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33 RPM

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Everything posted by 33 RPM

  1. Not far inland from you is Dan Singkhon Market go there we regularly do and live in Pranburi
  2. Thanks all, im in contact with Jotun and im taking the paint back to the selling point to see if anyone there is smartter than the dog
  3. Just raw real paint, nothing added. this particular one is a Jotun Tough Shield Max about half used and looked well sealed opening it, PHEWWWWW, it stank
  4. No, they are all water based.
  5. i was going to put something like that in the OP but i certainly hope not im surrounded by dozens of places Somchai or Lek Lek could have gone to have a slash
  6. Have accumulated a dozen or more various paints over the past 6 months ago all have been sealed properly, well as best one can with the stupid plastic lids on some of them BUT opening one today, it had a very liquid top and stank of Urine this is the second one to have done this, the others are fine and look like paint. Surely this is not normal.. they are all quality brands, not the cheap crappy stuff Why does it stink of urine...
  7. Thanks, ive looked on the website a few times,ill certainly go there, when there aren't a million kids are you a skywatcher ?
  8. They well maybe there are a few clusters of leaves that still have some in the middle, so most likely thats it by why so many, and so often
  9. Please, anyone, what is this black stuff that constantly is dropping from my indoor Rhapsis Palms no they dont need more light they have just come back inside They have always have done this, inside or outside
  10. Yes its been great as has Jupiter over the past few weeks
  11. Are there any Amateur Astonomers in Chiang Mai id love to meet up are there any "clubs ' or gatherings. Thanks
  12. Are there any Amateur Astronomers in or around the Hua Hin area love to say Hello
  13. Seeing most "agents "seem to want 5 % it would be interesting . and thanks, i do know re the " agent " set up,, even the drovers dog with 3 legs, just down the road is also "an agent ", happy to do a deal...
  14. Thanks so much for all your very helpful and informed replies, all of them will be utilised, i think the cost if any is negligible Baht Sold was mentioned to me this morning, any thoughts on that one ? Interesting comment from you Richard, about an agent copying the ad and reposting it as theirs,,,, why ? they have not been engaged to market the place so what is the benefit to them, any further ideas , suggestions,,,,, please.
  15. Please, what platforms, social media , websites etc are/ could be a useful way to market a property yes i realize a real estate agent is the obvious answer, but there are other ways to get the property online and seen i appreciate any thoughts and suggestions as to the websites, platforms to investigate Thanks..
  16. not much to do ... it seems..
  17. Thanks all, its obviously an ever changing and unpredictable beast ill look forward to what it has to offer
  18. So helpful, thank you...
  19. Thankyou, i am aware of the numerous "live " radar etc maps of the current weather and do use them frequently i was more meaning if there is a general direction from where the major rain / storms come from in my home country 95 % of the weather came from one direction, im just wondering if its similar here year by year or not.
  20. im sure there are quite a few out there who enjoy and have an interest in all things weather. can someone please inform me which direction the weather mainly comes from. particularly out Doi Saket way my guess is from the north east for a lot of the time.
  21. We are in the process of finalizing the deign etc of a new house that will be built in Chiang Mai soon polished concrete has kept appearing as an option for the main floor area inside the house Any experiences from you, who may have used it, or know someone who has, as to its performance, durability, possible cracking etc. i guess a fair bit has to do with the competence of the installation team as well. Thanks
  22. most interesting readings, ill look forward to your update gamb00ler thanks all...
  23. Very interested to hear of any Chiang Mai residents experiences with solar installations ie,,,, which company they used, are they happy with the results, and did / does the system they were sold do what it is meant to do.. also battery storage system experiences as the house we are building has limited access to power Thanks.
  24. Thanks Eric, they appear to be cheaper than most, are a chinese operation i think, and are not onsite at the airport
  25. Please ignore, they have been deleted from options
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