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Mang Gon

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  1. You've watched "hundreds" of YT videos and yet still you come to an expat forum to ask what phone to buy in the range of $250?? 😃 "Much research"?? Buddy no offence. You'll be okay. Just buy a Samsung for you and an iphone for the missis so she can at least hold her head up in the company of such a man as yourself.
  2. I found Vietnam a very beautiful place with some genuine real people. Hard to be fake when you are towing in a fish net from the beach with 4 other workers. That is kind of a reality most people would not be able to handle. Unlike Thais their society has some admirable qualities. They have hearts.
  3. outside of Bangkok or bigger cities dogs are a nightmare. We called them Mafia lol. They love to just lounge in streets, chase anything with wheels, bark all night, the list goes on. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Don't get me started on those G* D*mn chickens and roosters hahaha
  4. I am aware of that having spent a considerable amount of time in that area. Issan countryside is beautiful if a little sparse on trees. Mostly fields filled with crops or just lay fallow. Still, outside of the inhabited areas it is a peaceful and relaxing place. Villages, towns, and cities not so good. Lots of bad guys and gals. Just because a city is developed does not indicate sophistication or intelligence of the local population.
  5. One word: Corruption. Hey i'm not criticizing their system. If it works for them who am i to judge? However when a group of people wish to join a group of legitimate and, for the most part, honorable people governed by laws applicable to everyone involved sans "Elites" they must prove they are worthy of trust. This will never happen with Thais. With China. Sure. If Sodom and Gomorrah were an actual modern place Thailand would be it imho. If i was them i would not expect a seat at a table filled with respectable men and women. But they can for sure host the party after the meetings 5555
  6. Yes. I used Wise for a time. I wouldn't recommend it.
  7. Girl gotta eat is Corruption prevalent in Cambodia?
  8. I wouldn't hold your breath. Just stick to more developed areas and you'll be fine. Avoid Issan area (Khon Kaen is Issan) and you won't have problems in general. Bangkok has very little dog population issues. Don't forget these are people who drive down wrong side of roads willy nilly, park on streets creating a funnel at the worst possible road points, live in what would generously be called a stick shack, create problems for the sole purpose of creating a toxic environment for monetary or just ill intent, hunt and eat street frogs and insects, consume meth pills combined with caffeine because it make work better 555 (Ya Ba), listen to horrendous music concerts then wait for police to leave to assault one another over losing face or what have you. And these are the endearing aspect of these folks. Rule for Thailand: if it moves, F*s, or has a tabien baan Rent, never buy 5555 Sabai dee Mai?
  9. Bully Dogs: American Bullies are a newer breed that was developed in the United States in the 1990s. They are a mix of several different breeds, including Pitbulls, American Staffordshire Terriers, and English Bull Terriers. Pitbulls, on the other hand, are an older breed that was originally bred in England in the 1800s Yeah, no red flags with that breeding. I'll be honest. Thailand had some of THE absolute worst dogs I have ever run across. The owners were not much better 555. Just walking a street is a potential death trap or dog maul incident waiting to happen. For the most part filthy animals with no one looking after them. Judging by owners and the neighbors I was not surprised by how vicious they wanted their animals to be. Owners encouraged the doggoes to harrass passerbys and delivery people, etc. It is Thai people not the dogs.
  10. I'm not sure why professional ex-pats would have trouble finding a nice unit other than location, location, location. Disclaimer: I have only been in Pnomh Penh a short time. However the 2 units i have stayed have been decent. I'm a bachelor and my standards are not that high except for quiet and proximity to shopping/eating (for groceries). Compared to some places i lived in Thailand these are 5* luxury resort living 555. Driving can be a slow ordeal. I'm not sure how it is as a driver as i don't have vehicle here. For a commuter i could see potential issues so living close to work would be a big plus. The tuk tuks are a surprisingly fine way to get around. The drivers are characters and very helpful with bags etc. 4,000 for short trips?! Yessir. That's like $1 usd...i usually give them a 10'r or $2.50 and they seem happy. Prices of units seem okay, but not el cheapo. Base minimum $500 for a small studio or 1 bedroom in a high rise (12 month lease i am assuming). There are tons of them available afaik. Looks like $60,000 - $75,000 buy price for same level unit. I personally would add in the cost of a car or motorcycle if you like living on the edge (555). All in all I have found Khmer people very warm and gracious people. I think this is a market that could use some love and you will get back the same in spades (and maybe dollars) I can send your info along to a local lady who is English proficient and has work in real estate development. I don't have any experience with her other than i rented a condo from her. I'm not sure but i think she could be a good starting contact. She treated me fairly on an issue with her rental to me. Good luck ) if you want you can message me and i can try to look in to something for you (boots on the ground so to speak) My background was also RE development but from a Civil Engineering/Architecture educational background with heavy emphasis on single family home subdivisions/construction (timber frame) and strip malls anchored by Food Lions/CVS and then mom and pops to fill the tenant spaces. i just sit around a pool all day loafing so would not be a big deal 555. Cheers.
  11. Stay as far away from them as possible.
  12. Seems to be a big question: What is a Man?
  13. Thanks for quick replies. Hope you are all well and enjoying life. Take care.
  14. Hi, I don't even know what to Google for this or where to read pertinent information. Let's say there is a bloke here in Thaialnd on Retirement and has some social friction with some locals. Nothing formal was ever registered as far as law enforcement goes but perhaps some of the wrong toes were inadvertently stepped on. Can a person be blacklisted from future Non-O on the basis of Retirement without some documentation before showing up for renewal at immigration prior to the previous Visa expiring? Is there a system like 3 black marks or something along those lines? Thanks. {Asking for a friend}
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