find a buyer.

    It's the same with building a house here. As one Thai builder said, "Why should we build a house for 4M and have you sell it for 8M, so it will cost you 8M to build." I just took bids to build a 4x8m pool at my house and one guy quoted 6.5M. When I told him I could buy a house and pool for less than that, he quickly said ok 3M. Am I the only one here who has a problem hiring people that appear to be escaped criminals?

  9. I order a few things a year off of Ebay and have never had a problem with the Chaweng PO until recently. The Ebay sellers will not send things registered so there is no proof of delivery. I see cameras inside the post office, but it seems to me that it would be very easy to steal things. I have ordered two more items off Ebay so I will see what happens. Would it do any good to complain to the manager?

  10. Contact Sergeant Pop (1155) at the Tourist Police. I worked with him for six months and he is the only honest copper I have ever met on Samui plus he speaks perfect english. With a police report I would then go down to the prosecutor's office near the new courthouse south of Lamai. These thugs are all bark and no bite.

    This exact same thing happened to a friend of mine six months ago and he decided to leave the island. It's more common than you know.

  11. I wouldn't try and use your m/w oven, washing mashing, etc. The low voltage is extremely bad for these items. I'd unplug them for now.


    Matt: Ok, thanks, I will. I am just wondering if anyone else is having this problem. My elec was going out for one hour the last few days, but when it came on it was on at 220v.

  12. My electric has been off and on the last few days, but now I have about 110v. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Where are you on the island? 110v is a nasty voltage for 230v devices!

    I know at the moment at one of my sites in Lamai (the golf shooting range behind the temple) the voltage is still down a lot, probably around the same reading as you're seeing. The voltage is down enough to start the UPS's running and drain them, however there's enough voltage to power things in my friends houses, lights, fan, etc. A low voltage like that is very bad, god knows what it's doing to the compressors of fridges, etc!...


    I am in Chaweng on the mountain. I was just guessing on the voltage. Lights and tv ok, but m/w, oven, washing machine are barely working. Does this sound normal?

  13. Farang way - Read the contract

    Thai way - Do what I say or I will shoot you. What is a contract - can't read, anyway?

    Two groups living here with two different contracts: Our group had to buy/maintain the water pump and transformer whereas we pay the mgmt company for the elec/water. They want us also to pay for maintenance of their equipment, which is not in the contract. The other group just has a monthly fee and never had to pay for any equipment.

    I keep telling them to read the contract or get someone to read it to them. Right now, everything is calm. I can always tell when they need money for Songkran or some other party as they start screaming for maintenance money.

  14. Immigration is able and willing to convert a visa exempt or tourist visa entry into a non immigrant entry to allow extension of stay if you meet the requirements and has been doing so for a few years now. It costs an extra 2,000 baht; so the assumption was that accounted for the 2,000 baht of OP. But as mentioned above it could also be the normal fine for late reporting of 90 day address (which was not mentioned by OP).

    Lop: Thanks. I have a new non-imm O and this will be my first extension on it, all in the new passport, so don't think my old extension is relevant, is it? I will take my old passport with me, but don't see any need to transfer anything, as all stamps have expired.

  15. I talked with several more people this week and received some good tips.

    When submitting your TM7 Extension form, put an envelope on top containing the 1,900B. If they still ask for more, tell them you want the simple extension, not the one with reentry stamps. If they still insist on more money, tell them that's all you came with so if that is not enough please return the passport. Then go over to the Tourist Police nearby and file a complaint.

    If you have been mistreated by them or conned into paying a bribe, at the very least, copy the link below on your browser and file a complaint. Letters went out to the British and US embassies this week. The more complaints the more they will realize that this is a serious problem.


  16. Now what movie was that in?

    Movie was "Ronin" and Robert De Niro was accusing Sean Bean of being a fraud when he said he was ex-SAS. De Niro asked Sean what was the color of the boathouse at Hereford? Sean had no idea and left in disgrace. Later on in the movie someone asked De Niro what really was the color of the boathouse and he admitted he had no clue.

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