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Posts posted by parallaxtech

  1. Thanks SE, I will take your advice and not get a lawyer. The problem with paying blackmailers is they keep coming back for more. I have 6,000L in storage tanks so if they cut off my water I will call a water truck. They are charging me 25B/m3 so doubtful they will want to lose that money.

  2. No such thing, They are all wolves, whose primary interest is lining there own pockets instead of looking after there clients interests.<br>

    The problem is that I have a contract for water/electric with a property management company and they simply ignore the contract and demand money for repairs even though it's clearly stipulated in the contract that they will pay all the repairs. They have threatened to cut off my water if I don't pay, so it seems a lawyer is necessary. I know most of them are useless, but surely someone out there has dealt with a good one.

  3. [You are totally correct. Apart from it being extortion, we as expats as someone has already pointed out are committing an offense (In the eyes of our Western home Countries) by paying these over inflated fees (Tea money) to Samui Immigration. But until the heirachy clean it up, which is doubtful in the short term., we Farang will remain good pickings here on Samui.

    I will pursue this matter once I have moved off the Island and registered in another Province, (My Thai Lawyer friend also advises this, as you will not win while you live here) as to do something while living here will make life difficult., so at the moment not wort h it.

    What's the saying...."All good things come to those that plan and wait" their time will come. Cheers :wai:

    SH: Thanks for your comments -- much appreciated. No farang here wishes to risk their life or visa by complaining to the Thai government. But you can continue to be vicitimized by these animals and scamper away with your tail between your legs or at least protest via email or mail, even anonymously. Many will say that TIT, corruption is endemic, so just pay whatever they want. However, this island is not comprised only of toothless and spineless farangs, as many of us have risked our lives serving in the armed forces and Foreign Service. Once you have faced a professional intent on killing you and survived, a simple coconut monkey is not really a threat. I am in contact with these individuals and they are voicing/writing their concerns. At the very least, face yourself in the mirror and be able to admit that you did something to fight injustice. The Bangkok IO was listed previously and the US Embassy is on 95 Wireless Rd Bangkok, TH 10330.

  4. And we are not talking about a few hundred baht, as thousands of passports go through there a day.

    Thousands of passports? :blink:

    They'd be lucky to see five yearly visa renewals and 100 passports for the day.

    You obviously haven't sat in SIO and watched the visa fixers coming through with stacks of passports. This doesn't take into account the ones coming in the back doors and after hours.

  5. I guess if you want to stay on Samui, you have to pay the "Tea Money".

    Often wonder why they call it "Tea Money", it's actually extortion, and I would have thought a criminal offence.

    I suppose "Tea Money" sounds quite innocent.

    Tea money is when you pay a few hundred baht for exceeding the speed limit or riding a motorcycle w/o a helmet. When you have met all their demands, jumped through the hoops, put a ridiculous amount of money in a Thai bank, etc., and now they want thousands more, this is not tea money but plain extortion. And we are not talking about a few hundred baht, as thousands of passports go through there a day. It is a major amount of money, all illegal. Also, keep in mind that bribing a government officer is illegal everywhere. After pocketing your money he can turn around and arrest you. I personally don't want to act like a drug dealer and pass along to these criminals a bribe. Lt General Wut Liptapallop is the new Immigration Commissioner and he recently reviewed the procedures at KSIO. I am trying to find an email address to his office now and will display it on TV when I do.

  6. I may consider now reporting this to BKK Immigration and my Embassy to see if they can bring this blatant robbing of Farang by Immigration on Samui to an end? :angry:

    I guess if you want to stay on Samui, you have to pay the "Tea Money". :D

    Tea money or a tea factory? Of course getting angry is not the solution, but several have suggested the following:

    1. Tell them you are not leaving Thailand so no need for re-entry stamps -- just want the simple extension for 1900B

    2. Politely ask why the form says 1900B on the bottom

    3. Ask for your passport back and leave and go right to the Tourist Police office nearby. I have already spoken to them about it and they told me to go directly to them if it happened again.

    This is really bad news as I figured this extortion was over. If everyone just hands over whatever they ask (my friend pays 22K)they will always expect money from us and it will escalate. It would be helpful if you email the following: [email protected]

  7. Don't want to derail the thread ..... but where do you guys play?

    I play @ Imperial in Chaweng Noi; I have tried the courts in Bang Rak but i prefer Imperial's one.

