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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. You be careful there. I am always reading about some guy who did intense cardio, moderate weight training and checking their pulse several times a day while swigging Olive Oil and they suddenly 'shuffle off this mortal coil'. Then all their friends and colleagues are saying "I can't believe it, he was so fit and healthy". I am off now for a thick bacon sandwich with dollops of tomato ketchup followed by some Leo later ????????
  2. Why do you take Enaril as well? Isn't the Amlopine enough?
  3. That's not high blood pressure! It's normal for a man in his 60's.
  4. What a load of old flannel! Of course you should see a Doctor and if he prescribes medicine then take it.
  5. Compassion from the authorities for foreigners? You have got to be joking!
  6. What about long time foreign residents who are denied insurance cover due to age or prior health conditions? No mention about them! ☹️☹️ Also, what about long time foreign residents who are quoted extortionately high sums for insurance cover because of age or prior health conditions! ☹️☹️ Why didn't he mention these situations?? A wasted opportunity to sort this mess out.
  7. In Thailand, there is a generic equivalent of Amlodipine called Amlopine 10.
  8. BP tablets are only one or two baht each and they could save your life or stop you having a stroke. Why mess with that? Unfortunately, alcohol does have a negative effect on BP. Try reducing down from 6 large bottles of Chang a day to 5 bottles. ????
  9. Why did you show two bank books when it was not necessary? The fault here is yours. I too, take additional evidence but I keep it in my bag unless required. To date never been required.
  10. Then the delay is at HWDC Langley. What do expect? Their staff are probably all off sick. ????
  11. Yes, but did you put a PAR AVION stamp on it?? If you don't it goes by boat. ????????
  12. I have had cards sent by Royal Mail International signed and tracked. No problem, good service. You don't need DHL/Fedex, etc. Normally takes about a week. Make sure you put a Thai phone number under the address label so the postman can call you if he has a problem. Put some cardboard in the envelope so no one can feel the cards.
  13. Correct, the six million dollar man would have needed 180 million baht.
  14. 8 large bottles of Chang = 480 Baht a day is enough for anyone.
  15. You think Immigration will show compassion?
  16. 350,000 baht hospital bill, nearly £8,000 for 10 day stay! Must be a good room at 35,000 baht a night!
  17. https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/cv19-vaccines/lets-try-that-again-us-to-attempt-another-donation-of-1-million-vaccine-doses
  18. Guaranteed deposits at banks are limited to 1 million baht now. So, looking for other safe ways to save money in these unsettled times. Gold and land seem safe to me.
  19. No, Thailand didn't received the 2nd donation. https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/cv19-vaccines/lets-try-that-again-us-to-attempt-another-donation-of-1-million-vaccine-doses
  20. The 2nd donation never came. https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/cv19-vaccines/lets-try-that-again-us-to-attempt-another-donation-of-1-million-vaccine-doses
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