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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. It hasn't been USED yet. It will be when he RE-ENTERs.
  2. That's insane! Contracts completed during the Bush regime, yet still being paid? Talk about waste, fraud and abuse! Who's a Good Doge!
  3. You would use some standard document showing your Thai address. What is acceptable would be at discretion of each financial institution. Best to contact the bank you want to open an account with. Schwab will accept ID cards, utility bills, bank statements with your name and local address, and will have the document translated if not in English. With Schwab, my wifi used her Thai ID card, I used a bank statement from a US credit union.
  4. Better hope the Germans don't start getting uppity again, 'specially after being stabbed in the Nordstream again.
  5. Them Weegers will be pleased to know they were simply temporarily "detained." ..........for eleven years.
  6. Going to Ukraine? Wear your swastika shirt. You'll be fine.
  7. Quote-mining the Budapest Memorandum is like a creationist citing the Second Law of Thermodynamics to disprove science. They always leave out the bit about closed systems. Similar to those who cite the NATO charter and Article 5 believing a "boots on the ground and planes in the air" military response is guaranteed, ignoring that it merely "calls on" member nations to aid others "in the manner they deem suitable." The Budapest Memorandum doesn't simply provide security guarantees. It also incorporates the Helsinki Final Act and the UN charter. It certainly gets complicated when you throw regime-change and ethnic cleansing into the mix. https://policymemos.hks.harvard.edu/files/policymemos/files/2-23-22_ukraine-the_budapest_memo.pdf?m=1645824948
  8. This is the spot where the editor says "citation needed."
  9. You can scroll on by my comments if you dont like them. Its an open forum.
  10. Not asking why you both don't have marriage extensions, but that's your business......Anyway, your wife has 800K in a bank earning interest. You have 80K brought into a bank monthly, earning interest. You both are paying 15% tax on that interest, withheld at the source. File a null return online and get your withholding tax refunded. Get the free statement from your bank, file online claiming zero assessable remitted income, and upload a photo of that document, download a receipt for filing tax. Takes a total of 15 minutes, and you'll likely get 4-5000 baht refunded. While you're at it, get bank withholding statements for 2022 and 2023, file late returns online (pay one 200 baht late fee), and get another 8-10 thousand baht refunded. If you can't figger out the online system, or haven't gotten your pink ID activated for use in tax filing, return to the empty TRD office and the ladies there will file your three tax returns. Take some banana muffins for the staff.
  11. Says random anonymous nobody on the innertubes about a billionaire, the president of the USA, and leader of the (relatively) free world.
  12. Yes, I can read. The topic is: Shock discovery! Zelensky owns a suit!! Absotively nothing to do with the orange-tinted squatter in your cranium. It's about Zelensky's wardrobe.....or lack thereof.
  13. ........dress appropriately. No deflecting, please. Stay on topic.
  14. So what if the cowardly little nazi wanna-be likes to play dress up. At least he didn't...........
  15. According to one government site, yes. If you live outside the U.S., you can apply for Social Security benefits online. https://www.usa.gov/social-security-abroad If this is true, then I do not need to go thru Manila Operations, and do not need to get a certified copy of my passport from the Bangkok embassy. I have my account at ssa.gov set up, I am able to log in using ID.me receiving a text to my Thai cell number. I logged on, downloaded my latest benefits statement. Just the basic package, wife not involved. Direct deposit to a US credit union. Am I correct? Apply online here? https://www.ssa.gov/apply
  16. That boy grew up to become the illegitimate "leader" of a nazi apartheid regime, and responsible for attempting to ethnically cleanse the Donbass, and then the loss of 1/4 of his territory, and then the deaths of an entire generation of Ukranians. Winning!
  17. Zelensky has been grifting for the last three years, sending others to die for whatever the claim is this week, while he does the begging tour of European capitals. He'll be 'coptering off with suitcases full of benjamins in short order, soon to be sharing a flat with that other installed vassal Karzai once his usefulness comes to a complete end.
  18. Oh, so Ukraine did hold elections? Guess I was worng.
  19. Putin holds election. Zelensky declares martial law and cancels elections. Sorry.
  20. Defense against what exactly? Russia and China want to trade. Why would they threaten their bestest customers? The only recent attack on Europe was Biden's destruction of Nordstream. As for defense, there's only the endless waves of economic migrants flowing up from the middle east and africa to defend against. If NATO would stop meddling in brown/black countries and regime-changing stable governments and destroying economies and infrastructure, most of those illegal immigrants would happily remain in their homelands.
  21. They can't be that worried, not if they keep sending cash and wunder waffles to the little mad dictator of kiev!
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