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Everything posted by JetsetBkk

  1. No, it was just a regular "living expenses" transfer. I've not even heard of the FETF form, but knew there was something special you had to get if you wanted to get your money out of Thailand if you sold your condo.
  2. ???? ???? ???? This is hilarious! Thanks for the tip about checking the boxes for termites - which I just did. Fortunately, they are both termite-free! But while was doing that, I happened to "notice" the huge great TV box to the left of them! It contained my old 25" TV - can't remember what happened to that - and inside that box is my older 21" TV box! How the heck could I not notice them? ???? It's as if they became part of the furniture and my eyes would see them, but my brain would just ignore them! Anyhow, they are for the chop now. I think the rubbish collector guy is going to be very happy tomorrow.
  3. I'll keep these two. Not just because they're probably worth a few baht, but because I might need them one day if one of the TVs ever needs fixing.
  4. That's what I thought and started to slice a few little 'uns, but thought I'd ask as a lot of them are still usable.
  5. Do they want it in box form - to re-use the box - or crushed flat to save space? (I'm doing a bit of clearing out.)
  6. I just had a look at TrueVisions for the first time in several days (now watching IPTV) and this reduction in programs came as quite a shock. So that's it for me, goodbye True, hello Pulse-TV and/or HDprime - together are cheaper than True. I just hope I can get all the snooker.
  7. I've had enough of this PITA tomcat chasing and fighting with my lovely silver tabby. Actually, neither of them are "my" cats. They just turned up a year ago and stayed. So it's off to the chop shop for him. But where? Is there a place in the south of the island? Rawai or Chalong maybe? Any information appreciated.
  8. in a couple of months they will know more about the Pfizer syndrom Too late for some.
  9. Excellent! You ain't kidding! If my transfer hit the lowest rate, I lost "only" 445 Bt. The next time I do a transfer (in a couple of months), I'll come back and do this again. ????
  10. Hmm, slightly embarrassing, but I'm a big boy. So the money arrived after 27 hours and it wasn't the 481,615 that Matchar said WISE would send. It was only 475,730. So it was 5,885 less - i.e. about £130! Or 1.2%. The current exchange rate at XE.com is 45.5793 THB. So, with that rate, I should've got: 478,606.84 which is 2,876 less than WISE. Or 0.6%. I don't know where WISE got their rate from. Surely, it didn't drop so much in 24 hours?
  11. OK, if it's not too embarrassing, I'll let you know how much I get. ????
  12. Thanks. I just did a £10,500 transfer without apparent problems. Let's see what happens! ???? Maybe someone else can do a £10,500 transfer using WISE, and see how much they get? My bank is Nationwide. Any other Nationwide account holders willing to give it a go? Just as an "academic exercise"? ????
  13. When I do a SWIFT transfer from abroad to my BKB, it shows up the same day if the business hours coincide, or the next day at the latest. At my BKB branch, I can request a detailed document that will show incoming amount, the Baht equivalent, and the commission applied by the bank. The exchange rate is usually the official interbank exchange rate (cfr e.g. oanda.com). BKB levies an amount which I believe is 500THB. Then there is a fee at the origin, that depends on the bank and it might show up days after the transaction. Is this "closure" by Krung Thai Bank only from their website? (They say "on".) I've been transferring from the UK to this bank for decades (nearly).
  14. Yes, Pulse-TV does. It's currently covering some kind of election going on in Germany.... And there are a few more at PlanetNews, not just the BBC: https://planetnews.com/live
  15. Good one! Now watching. I also watch "https://watchnewslive.tv/" which has many channels. I'll try to compare USTVGo and WatchNewsLive, but no promises. I've also got Pulse-TV, an IPTV provider - it's pretty good, but buffers quite often during particular times of the day. But it has "Catch up", i.e. program replays for the previous 24 hours or so, so I can watch later a program that was buffering a lot.
  16. No. Those that have already recovered don't.
  17. I do all of those things. Except the last one.
  18. Ah! Cancel culture at its best. Are you referring to the "American Journal of Therapeutics" article? This one: https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/Fulltext/2021/06000/Review_of_the_Emerging_Evidence_Demonstrating_the.4.aspx Because, in the "Ivermectin, A Reanalysis of the Data" article, it states that the "summary point estimates were largely unaffected" after removing the results of the study by Elgazzar et al. This one: https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/Fulltext/2021/10000/Ivermectin,_A_Reanalysis_of_the_Data.9.aspx Maybe there's another "Journal of Therapeutics" and I'm looking at the wrong one.
  19. "Re-purposed drugs" can be very lucrative. In the late 60's I worked at May and Baker, Dagenham, for 6 months as the "Industrial Training Period" part of my "thick sandwich" college course - 6 months college, 6 months work. Part of my job, first thing every day, was to go through the May and Baker chemical book which listed all the chemicals they held in their stores. I had to select the next 5 items from this very thick book, put varying amounts either by volume or weight into specific containers that were labelled with the various testing departments at May and Baker. These chemicals were then tested to see what effect they had on various animals. I don't recall exactly how many chemicals, what animals, or how much was used - it was a long time ago. But the reason I had to do this was because May and Baker made a small fortune out of one chemical which they discovered acted as an anti-bacterial agent. I was told at the time that it was a pure fluke that they discovered this property and so that was the reason they were testing every single chemical in their stores. According to Wikipedia, the drug (sulfanilamide) was used to cure Winston Churchill's pneumonia in 1942, and May and Baker had been testing chemicals since at least 1937. So maybe the book I was using was the same one another junior employee used 30 years previously. So, be sceptical about Ivermectin if you want. I'll judge it by results. It's getting the accurate results that is the problem.
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