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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. I don't know for certain. Whilst logically speaking that would be correct, I'm not sure if the TRD would accept that, despite pension income being classed as Cat 1 income. I have a feeling that because the income is remitted from overseas, that may push it into the "other" income category and dictate that PND90 is used. It may be worth asking TRD, if you are able to visit.
  2. The link below is to the tax consultancy Mazars, who provide a detailed explanation how to complete the PND91 tax return and also confirms the TEDA for 2024. Most retired foreigners like myself require the PND90 which is not included. The TEDA explanation, however, will be useful for many people because it is the latest confirmation dated November 2024. The document is entitled, "Personal Income Tax Return, PND91, a closer look November 2024". https://www.forvismazars.com/th/en/insights/doing-business-in-thailand/payroll/personal-income-tax-return-form-pnd-91
  3. If you don't care, why are you reading, let alone responding!
  4. I haven't heard any more about it since a member said his wife had applied for one of the positions, I am no longer certain about much of anything on this subject any longer.
  5. Hand on heart I'm no longer certain about any of this. Some TRD sources show one thing, the tax returns for 2023 show something else so yes, we do need the 2024 tax forms and instructions..
  6. There is evidence that TEDA, specifically the personal allowances and income expense percentages for 2020 through 2023 was different from 2023, 30k vs 60k and 40% vs 50%. What was gazetted earlier this month appears to be an extension of the 2023 rates, for another year....that's the way I understand things, unless anyone can prove things differently.
  7. There's a discussion currently about changes to TEDA, I've linked the thread below. It appears that TEDA changes can and are made yearly (potentially) based on economic need etc.
  8. As Cyclist points out above, the TRD site shows different numbers so tell me again who is confused? And why did Sherrings announce the gazette of TEDA earlier this month, do you know exactly what was changed or are you guessing?.
  9. I don't understand that, the sherrings link posted earlier said the 2024 TEDA was gazetted on 3 December this year. The BMA article appears to be dated 2022 from what others have said. Have the personal allowances been at 60k each for the past year also and is it other TEDA that were gazetted earlier in December? Sherrings says income expense is 50% for 2024, the BMA says it's 40%, presumably for 2022 but also for 2023??? Confusing.
  10. My understanding has been for the past few months that the new forms and instructions are the "big event" we're all waiting for, the time when questions finally get answered, although possibly not even close to all of them. Stay tuned I guess.
  11. I don't think you can use a 2023 tax form to file 2024 taxes, for one thing it's a different tax year. And since they are going to release a new tax form, presumably they will update it in some way to include information relative to the many things we've discussed this year, non-assessable income, DTA exempt income etc. Or maybe not, who knows, Plus also, the TEDA are different this year to last so that needs to be confirmed in the instructions or on the form..
  12. I have no expectations as to what we might see, I'm going solely by that old mantra that says the new tax forms and instructions will be available by year end. Whatever we get, and there has to be something, otherwise nobody can file, I'll happily live with. I'm guessing when I say there might be some instructions that shed light on the many open avenues discovered so far in these threads this year, if not, oh well.
  13. You keep repeating the term, "so called experts" as though to question the knowledge of tax consultancies and their ability to give you the answers that you want. You do understand, I hope, that everyone, from expert to complete ameteur, is completely reliant on and waiting for the TRD to release the new tax forms and fill in some knowledge gaps in everyone's understanding? Everyone has been in this same position for months although some people seem better able to contain their frustration than others and also understand that the things everyone is waiting for, have to become available, before filing season begins.
  14. You're only trying to make mischief and confuse people. The information IS out of date for the coming tax return filing season but it is not out of date as of today, for anyone wanting to file anything to do with prior year taxes. . Now quit screwing around.
  15. I don't know if that's true. I have a high post count but I've been a member for 20 years and I certainly don't sit at my keyboard all day. I'm very very active and nearly always have physical projects on the go so I tend to work for a while and then come indoors and relax for 15/30 minutes and read the news and post. I probably have ten or twelve such sessions throughout the day but in-between I'm doing a lot of work elsewhere. I also wake early and tend to post then, waiting for the sun to come up so I can start work.
  16. Now we've cleared that up, let me pre-empt the next question and explain the TEDA that will be in effect for the filings in first quarter of 2026, the 2025 tax year, which starts in two weeks time, assuming the current year changes are not extended or made permanent, Here are the main ones: Personal Allowances will revert to 30k per person, down from the 2024 level of 60k per person Dependent children allowance, down to 15k, from 30k Expense deduction on income (including pensions) will revert to 40%, down from 50%. I think perhaps the 2024 TEDA rates were an attempt to subsidise taxpayers in the post covid economic recovery period and to help alleviate the pressures of high borrowings on taxpayers, dunno.
  17. @NoDisplayName @scottiejohn @Yumthai @flexomike The information in that BMA link I posted is NOT out of date, if you file a tax return today, those are the allowances and deductions that are in effect, TODAY. It was announced over a year ago that the TEDA levels would be increased, ONLY FOR THE 2024 tax year, filing for which begins on 1 January 2025, in three weeks time. That intention was translated into action about two weeks ago (see link below) when the temporary change was published in the Gazette......I have already posted that notice but you have either not understood what it is or you have ignored it. https://sherrings.com/personal-tax-deductions-allowances-thailand.html Everyone should take note that the TEDA for the 2024 tax year are temporary, unless they are extended or permanently changed.
  18. The red bottle contains transmission fluid, it does NOT go in the engine.
  19. I have lots of better things to do with my time, I just don't want to do them.....:)) No seriously though, I have OCD and I'm sticking to that excuse.
  20. A person who fled as self employed and took the 60% standard deduction for costs, along with all the other deductions probably could......but I'm not about to test or prove this, I only pointed out what he said, I'm not going to try and prove/disprove it.
  21. Perhaps he's assuming that the person takes every allowance and deduction/allowance possible?
  22. True. But again, if the only two countries being scanned by these drones are the UK and USA, that seems to point towards Russia/Ukraine. A dirty bomb by Russian actors is surely suicide for Russia?
  23. Since that's all we're doing..... I'm inclined to walk past that notion, a dirty bomb in either country would result in the annihilation of the offending country (if indeed it was a government). The global outrage would be horrendous. The only way the nuclear idea works is if one country completely destroys the other and doesn't give any opportunity for retaliation, an improbable concept of course.
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