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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. Woman actually play full on contact rugby ( many leagues but thankfully not rammed downn your throat ), it's an embarassment to the sport.
  2. Really tho, it's a male sport, next thing you know they'll be playing rugby and boxing soon, oh hold on minute......
  3. I enjoy other female sports, tennis / golf etc but i can't stand football.
  4. Did you use 'dude'? lol. You're right we choose to watch what interests us but when it hogs the headlines on sports websites when there's other major events on is to be quite frank - total nonsense.
  5. Thanks for the sympathy. I'm sure there's not many grown adult men with a good knowledge of football watching the Euro's. There was recently one of the international A teams that played an under 15's boys team and got beat about 14-0 which shows the level of their skills ( or lack thereof ).
  6. Yes, i understand that but thanks for pointing it out and trust me i'd never watch any of it. However any sports website you open up it's in your face, if you follow EPL then you'll understand what i'm on about with pundits, it's kinda rammed down your throat.
  7. It totally annoys me the amount of coverage this gets nowadays, it's absalotely pathetic to watch. It also annnoys me how many women pundits there is... They want paid on a level playinng field with men - comedy gold! Rant over.
  8. I understand that - thanks.
  9. Yeah, booked direct on their website for 11.5K for 2 nights.
  10. Correct, add that to the fact she would not care...
  11. Thanks. Really wanted to stay at Banyon Tree to get up to Vertigo for a feed as well but 7.5K per night, trolling through the booking sites now...
  12. You'd be very surprised.
  13. Where would you stay? Sathorn / Suk / Silom, not overly concenred as long as it's on MRT or BTS line. Thanks.
  14. Most Thai people don't bat an eye lid about being in debt. Totally retarded that the finance company would agree to payments of 7K a month on a 9K a month salary - madness.
  15. Mflow is what to sign up for, i think you can use Mpass / Easy pass with this but not the other way round. Name on registration book must match name on ID you provide, don't think you can register someone elses vehicle but i may be wrong.
  16. Nonsense - most women would simply laugh at this. Would it affect your connfidience is some bird flashed you her mot?
  17. Thanks.
  18. No one takes anything you say seriously - you have no idea. Now, that's brilliant.
  19. Was this one implant with one tooth or one implant to cover a couple? If you don't mind me asking what was the cost?
  20. I would think some of this is on credit.
  21. I have a condo in Pattaya if i feel the need for a few days to party. You can have fun in any decent size town in Thailand, i've had some of my best nights out in places i would have least expected.
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