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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. Basically 3 Turks against a one Russian.
  2. There are many " Don'ts" in LOS and one of them is don't ride your bicycle here
  3. me thinks thou doth protest too much...
  4. Nigerians arrested, implicated in cocaine smuggling Bangkok Post Learning - Learn English from News "Thai woman trying to smuggle cocaine into Japan by swallowing 59 small packets of the drug, about 700 grams in total. The cocaine was worth about 2.1 million baht, police said." 🙄
  5. So basically, a current corrupted political figure vs a puppet for an ousted corrupted political figure. TIT!
  6. more like poor Thai people. the Thai gov't, elites, and top military brass could care less what the international community thinks of them.
  7. so, after 9 years without any real progress from another useless coup, Thailand once again is facing bleak future in the hands of the Shinwatras. Amazing that the more things changed, the more they remained the same in LOS.
  8. soon we will hear Thai people speaking English with a Slavic accent. That should be pure entertainment. 🤣
  9. not anymore. Israelis are making LOS their new home. the countless Ukrainians and Russians are coming more and more by the day. let's not forget the rich as well as the criminal Chinese element are making Thailand home away from home.
  10. Americans are the least of LOS worries compared to other nationalities coming to its shores.
  11. never enough with the greedy TAT in charge.
  12. They wanted to be the hub of everything, so now enjoy it!!
  13. along with 30k Israelis, millions of Chinese and Indian tourists, and every Tom, Dick and Harry from all over the world. Thailand seems to be a haven for everyone and everything in between.
  14. did the author of this article vomit after writing this utter drivel??/
  15. Anything for the police to get out of doing their assigned jobs. well, done Pattaya🙄
  16. pure and utter greed and the competition to be #1 in SE Asia tourism has shattered any mode of decorum remaining in Thailand
  17. WHOOPIE!!! Wake me up when is around 40 and upwards!
  18. I can't help but LOL when these stories come up regrading misuse property for illegal Airbnb or hotel operations. what did this joke of a government and TAT expect when they ALLOWED everyone and their mother in LOS for the sake of the precious baht???? SOM NOM NA!!!!!
  19. Authorities discovered friends in Oman contacted the Thai embassy, finding no record of her return. Mind told friends she feared for her life, revealing her boyfriend had allegedly killed three women before. He reportedly forced her to take drugs, leaving her weakened, and used her social media to send threats to her friends. enough said. let's hope she is alright and return safely to her parents. 🤞
  20. it's simple. Thailand and TAT don't care about so- called quality tourists, never have. They are only concerned about spending of the baht, period! quantity over quality has been their formula. TAT loves to tell the world how many tourists they received each month. All the while, the incidents of violence, scams, and accidents related to tourism continues to rise each year without any proper resolve from the clowns in charge.
  21. all the coup did was put Thailand back 10 years.
  22. So, it's finally official, Thaksin is running the show! it took several months and multiple articles to confirmed it. 🙄
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