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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. I thought the Russians were using the road system and not travelling cross country?
  2. They are not countries, they are all failed states which oppress their citizens. That takes the population count down to about 4 people who are the presidents.
  3. Please enlighten me as to Vlad's reason for bombing civilian targets then? ????
  4. This is very odd and I disagree with Andrew Neil saying it is a tactical move. Normally I like him but I think he is wrong on this one. I would have thought huge amounts of military hardware stretched out on a road over 40 miles long would be a very vulnerable position. How do the Russian troops keep warm? Do they run their truck 24 hours a day and run out of diesel. What about hot food? Lets hope this will become the 40 miles of doom and destruction of the Russian Army!
  5. It was the Chinese version as against the Global version. Be careful of Chinese phones being sold a lot cheaper than usual.
  6. What is the point of quoting from a source that says you must be a subscriber to read? ☹️
  7. Agreed. Russia has already lost out because Europe has lost it's fear of them in conventional warfare. During the Cold War, the fear was the Soviet Union would sweep across Europe in a lightening strike with its advantage of more tanks. Now, the truth is more likely it would get 50 or a 100 miles past its borders before getting bogged down outside the first major cities it encounters.
  8. I think that would be the last of their worries in the present circumstances!
  9. I subscribe to 'bald and bankrupt', genuine guy who makes some interesting videos. I suspect the video you refer to is this one.... Leaving Kyiv On A Refugee Train That is a lie about the train packed with mostly young 20-30, looked like mothers and children to me.
  10. Sitting in your comfy armchair in front of your keyboard making pronouncements of how "sad" it all is. Nah!! Keep your defeatist thoughts to yourself.
  11. The Russians wouldn't have much chance against the hoards of Thai bar girls. ???? They would be running back to Mother Russia.
  12. Did she care for someone in the UK and receive Carer's payment?
  13. She might be entitled to some state pension. How old was he when he died? A State Pension won't just end when someone dies, you need to do something about it. ... You may be entitled to extra payments from your deceased spouse's or civil partner's State Pension. However, this depends on their National Insurance Contributions, and the date they reached the State Pension age.
  14. Despite what was reported earlier, it is now being reported Belarus soldiers have entered Ukraine. Lets hope they feel the pain soon.
  15. Belarus leader says Minsk won't join Russian operation in Ukraine, Belta reports Reuters
  16. 40 km or 40 miles what does it matter, it's f...king big no matter what it is! Anway, no doubt they are falling into Zelensky's trap and their size will rapidly diminish soon!
  17. Putin left reeling as key ally Belarus refuses to join war - Lukashenko abandons Russia
  18. I think it is looking very good for Ukraine! Last week people thought they would crumble in a few hours of a Russian invasion. Now they have Russia trembling with what to do next. A 40 km long Russian convey winding its way along the road to Kyiv.... what could go wrong?
  19. If they are married to Ukrainian men, the men are not allowed to leave Ukraine if of conscription age. Rightly so too.
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