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Everything posted by blackshadow

  1. should be done for dangerous driving.....and banned a couple of years.....
  2. so WHAT is so special about xmas??
  3. wow you are quick are you not ???
  4. HAVE YOU never heard of western union?????
  5. IT IS ON A special palm tree that wears a kilt around the trunk !!! have seen a few near udon thani..........
  6. did not know you were a TWITCHER !!!
  7. two legged birds by looks of it..... they look nice....
  8. SEVEN eleven are good places to pay......and there are only A FEW OF THEM in thailand !!!
  9. WHO would take a room without seeing it first?????? or even pay monies without seeing it????
  10. disgusting .....500 baht.....and flowers should be off the road for 5 years....!!!
  11. NOT IN UK can you do except if it is a filter lane and the green light is in your favour can one turn left
  12. so go ahead and pay......not a problem for me what you doo
  13. ok no problem go find info from other people....I WILL not help you
  14. more like driving too close and hitting the brakes too hard.....
  15. wrong in your head to pay nearly 60 quid !!!!
  16. 39 steps....stagecoach....and zulu !!!
  17. vehicles from the right have right of way....one must only turn left if it is safe to do so.....
  18. HOW old is the vehicle??
  19. does NOT mean she can drive !!!!!
  20. search for NAM she has f/b pages
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