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Everything posted by blackshadow

  2. I KNOW Where food mart is but NOT foodTOWN ???!!!!!!!!
  3. kerb is the korrect spelling!!!
  4. what is the point of this post ???
  5. would be nice to know which tv channels the world up is going to be telivsed on ???
  6. WE are not doctors on here.....GO SEE a good doctor.......it is as simple as that....!!!
  7. can not DO need a engine ??!!!!
  8. perhaps it just might start again when you return to thailand.....!!!!
  9. just like american football players......
  10. i wiill be watching england play iran at 8pm here using a free streaming site I know.....21st November
  11. e c m and e d m operative !!! and some times a tensile testing machine operator......
  12. never ever change money in an aiport.....worst rates all the time.....unless really desparate to change money.....!!!
  13. i hope to watch from a free steaming site.......
  14. THEY play iran first round.....so not get knocked out.....did you know ???
  15. WHAT a silly question......
  16. yrs ago i got "fined" 100 baht by a copper for not wearing a shirt IN MY OWN TRUCK !!!
  17. why not look our friend GOOGLE ???
  18. short list of fines in thailand Traffic Violations Fine Fine Driving without a license 200฿ 200฿ Illegally stopping in restrict ... 300฿ 300฿ Using an unroadworthy vehicle 400฿ 400฿ Reckless driving 400฿
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