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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Oh, now it's "a document"? They received the normal tax receipt everyone gets upon filing. No reports of anyone getting the coveted "Tax Clearance Certificate." Sure. Plain old ordinary tax receipt. I filed already, sweetie. Got me refund, as well. How 'bout you? Gonna submit a return and get the majikal certificate, or just continue to monger your scares?
  2. Easy. Live off her pension in her house. Leave your SS in your offshore bank, keep it secret, keep it safe. You're welcome.
  3. It all comes down to whether you as the donor are receiving benefit from the gifted funds. However, it's all a gray area and very much up to interpretation. Clear cut examples are easy. If you gift money that is used for daily living expenses for both of you, that should be disallowed. If you gift money used for daily living expenses for your wife's mother, allowed. Houses and cars are..........complicated. I would say if the house and/or car is put in her name, then it should be allowed, regardless of whether you incidentally live/drive within. Others argue the opposite. The system is primed for corruption as ,in my opinion, that was the original intent. The laws are written by wealthy politicians to protect their wealth and that of their wealthy acquaintances. No need for a 20 million baht gift clause in a nation composed mainly of subsistence farmers. Same reason capital gains on stock and mutual fund sales are tax free, and why Thai mutual funds (holding foreign funds that pay dividends) don't pay dividends. We'll have to wait until someone gets flagged for an audit and has to document their gifts.
  4. Yes, like those. Your particular TRD staffer was misteaken. Just as the one earlier who had someone declare their non-assessable income, and then fudge a makeshift method to deduct it...... Don't expect all the staffers everywhere to be up to speed on the new laws. Do your own research.
  5. Not necessarily. I know others have done that, but unclear why. Could be they were naturalized citizens or green card holders, or who knows what else. I imagine gov.gov has records of my SS "contributions", and my passport renewals, and my DD214. The online sites claiming it's possible to apply online from overseas don't mention certified passports. Maybe Manilla has to do a review for anyone living outside CONUS, and they will schedule an interview if required.
  6. Same item available thru AliBaba. I believe some of those sellers quote delivery with customs included. Contact the seller. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Woodworking-Electric-Bench-Scroll-Saw-18_1600773234706.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normal_offer.d_title.582713a0hdP7Ku Or find the same item on Shopee, made in the same factory by the same workers with the same components, but a different label slapped on it. https://shopee.co.th/Total-แท่นเลื่อยฉลุไฟฟ้า-16-นิ้ว-85-วัตต์-รุ่น-TS88501-(-Scroll-Saw-)-เลื่อยไฟฟ้า-i.21230588.23886159568?sp_atk=f3438209-62c6-4d3d-abbe-0ae6c7c21e9f&xptdk=f3438209-62c6-4d3d-abbe-0ae6c7c21e9f
  7. Hahaha! Silly man. First rule of Rules-Based International Order: Treaties are for other countries to follow. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
  8. Give 'em a minute, man! They're still working on the 2024 Engritchy tax forms!
  9. Gifts are gifts. Salary is compensation for work provided, unless your name is Hunter. Otherwise, I can go buy cigarettes and beer at the seventy-leven and pay by gift, avoiding the 7% VAT.
  10. Okay, I done it. I searched on "tax clearance certificate" and went back several pages, or 'bout 6 months. Not one person claiming to have obtained one. But lots of people warning that the day is coming. Strangely enough they all have a "K" as their avatar.
  11. Dude, that's not Felt35 obtaining a "Tax Clearance Certificate." Those are links to "vestigial" documentation. Got anything where someone has actually gotten one of these sacred indulgences?
  12. "His mother was a hamster and his father smells of elderberries"
  13. Read back thousands of pages? I don't think so. Some have spoken of potential need to obtain a "tax clearance certificate." Some fear-mongers have claimed it will be needed at immigration for extensions. None that I am aware of have actually procured this holy writ of unobtainium. You could be the game-changer! Time is running out, only 3 weeks left. File and get your "TCC" quickly, quickly.
  14. But we have had several executions by drone strike ordered by presidential authority without a trial.
  15. Me? Reading the tax reg'lations. You can find most of it in English. Pretty straightforward as to who has to file and when.
  16. Wow! Another TRD staffer that doesn't know tax regulations. Both statements incorrect. Hub of "Makin' it up as ya goes Along"
  17. I'm not saying that at all. You just want to hear it. This is the disconnect. I'm actually gifting money to the wifi. Not evading tax, not laundering, not filtering. I could remit non-assessable money into my/her account and gift without tax, but then I have transfer fees and foreign exchange fees, twice, as she'd send it back out to invest. If I gift offshore, we save the transfer and forex fees. She can invest in US ETF's, non-dividend payers that appreciate 8-10%/year. Foreign investors pay tax on dividends, but NOT on capital gains. She can invest for higher returns, tax-free in the US, and only pay tax on remitted capital gains as ordinary income, which would likely be below her TEDA at that time anyway. I want a bigly sum sitting there, as the transfer of my brokerage account to her requires IRS documents that take up to a year to process.
  18. Sure............ASSESSABLE transfers. They don't need statements, or anything, showing something not declared. NON assessable remittances are not income, and do not enter into the PIT calculations. Anywho, I thought you were reporting in the third person.
  19. Just wondering.......what Thai companies are you invested in? Average dividend payout on the SET is 3.5%. So if just average companies, you've got 5,714,285 baht invested?
  20. Not positive, but expect if that 200K is your only income, you are probably entitled to a refund of a significant portion of the 20K baht withholding tax. I'm no taxspert, but that's below your TEDA, at least 60K personal allowance and 150K taxed at 0%, so you'll likely get it all back. Let us know what happens.
  21. Why would you do that? Why would you file when your ASSESSABLE remittances are zero? Why would you declare NON assessable funds, when there is no provision on the tax forms to deduct them? Why would you declare NON assessable funds at all, when WE self-determine whether remittances must be declared? If you couldn't file online, you could have simply said "I only brought in savings, no salary or pension" and not given any numbers at all.
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