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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. I believe members are mostly aware of the previous rule change but are divided into various camps as follows: 30% - OK/Fine 35% - Wait and See for more details in November 20% - Will stay here less than 180 days per year 35% - Will remit less assessable income 3 members - You're scaremongering and talking borrocks (Note percentages don't total 100 because some members selected multiple options)
  2. Be aware also that if you remit rental income to Thailand in the first six months of the year, you must file an interim return in June, as well as filing at year end.
  3. You are mostly correct, however, you do not have to take the standard deduction, you can itemise with receipts instead, if you wish.
  4. Yes, students in full time education up to age 26 years can be claimed as a deduction....60k as I recall. EDIT: Correction, 30k deduction for the first child, up to age 25 in full time deduction. Also, 30k for second child born after 2018. the link explains the details. https://sherrings.com/personal-tax-deductions-allowances-thailand.html
  5. Let me try to explain. The value of USD is determined by a basket of major currencies and shown on the Dollar Index (DXY) USD is at the top of the FOREX tree. Reserve and major currencies of the world have a one to one or direct relationship with USD so that when USD changes in value, those other major currencies change in value also. This gives us the major currency pairs such as GBP/USD, EUR/USD, USD/JPY and so on, all of which include USD in each pair. Minor currency pairs are the next level down the FOREX tree and they include pairs such as EUR/GBP, EUR/JPY, GBP/CHF etc. The minor pairs are formed between currencies that have a direct one to one relationship with USD but exclude USD in the calculation. Last is the minor pairs or exotics and this includes USD/SGD, USD/HKD, USD/THB, GBP/INR. These are direct pairings between a major currency and a minor currency. Since not every minor currency has a direct relationship with every major currency, cross rates allow a minor or exotic currency such as THB, to be valued against a major currency such as GBP, via the value of USD. What you can see from the above is that whenever USD changes value, every other currency in the FOREX tree changes value also, to a lesser of greater degree, based on its direct or indirect relationship with USD. In the case of minor cross rate such as GBP/THB, that is calculated by multiplying USD/THB by USD/GBP. That means the impact of any value movement in USD, on GBP/THB, can be diluted by counter movements in both GBP and/or THB. Similarly, any movement in THB value can be countered by opposing movements in GBP and/or USD. All of which tries to explain that just because USD changes value to one degree, it may change value against other currencies to a completely different degree.
  6. US Social Security payments to non-Thai citizens in Thailand are tax exempt under terms of the DTA
  7. The fall in value of USD wasn't huge and it wasn't that fast, it looks like normal correction stuff to me.
  8. No. Read again what I wrote, EUR/THB is a direct relationship, GBP/THB is not, it's a cross rate involving USD.
  9. If I understand you correctly, you hold UK investment funds via your US broker? If the above is correct, it is the same as a British person in the UK buying into say a US investment fund using their UK broker where any taxes are an expense of the fund, not the investor. If you are taxed on dividends from those funds, you will be taxed where they are received.
  10. Thanks, I'd not seen that before, it looks like they really want to milk the cash cow.
  11. No. USD/THB is a direct rate, GBP/THB is a cross rate that is calculated from USD/THB x USD/GBP so they don't move in the same direction at the same pace. EUR/USD is a direct rate. AUD is dependent on the Chinese economy and is a proxy for RMB, USD has little influence.
  12. There is a personal allowance of 60k for yourself plus 60k for your wife, if you file jointly. There is a then a 190k deduction for being over age 65 years. If you have an overseas pension that you bring into Thailand, there is up to 100k in deductions for that. Finally, the first 150k is zero rated for tax. It's easily possible for an over aged 65 years pensioner to have deductions/allowances/zero rated of 550k.
  13. That's broadly correct. The UK Personal Allowance will be ignored and replaced by whatever allowance and deductions exist within the Thai system, these will vary from person to person based on age, marital status, etc etc.
  14. No more than you reading the first line of mine will enlighten you! We agree it depends on the hospital and doctor, the problem is that all my experiences with government hospitals, especially rural ones, have been very poor. But I'm happy for you that you got lucky and all worked out well. The point here is that people clamouring to join the 30 baht scheme don't understand the issues involved and instead see it as a solution to expensive health care every time, which it is not.
  15. Most people's tax returns are very straight forward and don't need a DTA to be invoked. But the whinners and serial moaners would have everyone believe every tax return does. I'm pretty sure that village Bob doesn't need that, do you! If your personal wealth is such that you need to invoke a DTA, put your hand in your pocket and pay the 12k baht you need to pay a Thai Tax expert to file your return.
  16. Not really. But I do think there is a lot of unnecessary moaning and complaining going on about how bad it all is when for most people its a very simple matter. For whatever reason, you and two others seem to be the ones doing the most consistent moaning, for the longest time and you've probably scared more people before they've even had a chance to think about it properly themselves.
  17. It is the value of USD that has fallen. See the DXY graph below which shows the value of USD. Then look at USD/THB over the same period. https://tradingeconomics.com/usdthb:cur https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/dxy
  18. One meal a day, at lunch, eat a decent but not overly large meal containing sensible food. A piece of fruit for breakfast, peanuts and/or veggies if hungry in the evening, after a while your body gets used to it and it's easy. Weigh yourself daily, keep your weight in a tight range of +/- 0.5 kgs and act straight away on anything our of range, eg eat more/less/exercise.
  19. I don't know about your TRD office but mine is a breeze. I walk in and say I want to file a tax return. They take me by the hand, sit me down at a desk and the lady enters the information I gibe her at a terminal. Ten/fifteen minutes later she prints out the receipt and the job is done. Write down the income information you need and do the calculation beforehand so that you know what the bottom should be and double check it with what she prints out. If for some bizarre reason she one day refused to do the above, go to a tax accountant and tell them the same thing, the cost up here is under 12k baht. If Bob in the village can't do those things, he shouldn't be allowed outside his home country.
  20. "They will not be making Jack off this tax" ....and you know this how? Entities such as a Revenue Department, don't usually waste their time changing the rules when there's no return., they will have estimated the extent to which it is worthwhile and obviously they decided it is worth their time and effort. You seem to think this is about pulling a lever and turning a random knob to see what will happen, you've decided it's all guess work on their part which it certainly wont be. You've also concluded that farangs are the target when really they are just collateral damage and largely inconsequential to their objectives. I know many farangs like to view themselves as the center of all attention and over rate their importance but this time it's not about you, as much as you think and wish it was.
  21. Rubbish! It still costs 5 million, as a long as non-assessable income is remitted for the purchase.
  22. Last job was Director of Strategy for a US telco in HK, before that, Head of Delivery for a global telco, mostly delivering mobile JV companies in Asia/FE.
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