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Everything posted by blackshadow

  1. pavements are FOR people ....NOT VENDING CARTS.....or motor bikes !!!!
  2. run a finger on the inside of the tyre......there could be a small sliver of glass or other sharpe projectile sticking through outside to inside of the tyre... I had same problem yrs ago.....I did what i suggest and it was a the end of a thorn sticking into the inside of tyre !!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. turpentine cleans brushes.......perhaps paint thinner might work too !!!
  4. he sells everything......why send an inane comment ?????????????????
  5. submarine or a boat......flying is one of the safest ways to travel..... a jumbo can still fly on 3 engines......!!! and have the best R R engines fitted.......
  6. have to take driving test again when hit 70 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. my doc in the Uk prescribed attenolol......PRENOLOL here.....50 mgs......and I have been ok take one tab twice a day !!!!!
  8. why not use an AUCTION HOUSE ?? COLLINBOURNES is a well known/used auction house ....... Talk to john...........
  9. what would he have done in SNOW OR ICY ROADS......which most Uk people have driven on ????
  10. so if road was slippery why no other vehicles crash ??? it was HIS bad driving vain excuse again !!!!
  11. ever heard "OF BEING SCREWED" Your a fool to yourself........ plenty of other fish in the sea........
  12. dogs like this and other good dogs should be micro chipped.......
  13. no re enactment.....or police pointing ......what a pity ????!!!
  14. WHAT do you think.....if they are closed......stupid post
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