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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. The netizens will be in outrage - lol
  2. Or Thai people in general.
  3. Brilliant - love it!
  4. What do you think this will achieve?
  5. Lived there for 2 years, it's <deleted>e!
  6. Totally agree, do nothing is the best thing right now. I'd say middle of next year before we start seeing reports of people getting taxed ( or not ).
  7. So you're happily going to pay whatever tax Thailand decides to charge you ( if it happens )?
  8. Why would they, i'm in the UK below the 90 day threshold and i'm in thailand below the 180 day threshold ( if it ever happens ). What for? it's obvious i'm not liable for tax anywhere 2 condos, 3 bank accounts. I'm not concerned about any tax anywhere, i'm doing nothing wrong plus like many things in Thailand i'd imagine it'll never happen, way to difficult for them to regulate.
  9. I maintain a permanent home in thailand, i pay zero tax, i'm in thailand less than 180 days, normally about 160. I work in various other countries whilst not in thailand, i am resident in none of them.
  10. Yes, just over 180 days. No, i'm not tax resident there.
  11. Singapore - i could not think of a more plastic place in the world perhaps with the exception of Dubai.
  12. You actually don't. I work in a country where i don't pay tax, stay half the year in Thailand where i don't work, neither are my home country which i'm tax domicile from. I've not paid tax anywhere since approx. 1996/97 nor will i ever pay tax anywhere.
  13. Sad story but it's not really got anything to do with Thailand. Don't we have enough bike wreck and car wreck stories without adding those of other countries?
  14. Another crazy......are things ramping up here?
  15. I feel that many would agree with me, i've no idea what you're on about, you're not making sense....perhaps one too many Leos?
  16. My comments don't count coz i've only been twice?? So people that come as a once in a life time as a tourist, they're comments don't count either? Hmmm, strange comment.
  17. Online check in allows you to secure the seat of your preference. Prior to online check in most airlines now charge you to select the seat of your preference which is a rip off.
  18. Yes, i have been twice over my 24 years in Thailand. Once which was Oct 2020 during Covid, absolutely fantastic, no one about, clean beaches, clean water and very cheap. Once post Covid - horrible, full of tourists. I will not return.
  19. Seems to be a lot of nutters about in the news this morning.....
  20. They should just ban these baht buses altogether, they're nothing but a menace.
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