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Everything posted by JetsetBkk

  1. I once asked for two Certificates of Residence - one for the Pickup license renewal and one for the Motor-cy license renewal. I didn't realise at the time I could simply photocopy the first certificate and give the Transport Office people the original and copy for the two licenses. When the Immigration IO asked for 600 baht, I replied that I thought they were free. The IO said, in a very loud voice, "No! First one free, second one 300 baht!" Chicken-little me paid up, of course. ????
  2. The next time I saw him, he was in the car port. So I tried to scare him back to the corner of the garden where he came in. Big mistake! He ran through the front door - pushing the bug screen aside - and lodged himself between the security bars and bug screen on another patio door. I eventually scared him back to the floor but then he decided to explore. Fortunately, I had closed the doors to the bedroom and office so just had to get him back out the front door. I managed to do that with the help of a grass broom. (I've removed the sound track as there was some bad language. ???? ) In House crop.mp4
  3. He had a good look around at ended up at the back door: Monitor in Garden At Back Door resized.mp4
  4. I forgot about this one. He came into the garden a couple of years ago through a pipe that connects my garden drain to the storm drain that runs along the backs of the houses. My garden drain was full of leaves and the monitor appeared to not see the way out back to the storm drain. He kept going back to the corner where he came in, but never found the pipe entrance: Monitor in Garden Back and Forth.mp4
  5. Here are a couple of videos from a few years ago (2010 and 2014!) of probably the same big monitor lizard at the top of Khao To Sae (Monkey Hill): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tfTntRriV0 The second video is pretty boring!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agz3sNXOoDo
  6. I flashed my lights at the red car and I think it slowed down a bit. I then put my flashers on and held my arm out the window to stop a couple of cars behind me overtaking. It was all OK in the end.
  7. ???? No, he was just trying to wave him off the road, but the lizard got to the grass pretty quickly.
  8. To get to Big C? 2021_1030_130928_858 crop 2.mp4
  9. Clarification, please: Are "bit.ly" and/or "tinyurl.com" links allowed or not? I use them a lot on Twitter to shorten the length of the post.
  10. Ok, can you show me the infection rates for both vaccinated and non vaccinated in Si? I am interested. Edited 22 minutes ago by ebice Those infection rates would be useful to know. ????
  11. Agreed. I did my 90-day report today. The "joker" guy, usually outside room 103, was over to the right where they've added a "Waiting Area"(?) or similarly named building and car park - quite impressive! I was in and out in a couple of minutes, no queue, nobody behind me, and on the way out I noticed another enlarged car park. I wonder who paid for it all? ????
  12. Doesn't apply to me, in Phuket. Or maybe he just wanted a bit of extra business.
  13. I have 2 Panasonic DH-3JL2 water heaters - for 2 bathrooms. Hot enough in Phuket, not sure about "up North". The only problem I had with them is that they would reduce my Internet speed from about 5 Mbps to about 2 Mbps when being used. The fact that my Internet speed was at 5 Mbps (the fastest available at that time) shows you long ago that was! It took me moths to realise it was when the g/f was showering upstairs that the problem occurred. The housing estate electric and telephone "engineers" discovered that my meter was wired up the wrong way round and swapped the wires into the meter. They also earthed one side of the telephone wires (no fibre Internet in those days, just ADSL). Problem solved. Now, 11 years later, in a new house, both heaters (with built-in ELB Test) are still working fine.
  14. I've been using bit.ly for years and never knew that! Thanks for the tip!
  15. Top left of my browser - a link to Bit.ly. Always handy when you want to share a long URL.
  16. I give my cats "Friskies Surfin' Favourites". They used to love it. Right up to when I gave them some tuna fish cat food. Now they turn their noses up at it. It's like a battle of wills - the cats meowing and rubbing their heads all over my feet, begging for more tuna, and when I give them more Friskies dry food, they look at it and walk away! ???? So now I give them just half a tin of tuna at night, on top of the dry food, but in the morning the plates are empty, so it's a battle that I won! ????
  17. That's what I got. Then they handed it back - not needed if you arrived before 2017. Always handed back to me. Won't give them next year, but will have in my brief case. Yes. The "joker" guy (usually laughing and chattering) outside room 103 checks the papers - he doesn't have a file.
  18. My card was ATM only, originally: Then they added all sorts of stuff that I never use:
  19. OK, so I've got my shortlist of SUVs to replace my 17 year old Toyota Tiger pickup: Mitsubishi Pajero Honda CRV MG ZS Isuzu MU-X Toyota Fortuna Mazda CX-8 Toyota Corolla Cross Hybrid Chevrolet Trailblazer Z71 Hyundai Tucson Haval H6 Suzuki XL7 Up to 1 1/2 million is OK. Decisions, decisions. ????
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