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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. No, why would I want to go there? Thailand has better looking women.
  2. WOW! you spent all that time on research and concocting dribble to flame a one liner I wrote. I am truely flattered!
  3. That definition is not what springs to mind when being called an Alien. This is what a real Alien looks like ......
  4. In Thailand foreigners are called Aliens, says it all really. ☹️
  5. A bacon sarnie with brown sauce is one of my favorite foods. Is there something wrong with that? ????
  6. That must have been thousands of years ago and they knew about DNA then? Respect man! ????
  7. Well, it can't be a picture of an "old geezer" because he doesn't have a zimmer frame or a fat wallet so it must be a picture of yourself! Try some plastic surgery if you are having problems getting a girlfriend!
  8. Well there you, in black and white for all you doubters! What a fine newspaper is the Nigerian Guardian. ????
  9. Well, if you go in March or April, then it is only 59 days! So 60 days is fine!
  10. Where do you live then? Soi Buakhao, Pattaya? In a fan room with rent 3,000 baht a month and huddled over a bottle of Chang with your room mates. ????????
  11. 'Court of public opinion!'! hahaha???? What do you read then.... The Sun or The Beano??
  12. Prescription drugs? You are allowed 30 days supply in Thailand. Don't transit in the Middle East.
  13. Don't you think he should be tried and found guilty before a court first?
  14. I did mine yesterday on the new website. For the last year I hadn't been able to do it online. Got approval within about 4 hours. ???? Good enough for me.
  15. So, if you always do it as soon as possible i.e. 15 days before, then it becomes a 75 day notification not 90 days? ☹️
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