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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. Yes to a degree I am referring to the emergency decree. Thx for the updates on masking in LOS. But I have to say, Bangkok IS essentially Thailand. Its the largest city and the biggest metropolitan area in the country. Not only is it the capital, it is the business, entertainment , trading, and financial center of the country. Furthermore it is the most visited city in the entire region of SE Asia. Optics is everything and as long as BKK appears to follow orders and thete are no " protests ", things are all good in their eyes. The junta really doesn't care about Pattaya who they viewed as a eyesore and outcasts. Phuket and the islands are too far removed from the center of power they don't posed a threat to their authority. As long as they have Krung Thep under control and in compliance , Ithey could care less about the rest of the nation as they don't weild any substantial influence or power to be considered a threat.
  2. Like I said before, Thailand will have a hard time lifting the much awaited masks mandate completely. It has become a vital weapon for this junta to control the mass without firing a single shot. As long they conditioned the population about the risks of covid, they will appear to be in control. This perpetual fear prevents street protests and large public gatherings to challenge this unlawful government.
  3. entering Thailand equates to 1 million tourists according to TAT?? ????
  4. I know you are posting in jest or maybe not, but I know enough Thais who sadly believe this. Unfortunately, Anutin and clowns like him have made matters worse.
  5. well its a good thing that we are free to make choices based on our own beliefs, research, and reasoning.
  6. "Thailand is approaching Covid-19 redefinition as ‘endemic’ but with no exact timeframe, Public Health Minister says" move along, nothing to see here when anything is mentioned with this clown .
  7. nam pla ( fish sauce) is very pungent and stronger tasting than the Viet nuoc mam
  8. some of the Thai food I've eaten has more than soft power!
  9. Thailand the hub of uniforms. and speaking of military uniforms, I have never seen a country where public/ civil officials dressed in military attire as much as this bunch. they seemed to be obsessed with it. Red Cross Youth Ministry of Finance Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry of Transportation Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry
  10. my first trip to LOS and I saw a bunch of monks on the back of the baht bus. most had tattoos and looked like hardened gangsters. from that moment on, I was always weary of the "Thai Sangha. "
  11. I love how he's making this matter a priority at this time but all those previous scandals that has embarrased Thai Buddhism didn't raised any red flags??? How pathetic.
  12. Thailand is unlike any other country in the world when it comes to regulations, restrictions, measures and mandates. They seemed to relish every bit of bureaucracy and paperwork as anyone on the planet. Its almost a discipline!
  13. The headline should read Prayut satisfied with the continual practice of testing less and less as Thailand begins to lift more restrictions.
  14. unfortunately Thailand will be one of the last remaining countries to do so.
  15. PM Prayut orders Thailand Pass to be improved, says tourists are essential | Thaiger (thethaiger.com) " Prayut Chan-o-cha ordered government agencies to quickly fix the system to ensure there are no delays with the approval process, adding that foreign tourism is essential for reviving Thailand’s economy, according to a government spokesperson."
  16. You and I must be married to the same woman! My wife feels the same way. Other than visiting the country every other year to see her family, she has repeatedly told me she never wants to live in Thailand again. I asked her why she has so much resentment and negative views of her homeland, she said after living in America and traveling abroad, she sees Thailand for what it is.
  17. Excellent news. My brother and sister lives in Allen and cousins lived in Houston. They love Texas!
  18. I think you mean Post Office which is considered a government/ federal building. The majority of stores, retail shops, bars, mall, restaurants, and sporting venues no longer required masks. Of course, every business has the right to keep masks mandate in place, but you won't find many that do due to fear of losing customers.
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