    I also play at Imperial. Bangrak Tennis Center has resurfaced their courts and will be hosting the Samui Open Tennis Tournament open to all levels. You can contact Edwin, the tennis pro there.

  8. So what would you call a reasonable salary? If you think 200 to 300 baht a day, including equipment, I think you'll have a hard time finding anyone reliable. :o If that's the case, then Screamingeagle's statement is correct!

    I used to pay 500-1KB per day (labor only), but now they just laugh at that. Like all building, repair, gardening, etc., it is better to either do it yourself or find an experienced farang friend to manage a few Thais. A worker's salary is only 200-300 per day, but if a farang hires them, they want at least ten times that, plus you will most likely have inferior work, theft, and many other problems. I also need gardening and concrete work and will pay 500-1K per day -- gardening once a week, but the concrete work would be several weeks. So, let me know if you find a worker who doesn't want the salary of a plastic surgeon!

  9. so anytime an older white man talks to a kid it means he's a pedo and up to no good?

    and all the parents or guardians are stressed out being paranoid

    pretty sick world we've made for ourselves

    Exactly, it's a modern day witch hunt out there. I feel sorry for every priest, teacher, and pediatrician, as they are all under suspicion of being pedos. I used to play with children, buy clothes and toys for them, sponsor their sports teams, etc., but no more. Several people warned me I would get blackmailed, so now I don't even acknowledge children. The children have lost out in the end. Raise you hand if you think we live in a better society now.

  10. In the US I had neighbor's children constantly running in an out of my house, using the pool, playing on my computer, etc., and never had even a question about it. When I moved here years ago, I had a bungalo near a poor Thai village and kids were constantly running in and out of my house, swimming in the pool with me, etc. Then several of the women asked if I could babysit their daughters. I called a friend of mine and he told me to cut off all connections with these people as I was being set up, which I did. A year later I took my girlfriend's Thai daughter to the beach. While swimming a fat Thai woman approached me and said she was the girl's mother and would I like to buy or rent the girl. I told her in Thai that this was my girlfriend's daughter and for her to take a hike. And over the years several mothers and fathers have approached me to buy/rent their children. I even went so far as to go to the police about it, but the police sergeant just laughed and said TIT. My point is that this is a fact of life here, as they will sell/rent their children or anyone else's. My lawyer told me something that all should keep in mind, "If you take any underage girl into your home or any other private place, you are presumed guilty of molestation. As long as you are always in public, such as a beach or mall, it's very difficult to accuse you of anything." Always remember, Thais have to follow maybe 20% of the law, but farangs must follow 120% of it.

  11. Have insurance -- insurance policies in Thailand don't cover laptops or cellphones -- found out after I read my policy.

    Not true. I have my laptop specified on my insurance for both accidental damage and theft. I insured my belongings with Ensure.

    I also keep a backup of all my valuable data on a portable drive in my safe and another at a clients house.


    I will check out Ensure. I have a homeowner's policy with the largest insurance company in Thailand and after my burglary called the agent who told me all Thai policies carry waivers on laptops or cellphones unless they write in a special inclusion clause, as these two items are always stolen. To cover a cellphone/laptop was basically the same price as buying new ones, so I didn't consider it. You must be paying extra for this. If not I will switch to Ensure.

  12. I am now corresponding with the Bangkok IO. They have already stated that my "Fund Book" account is perfectly acceptable. Anyone having a problem with Samui IO, email them as follows: [email protected] . If everyone will just pay the standard 1,900 instead of 5K or 25-30K to the visa fixer, it will make everything much easier for all of us.

    Well done parallaxtech, thanks God Jomtien IO is not as corrupt as the Samui one. However will there be any consequences for Samui IO?

    The way I look at scams is one day the crook will try and cheat the wrong person. There are many ex-military on the island who will not take it lightly when cheated. I saw it happen with the jetski scammers. It was exposed in the media, some people retaliated, the government got embarassed by embassies that were filing official protests, and now I do not see anymore of these scams. There was an article in Samui Express about the scams at Samui IO and several people I know have sent editorials to papers in England and the US about them. The main thing I wanted to accomplish was to make sure everyone knew the yearly extension fee was only 1900B. I wouldn't want to be the Immigration officer who tries to extort money from the commando just back from Iraq or Afghanistan. Whether they change or not who knows and whether somebody walks in with an M16 and takes everybody out who knows. If they were a US Post Office extorting money they would have been leveled by now.

