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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Oh, that old talking point. Budapest Memo (signed by Yeltsin) wasn't a forever get-out-of-jail-free card. It referenced Helsinki Act and UN charter. Ethnic cleansing has consequences. I promise if you don't kick my dog, I won't punch you in the nose. Raping my daughter voids all warranties, expressed or implied.
  2. So Putin just woke up one morning and, just on a whim, decided to take Crimea? Completely unprovoked, naked aggression? Regime-changing the legitimately-elected Ukranian government had nothing to do with it? "We" weren't pushing Kiev to terminate the Russian lease on Sevastapol? "We" weren't going to put missiles on the Russian border? Putin isn't stupid, and isn't a silly comic-book super-villian. He's not Doctor Evil. Constant movement of NATO, bringing more bases up to Russia's borders, despite the assurances of "not an inch to the east" and a series of proxy wars, and we crossed a red line.
  3. Thank you for the reply. Did you enter your Thai address and cellphone number, or did you use an existing US address and phone? I'm hoping the file will be processed normally, and only be passed to Manilla in the event of some problem. Please update as the process continues.
  4. Too much trouble to climb the stairs. Considering how many video clips are out there of pedestrians getting run over while crossing the street directly below a bridge, it won't solve the problem.
  5. US social security is not taxable per DTA.
  6. 2025 Millions of rice farmers switch to bananas. 2026 Millions of banana farmers switch to catnip. 2027 Millions of catnip farmers switch to rice. 2028 Thailand crowned "Hub of Lather-Rinse-Repeat"
  7. No, that's not what you said. If you're gonna praise murder of politicians, at least have the balls to stand behind your statement.
  8. So.........you're sayin' the Ukranians are, umm..........terrorists?
  9. Didn't stop him from "serving" as a cadet captain in ROTC at New York Military Academy where he was on the Varsity baseball, soccer and football teams. Trump won the Proficient Cadet award for two years running and Honor Cadet for four years running too. For two years in a row he also won the Neatness and Order medal. Under the 'Popularity Poll' section of the yearbook, Trump was nominated as the 'Ladies Man' of the year "Chicks dig the uniform, man! They practically LET you do it!" For more entertaining photos, see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3168648/Donald-Trump-pictured-uniform-cadet-captain-dodged-Vietnam-draft-four-deferments-bone-spur.html
  10. If ethnic cleansing of the Donbass never begins, when will the Russian advance start? Gosh, we've been moving NATO closer and closer for decades, and Russia just sits there, minding its own business. "Not an inch to the east!~" Haha, silly Russians use metric, they don't know what an inch is. Hey! Let's overthrow Ukraine! Then we can get Russia thrown out of Sevastopol, and then Kiev can cleanse the eastern provinces. What could go wrong!
  11. Is he? Is he, really? Let's compare the destruction of Kiev to, oh, I dunno......Fallujah?
  12. Stupid russian tactics, right? Another sign they're losing? Or just no need to risk aircraft against western wunder waffle air defenses if they don't have to. Why fly your planes directly over an air defense site if you have glide bombs that will do the job without risking pilots/planes?
  13. Obviously you need a TIN in order to file a return. If you have a pink ID, that number is your TIN, but the tax office must first activate it for use with the online system.
  14. I'm fairly certain this is a fine charged when tax is due but unpaid. For late filing, there is a late filing (processing?) fee of 200 baht. This is only charged once per year. I filed 2021, 2022 and 2023 last year, all filed late in July. Online filings. I was charged a 200-baht late fee for 2023, paid by bank transfer in the system. I was NOT charged late fees for 2021 or 2022. Received refunds for all three years. Is there a difference between fines and fees? I would say yes, and I would expect someone filing late and owing tax would be charged the 200-baht processing fee AND the 1.5% interest surcharge AND the maximum 2000-baht penalty fine. We'll have to wait and see if anyone reports any application of surcharges or fines. As to the requirement for tax paperwork for immigration, there have been no reports of such, and statements by immigration that they have no intention of that.
  15. I filed online in January, already received my refund. It's the same process as for the three late filings I did online last year (one 200-baht late filing fee), and a couple I did before the covids. For interest/dividend withholding tax refund, upload the bank/dividend withholding statement. For remittances, it's still self-determination. If NON-assessable, then not declared. Not included in PIT. No statements needed. If assessable,........................I haven't remitted any, but can't say.
  16. And yet the fee for late filing is only 200 baht.
  17. More folks losing......
  18. Karma? It reminds me yet again of the Wokeist cultural devolution where inexperienced, racist, diverse ideologues replaced people that actually had expertise. Burn it down! Fight the patriarchy!
  19. Shouldn't be a problem. You fill out and return the proof of life forms when prompted, right? In that case, your files are in order, and no red flags.
  20. Ever been to Tuscon, Phoenix, Albuquerque? They pick up Manuel Labor and his cousins by the vanload every morning.
  21. And that was the point of the exercise. Somehow military owned aircraft, with military contract purchased fuel, operated by military personnel, with military security, with no frills, no free drinks, no air miles, no choice of meals, no Planters nuts in "foist class", and no travel perks............is somehow prohibitively expensive compared to common carriers? That's frakkin' insane! Musk! Musk! Quick, let the Doge's out! Stamp out this fraud, waste, and abuse. It's time to audit the Pentagon!
  22. Isn't the Thai section mostly on flat land? The entire line from Kunming to Vientiane, consisting of mostly tunnels and bridges, was completed ahead of schedule and within budget of about $6 billion, 2016-2021. Delayed once due to the Rail Minister's corruption trial. A Chinese court has given former Railways Minister Liu Zhijun a suspended death sentence for corruption and abuse of power, state media report. Liu was accused of accepting bribes totalling more than 64m yuan ($10m; £6m) over 25 years. Prosecutors said he awarded government rail contracts in return for bribes. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-23222240
  23. To what end? Shoot down russian washing machines? You understand that would be done by Poland or some other insignificant, expendable "ally." In doing so, they would be committing themselves to war with Russia, with no Article 5 protections. The inevitable response, hazelnuts roasting your "ally's" airbases over a free fire zone, would be met with nothing but strongly-worded letters of disapproval, and perhaps a shipment of blankets from France. Just more "Hey, let's you and him fight!"
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