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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. There's a lot of misinformation, disinformation and downright trolling in this thread, it's sad TBH and seriously unhelpful.
  2. You have no idea the extent of professional input the poster has received previously that has allowed him to form a view.
  3. You're right, it's off topic, out of respect to the earlier poster, let's get back on track.
  4. "What's sad here, is members who are sharing professional advice are being denigrated/dismissed, because it doesn't align with your opinions". Gosh, I wonder who said that!
  5. You have been told before that POR 161 is not a new law, it is a reinterpretation of an existing internal procedure, no more no less, it doesn't need to be published in the Gazette..
  6. Great for you guys, I hope your run of luck at evading tax continues, for your sake. Others however chose to play by the rules and obey the law. "75%-80% of Thai's don't pay tax". At least 50% don't earn enough to pay tax or even file a return.
  7. Or like anyone else, the option to use a Thai Tax Agent who can understand the relevant languages or use an interpreter.......just like all the non Thai speaking farangs..
  8. Now I understand better. If you're prepared to invoke the DTA, with all that might entail, great. Not the easiest or simplest thing to do I suspect but definitely valid.
  9. Really, so it wasn't started by the TRD changing the tax rules or the Director telling us to file tax returns, phew, that's a relief. BTw you're Thai are you not, so you have no visa risk, do you!
  10. I agree, they do not. But I'm absolutely certain the country doesn't want to be seen as the safe haven for illicit and questionable funds that it once. The only sure way to do that is to understand what the funds flow, into and out of the country is, at a detailed level. The outbound side is already quite restrictive, the inbound side is now coming into focus and I expect it to be similarly scrutinised.
  11. If anyone else has comments regarding Opthamologists or cataract surgeons,in CHIANG MAI ONLY, Ill be keen to hear them.
  12. Agreed, should probably rename the thread and call it anxiety central......so much angst.
  13. And accountants find ways around them so governments fill loopholes and kill off work arounds. it's the way the game is played.
  14. Every government tries to tighten rules to minimise the opportunity for avoidance. Whilst it is not illegal to avoid tax, it is not desirable from a tax collection perspective.
  15. I'm not suggesting the excluded income become part of the calculation, only that it is reported on the form since there is a precedent to do so.
  16. The first 20k baht of interest is not exempt, it is zero rated for tax, not quite the same thing.
  17. I don't think it is Jim, the PND 90 already shows excluded income types in section B so there's no reason to think this couldn't be expanded. Clearly, TRD IS interested in excluded or exempt income, otherwise they wouldn't ask for it to be reported.
  18. Completely agree, I'm pretty certain that's where TRD is headed, if they are not already there.....quite rightly so. If there is not full disclosure of all remittances, and/or, if the source of remittances is not instantly verifiable, e.g. US SSc, there wont be a check and pass and doubt will exist, especially if Wise or similar is the medium..
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