  13. I wish you the best of luck. I've lost over 1.2MB to burglars and a thief in the last few years. I even had the name of the thief, but no evidence. Meeting with the police was a waste of time. I put up ads for the missing items, not indicating that they were stolen, but that I was looking to buy. You might try putting ads at Tesco and Big C. I've heard that computer laptops are easily sold to computer shops on the island, even that employees go out at night to replenish their inventories. If you have the serial number of the laptop, you should visit the computer repair shops in your area. I know how you feel -- you have a lot of company on Samui.

  14. What he means is that simply dumping 800k in the bank and rolling out the bank book each year is frowned upon and could lead to their refusing to renew your extension of stay. now if the current rate was 2m baht and you lost your grandfather status, then you would need 2m. What they really want to see is you spending your 800k and then bringing in another tranche to give them. Of course some simple manipulation can overcome this but immigration staff are a law unto their own and if they don't want to play ball, they won't. I have heard about people being told that this year will be ok but not next year for a static 800k.

    Another option is to spend 10m on a condo (or in multiple condos) or invest 10m in agreed assets, including government bonds. That qualifies you for an investment visa.

    Back on the question of where else to go, dare I say that this topic has come up because of worsening exchange rates and what people really mean is not where is better but rather where is cheaper ?

    First I've heard of that, but no problem, just have 2 accounts and switch the 800k between them.

    That Investment Visa option was scrapped a few years ago.

    I apologize to OP for detouring, but just wanted to respond to this. Samui IO is now rejecting retirement extensions no matter how much is in your bank account. They just rejected mine with over 2MB (See thread "Nightmare at Samui Immigration."). So, nothing is for sure anymore.

  15. Anyone tried Honduras? Particularly Roatan... aka the 'Bay Islands' ?

    I was there years ago and there seemed to be lot's of land for sale signs and a budding realtors scene. Really nice place in a "Phuket in 1970" sort of way. Maybe it's already been overdeveloped? It's also in 'hurricane alley' and has taken maybe a couple of big hits in the past 10-12 years.

    Roatan is a lovely place to spend a few weeks, but you don't want to live there! I did from 2001-2004, built a beautiful beachfront home, which I still have, and then moved to Koh Samui in 2004. The crime there is really in your face and everyone carries guns. I saw several people shot in front of me while I was eating an ice cream cone, and both my American neighbors were shot through the head. I had armed guards 24/7 and still my house was robbed several times (probably by my guards). On the lighter side, the women are young, beautiful, and anxious to land a gringo. You won't hear anything about money for sex as a prostitute is considered lower than a murderer. Girls simply go with you and want something to eat afterwards (potato chips and a coke are fine). The Caribbean beaches are much better than anything in Thailand and the seafood is excellent. Housing/land is cheaper than resort areas like KS and Phuket, but gasoline, motorbikes ($60/day), and restaurants are more expensive. I have lived all over CA, SA, and the Caribbean and can tell you that security is always a big concern. Anyone who wants to live in Honduras better be ex SAS, Seal, or hitman, and locked and loaded.

  16. When faced with this kind of corruption I always advice to notify your embassy. With a lot of complaints they should act and discuss it with the Thai government, they can even do this as embassies together.

    US citizens can mail their complaints to the following address:

    Ambassador Eric John

    US Embassy

    95 Wireless Rd

    Bangkok, TH 10330

    Brits can contact Dave Covey on KS.

  17. Maestro: I think SCB has many different funding/investing accounts so guess they just classify them under one name. Most of us out there have or had mutual funds where you were given a prospectus and a fund name so you could track the progress. This account never waivers, but simply rises to whatever the interest rate is. I asked all these questions in 2005 as I didn't want to invest in the Thai stock market. At .75% it doesn't even make sense now to have it in there and I wouldn't have if I had known it would cause me a problem.

    In three months when (if) they ask me for 5K for the 1900B extension, I would like to know how I should respond, as this new staff is quite different from the old one.


    I thought it was 1900B?

    I need an invoice for my embassy?

    Did the price suddenly go up?

    May I have my paperwork and come back when I have 5K?

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