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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. Does one nont need to sit down with GP to annalyse the results?
  2. I've used them, service is impecable. You get what you pay for.
  3. I used to enjoy Steak and Co. Beefeaters has been my recent choice, always reliable. Both reasonably priced IMO.
  4. Why should i? I'd dread to think of the nonsense provided in their answers...
  5. That's great, but can't the be proud and just fit in like everyone else goes about their business?
  6. But straight people don't shout they're straight, they just go about their business. Many gay people seem to like the whole world to know.......and then they complain.....very strange.
  7. Exciting times - lol
  8. Can anyone recommend one, must have parking. 3000bht budget. Thanks.
  9. really? Imagine how many shots you'd be getting if a frequent traveller, i find this 14 days hard to beleive.
  10. I'm sure they'll be gutted....you sound like such a catch.
  11. And just wait for death to take you - fantastic...
  12. Wait for Kwasaki to answer, he knows everything.......
  13. Comical that you put so much effort into your replies to try and justify yourself.
  14. You are correct, i have no idea about service intervals, that why i asked.....duh!
  15. The OP infact does n't care about the peanut money, the question was is it necesarry, did you miss that bit? There's been a good broad range of replies with only a few smart a**e respones like yours, which might be expected.
  16. Sure ok, you know everything as you 'claim' in most of your other posts - Pattaya dying it's death is a good point in case.
  17. Ok - thanks, all great ideas.
  18. Have you been there?
  19. Anyone that drives into pollards with panniers is a moron. That's not Thailand btw.
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