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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. Once again, Does anyone have any updates on Opthamologists in Chiang Mai, preferably at Sriphat? I'm to that point and am considering Dr Varaporn....anyone?
  2. Gosh, I wonder who you're talking about? It can't be me because I averaged only 124 posts a month since I joined, that's lower than even YOU who has made 132 posts since joining, hmmm, a mystery!
  3. Correction: I was curious so I looked it up, the workforce is actually 40 million, according to BOI in 2023, so 10 million who don't file taxes. (Note also: the population is only 66 million) https://www.boi.go.th/index.php?page=demographic&language=en#:~:text=of Provincial Administration-,Labour Force,severance packages%2C and overtime payments.
  4. The workforce is 38 million, the average wage is 15k per month, that means 50% of 38 million earn less than the threshold needed to file a return. 19 million below the threshold, plus 11 million who file a return, totals 30 million. There is therefore 8 million who don't file who perhaps should. Actually, the workforce is 36 million so make that 6 million who don't file......next!
  5. I can prove that the average wage in Thailand is 15k Baht per month which is below the filing threshold and well below the level at which tax is due. 30k Personal Allowance and 150k zero rated, that takes care of a whole bunch of non-filers..
  6. If you can't prove it with facts, they are innocent until proven guilty......next!
  7. The work force is 38 million, 11 million filed tax returns last year and the rest didn't make enough to exceed the filing threshold.
  8. For the past ten years that I've been filing Thai tax returns, I have simply omitted my US SSc income, I've usually mentioned it but have said it was exempt income and that has been the end of the matter.
  9. The PND 91 form instructions have already been set out in detail, what we're really waiting for is the PND90 instructions and format. PND90 is the form that comprises multiple types of income, including rental and investment income and is the form I think most people will use.
  10. "Expats with over 180 days in Thailand must submit returns for income remitted in 2024". The term "expat" is short for expatriate, which means a person who lives outside their own country, temporarily or permanently.....that's all it means. Anyway, those people with work permits, wouldn't remit their income here, would they!
  11. Oh come on, how many times does this need to be said! There is no new law, POR 161/162 are reinterpretations of existing laws, no new laws are needed.
  12. The same way it always is officially relayed, via the media and press announcements such as the one in the op. What do you want, an official, personalised embossed initiation!
  13. It's based on the honor system, you've been told so you need to file (if you do indeed need to file). If you don't file when you should have filed, you can't say you didn't know because ignorance of the law is no excuse....that's the way the system works.
  14. I posted the following earlier: The Difference Between PND. 90 and PND. 91? PND. 90 is the Personal Income Tax Return form for both foreign nationals and Thai citizens who have assessable income under Sections 40(1) to (8) from multiple sources or a single source. Everyone must file this form by March 31 of every year. PND. 91 on the other hand, is the Personal Income Tax Return form for both foreign nationals and Thai citizens who have assessable income under Section 40(1) from employment only. Everyone must file this form by March 31 of every year, just like PND. 90 https://lawyer-vwork.com/en/what-are-pnd-90-91-how-important-to-foreigners/ Note: a pension is deemed to be from employment.
  15. Section B at the bottom of the form lists exempted income but I can't see the categories because the form is cut off. All we really need is somewhere to list those exempted items so they can be carried forward, failing that, a total as you have done appears to suffice..
  16. Bro sounds like a white guy trying to align himself with the brothers from Detroit.....nah, I'll stick with dude. ...clip clop,,clip clop.....gallops away into sunset.
  17. Sorry, yes, my error. OK so the planets are aligned, there is a place to put exempt income so that's where the US SSc goes, presumably.
  18. They may not know but in the case of US SSc, we know for a fact that it is exempt. Why even bother to have the debate with staff who aren't familiar with DTA's and instead, present it as defacto.
  19. Does anyone have any updates on Opthamologists in Chiang Mai, preferably at Sriphat? I'm to that point and am considering Dr Varaporn....anyone?
  20. This may be a terminology and presentation issue. Rather than asking them if they want non-assessable income, I asked them to confirm that they didn't want exempt income and they always said they did not. I'm not sure that all TRD staff will understand the term, "non-assessable" but they will understand "exempt".
  21. She/that office doesn't seem to understand that your UK Government Pension is exempt. That's going to be a problem for many of us going forward, unless the new form helps of the level of staff instruction improves.
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