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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. “We need a 100% moratorium on all immigration until we get this thing sorted.” Cut off nose to spite face.
  2. Scaremongering has been a serious problem here for years, which is why there is a specific forum rule that covers it. Scaremongering has been/is cited often by members and and staff but the only time action is taken these days is when somebody reports it, which I have not yet done. Most scaremongering is water off a ducks back to the younger crowd but far less so to the older members who are more vulnerable and susceptible to wondering if such things are true or not. Some posters should be more considerate and aware in that regard.
  3. Yes, remitted income rules still apply, world wide income rules have yet to be developed and approved. If you only have remitted income, PN90
  4. Explaining current established tax rules to members who don't understand tax, is a very different animal to guessing all the things in the future, things such as an Immigration Department that will accept bribes to issue visa's where there is no tax return,.....stupid person.
  5. I know this is not beyond your skill and ability level JT, I just know.......we'll help.
  6. Or, you could go into a branch with your passbook (remember them) and get a cashier cheque for 1.8 mill and there would be zero risk.
  7. And then to jail where there'll be yet more probing!
  8. Blah blah blah. Say you stop hypothesising about every wild thought that comes into your head and every imaginable worst case scenario you can think of and start being more realistic
  9. So find a different path. When/if we get sight of the new forms, we can start to put up templates that people can follow, it isn't rocket science.
  10. There is no 400k threshold, presumably you mean the after TEDA amount?
  11. Well spotted! I think it's safe to assume there aren't many who understand the entire picture, each appears to be carving out just their own particular niche area.....which makes me even more concerned about what regional TRD officers understand. Have to say, this is turning into a debacle of the highest order.
  12. If you are using the current year income method your only sensible option is to invoke the DTA. Assuming the income isn't excluded income under the terms of the DTA, you will need to use the tax paid on that income in your home country to offset any Thai tax liability.
  13. Atlas Shrugged, I've been saying I would read it for five years and now I've started, enjoyable but heavy going.
  14. We're still waiting for them to be published, since we're now in tax filing season, I suspect they will become available, after the new years holiday.
  15. Not yet old enough to open an account, judging from his posts.
  16. My app has a daily limit of 50k, beyond which the scan is mandatory. I can however change the withdrawal limits, as per the ones you quoted but doing so invoked the face scan, if over 50k.
  17. I have a standard passbook savings account, opened a couple of years ago. I also am able to reset limits via my phone but without checking, I don't think the app limit is as high as yours. I also vaguely recall BBL asking me when I opened the account, what limit I wanted and I purposely chose a low limit since it's my daily transactional account....I shall dig deeper and report back.
  18. My story has it the other way around, it was BBL that wouldn't let me pay the 170k bill.
  19. That issue arose with me in November 2023 when I wanted to pay a hospital 170k, prior to my op. My bank said no, you can't pay a bill of that size because it exceeds the authorised limit.....despite the fact I had 500k in the account. The call center agreed to increase my daily limit to 170k, for one day only, after which it would revert to 50k. Ultimately I decided to pay using my UOB CC which has a 500k limit and there was no problem. The first bank mentioned was Bangkok.
  20. I've now joined half bottles anonymous, I'm feeling much better already.
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