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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. Unfortunately, Fear is a powerful tool especially among the uneducated and ignorant bunch.
  2. Mike, I think you wisely reiterated before but it is worth repeating, if most ex pats didn't have any family connections to Thailand , there would be a bigger exodus. I have no doubt. I have enjoyed coming to Thailand for many years ( 15 x since 2006) , its a wonderful country to vacation for the $, but honestly I wouldn't frequented as much as I did if I wasn't married to my Thai wife. With covid the last few years, we had to cancelled our bi yearly trip in 2021. She's not asking me to go to LOS this summer.
  3. Look for Viet Nam for beaches, culture/ history/ tradition, culinary goodness, back packing adventures, and nightlife. And girls, they are everywhere if you know where to look.
  4. I've said it before, but when this pandemic is over the world will still have to deal all the health issues you mentioned. those morbidity conditions aren't to go away magically because there is no covid to contend with.
  5. its really astonishing that Thailand is still considering " bubbles" with certain countries when the most of the world is moving forward by removing more and more restrictions so their tourism sector will have a chance to thrive once again. lastly, the bubble plan didn't really take off when it was discussed during the height of the pandemic, what makes TAT believe it has a chance now??
  6. You have to ask yourself, why were they decommissioned in the first place?? ????
  7. The covid insurance and the 3 day quarantine will mostly hindered any improvement in tourism I'm afraid. I believe that will eventually be drop once they see most tourists will not accept those condition. I read that Viet Nam had 3 phases in place for the reopening of the country. The first phase involved tour packages for designated destinations since last November. The second phase began last month with more destinations available and finally the third phase in starting in June where the whole country is completely open for travelers. Viet Nam is over 90% fully vaccinated with 18 years of age and over. The booster shot is coming along nicely too.
  8. Whenever I read matters regarding Thailand accepting anything from China, this image comes to mind.
  9. This article is rather amusing. The other day we here Thai businesses lamenting the lack of Chinese tourists and now we read Thailand is the best destination for Chinese people. Nothing like a nudge and wink wink to get things going the right direction.
  10. Saudi Arabs will make life miserable for those foolish Thais brave enough to work in the desert kingdom. They may forgive, but in their hearts and minds they won't forget.
  11. While the rest of the world is trying to move on from Covid, Thailand remains in a " bubble".
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