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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. No, the laugh is on you for living in cheapskate paradise where your life could not be more chill and pretending that evil puppets want to ruin your life. Me? I prefer an evil doll:
  2. This is the manly man he-man conclusion? This is some of the simpiest copium I have ever heard. Isn't this just Stuart Smalley repackaged (and Stuart Smalley was a joke)?
  3. Can you tell us about your many, many militant lesbian encounters? Armpit hair details especially welcome.
  4. I consider this board to be the upper tier of humanity. Old guy's livin' la vida loca. How many can say? Me and the crypto bro next door often bong up and commiserate about The Rothschild's. I tipped him off to ascertain jewishness before going down that conversational rabbit hole. Drop by for a puff if you're ever nearby. But wait; I aint laughing no more. Giant puppets are attacking my building. Controlled by who, tho? In this current crisis, it's literally a life and death matter. 'Hope I can make it to the gym.
  5. Boomers still want the equivalent of a coffee table book. Future generations will be mystified. If you have the orig record pretend-"remastered", toss in a blurry dvd of a period-show, and pad it out with another disc of outakes and demo's, then beyond that it's new money for not even old rope.
  6. How does Joe Blow even ever come into contact with lesbian separatist vegans? Office party from hell?
  7. Time to up their game, or just whine like simps?
  8. Who are the puppet masters currently affecting your day to day life? Why do I just get to laugh at their non-existence, while you actually suffer under their oppression?
  9. Yeah, but TEN cd's for one album. That's some serious barrel scraping. On Jazz sets, I've been known to skip alternate versions. They picked the one they picked for a reason. I bought the Bruce Springsteen box of his unreleased stuff and even Saint Bruce had a lot of chuff in his mix. Those 4 CD's could have easily been 2.
  10. For some here, this is a conversation. For other's, it's just a billboard for their thoughts.
  11. People who talk about invisible "puppeteers" that they alone can see are bed bug-crazy.
  12. I liked it better when conservatives were he-men stoics instead of fake victimization whiners. Feel free to wake me up when white middle class men ever encounter anything like a real problem compared to other groups. I lived in Trump Trash land. Their deranged paranoia that liberals want to even be proximate to them, let alone impinge on them..... just never seemed to ever materialize. "Try that in a small town"? Try finding a literate person who wants to set foot in your bible-thumping dump. A guy I like here was complaining about being harassed by vegan lesbians. I doubt his life is that exciting. Or frankly, that that ever really happened.
  13. Hippies always seriously lacked in the irony department. That's why I wanted to be a beatnik, like my idol, Maynard G Krebs as a child. But by the time I got to age 13, that party was already over. Jim Morrison killed the bongo beatin' mad man as seer category for good. I used to work in a bookstore across from Carnegie Hall. John Lennon would pop in. He loved Brautigan and bought Another Roadside Attraction on my recco (another unreadable today hippie book). A pleasure of old age is seeing a lot of po-faced dreck that was thought to be so profound back in the day simply fade away: https://slate.com/culture/2022/10/rod-mckuen-best-selling-poet-songs-what-happened.html
  14. The rare witty hippie (Paul Krassner was another). Great book. Similar vein: Please Kill Me: An oral history of punk rock, by Legs McNeil.
  15. I am surprised to read about a new 10 CD box set of the album Who's Next? It's full of demo's alt. cuts and other useless debris. https://www.salon.com/2023/09/15/in-the-whos-massive-and-majestic-whos-next-box-set-pete-townshends-full-vision-finally-emerges/ This is the ultimate example of useless boomer bloat, but: Have you ever purchased a cd/dvd box set? Were the extra features worth it? I've picked up a few jazz ones, like for Coletrane's Impulse albums or Art Ensemble of Chicago or Sun Ra, since their music is (or was) hard to find. I bought a Willie Nelson in a booklet that looked like it had 4 cd's in it, but the forth cd holder slot just had a picture of a Texas Star. 'Turned me off of Willie a bit. And: Who would you listen to a selective, multi-hour overview of?
  16. Carl Hiassen is def a good example of semi-fiction, in that he takes real life Florida issues and makes a story out of them. John Grisham, Richard Price's crime novels also fit in with Tom Wolfe's concept of a social novel. A true story told like a novel is def my fave thing. Empire of Pain, by the guy who also wrote Snakehead (about Chinese people-smuggling). Or a gripping history book, like The Axial Age. There's a new trend where someone writes something like the history of salt to make a broader point, but so far, I haven't hit a great one.
  17. Can you date around a bit in the moo ban tho?
  18. Did you ever have crazy, angry sex with a vegan? Because that's a story that everyone is dying to hear. Me? No diff than the others.
  19. I eat out in a vegan restaurant at least twice a week. Always very cheery. Militant vegans are like feminazi's. A right wing wet dream. They dream of being hassled, but they're just invisible boomers, not even worth the trouble.
  20. New docu out about this very funny writer who invented New Journalism (see also: Hunter S Thompson. A clip is imbedded in this very good Tom Wolfe short read: https://www.vulture.com/2023/09/tom-wolfe-new-york-magazine-documentary-radical-wolfe.html Any fans of creative non-fiction? I guess Michael Lewis is the only must-read non-fiction writer who I would buy the day the book comes out, Who are your favorite non-fiction, or semi-fiction writers?
  21. What about free produce out in the sticks? I met up with a rural dweller from here and he gave me enough lemons to open a lemonade stand; all of which were gratefully consumed. A lemon off a tree is something that very few people ever get to taste. Do you swap with your neighbors? What fruit is most likely to be a deluge? Any good stories of drowning in mango's?
  22. This would be a good thread to merge with the When You're Old And Lonely thread.
  23. You're a quality poster and I find you reasonably succinct.
  24. Agreed. Time for an end of the species party. We all do have to live sustainably, but I just spent the past dozen years growing my own basil. And on the other end of things, good restaurants provide a lot of middle class employment. When I lived in Laos, there was a lot resistance to eating non-local produce as a matter of pride. I tried a couple of 150 baht peaches and they never did ripen. Were you a country-oriented person before? Do you think you'll be happy doing a farm life style until to your grave? I found back to the land living to be expensive. I think each of my home-grown, very wonderful tomatoes cost me between $3 and $5 each.
  25. Rick Stein is a boomer brand and boomers hate up-charges. Otherwise, well done Rick, for getting a little buzz going for his very mature brand.
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