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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. ....and they can take their separatist mates in the DPR, who fought alongside them, back to Russia as well! ....and return the 1 million Ukrainian citizens Russia transported to gulags and concentration camps.
  2. Panicked Russian troops retreat to nine miles from border as Putin's Plan B crumbles VLADIMIR PUTIN'S troops have been pushed back to "within just nine miles" of the Russian-Ukraine border as Moscow faces a humiliating "collapse" of its Plan B invasion strategy. Russian forces have been pushed back to within just nine miles from its own border, as Vladimir Putin's forces are on the brink of "total collapse". CNN's Nick Paton Walsh, reporting from Kharkiv after a Russian retreat, said that the military "reset" of the invasion three weeks ago has already unravelled. Express
  3. Well, if I was the next patient to be using the room, I would be happy to hear that. ???????? Surely, you are not suggesting that you were being ripped off?
  4. This discussion is in a Thailand forum and relates to Thai private hospitals. Not hospitals in the US.
  5. Best to buy something on the card straight away then they can't cancel it.
  6. Anyone here ever been able to negotiate a hospital significantly down?
  7. Why do you insult animals? They wouldn't do what the Russians Orcs are doing in Ukraine.
  8. Well if you go to a top rated hospital in Bangkok, the prices are going to be high.
  9. No it isn't, he is just wants to de-nazify the PKK but he is on our side ☹️
  10. Wow! India have donated 100 tents and 2,500 blankets to Ukraine. ☹️ And 'neutral' Ireland €9M of non-lethal aid. ☹️☹️
  11. All those men of fighting age in court. Shouldn't they be out fighting the Orcs?
  12. These traitors (spys), are they.... 1) Russians living in Ukraine? 2) Russian speaking Ukrainian citizens? 3) Non-Russian Ukrainian citizen?
  13. Indeed, I would consider someone who did that a traitor and a spy. A last cigarette, blindfold and a firing squad at dawn. ????
  14. Finland's leaders announce intention to join NATO Finland's president and prime minister have said the country must submit an application to join NATO within days, dramatically ramping up tensions between Russia and the West. President Sauli Niinisto and prime minister Sanna Marin made a joint statement today saying they will join the security alliance 'without delay', despite Kremlin threats it would secure 'the entire destruction' of the country and 'the most undesirable consequences'. Daily Mail Does Finland have a powerful military? Finland's official policy states that a wartime military strength of 280,000 personnel constitutes a sufficient deterrent. The army consists of a highly mobile field army backed up by local defence units.
  15. The Russians still think they are a great, superpower. ???? They think they can still make demands but they have shown they are a paper tiger. Their destiny is to be pushed back to their own borders.
  16. Maybe they are waiting for you to come up with a feasible rescue plan? ????
  17. When will that be then? Or will you tell us afterwards??
  18. Making cost comparisons using Defence as an example is just repetitive leftist claptrap. Recent events have shown that if anything, defence spending is woefully inadequate. You should be making comparisons with.... 1) The millions spent on overpaid "TV stars" and newscasters by the BBC. 2) The millions misused on top management and woke training in the NHS. 3) The millions spent on supporting illegal immigrants coming from Calais. 4) The millions wasted on the House of Lords, one of the largest legislative bodies in the world. 5) The millions wasted on gold plated pensions for MPs, police and civil servants. 6) The billions wasted on the "Overseas Development fund". 7) Billions wasted on climate change such as cars using diesel fiasco and now electric cars. and so on.....
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