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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. Intended, i suspect, to come across as perceptive and worldly wise, it only made me wonder how you managed to become so jaded.
  2. No skin off my nose, what you believe or think, or how you want to appear to forum members as a consequence of the things you believe.
  3. I'm not playing your games, there's no need at this late stage. If you want to believe that foreigners are not liable to tax, have it, with my blessing.......flattie. 🙂
  4. You're hilarious ML, how many times have posters been over all of this and yet here you are, casting doubt whether the whole thing is make believe or fact. Heads up, that ship sailed a long time ago. Flat earthers are alive and well.
  5. Yes, I agree, I didn't set out all the filing scenarios because I didn't think it was necessary since the point of the post was mainly to confirm that the onus is on the taxpayer to assess and file.
  6. That was a function of interest rates which haven't been over 2.5% since 2013.
  7. You also need to do some reading, most of it is set in stone already and has been since last year. Try reading this:
  8. If your statement reflects what you understand about this subject, you've got a whole bunch of catching up to do.
  9. Nope! Most benefits are linked to social security, not income tax
  10. I took it for granted that we are discussing meaningful enforcement rather than opportunistic fines and not just the Oxford definition of the word!!!
  11. An article in the BP dated 27 May 2024 reports that 11.9 million PIT tax returns were filed during first quarter 2024, an increase of 3.34% over the previous year. The population is 70 million but the workforce is only 40 million hence between 17% and 30% of the eligible population, filed a return. I imagine 25% is a good number for discussion purposes.
  12. It's been many years since I did audit and compliance for big business but when I did, the starting point was always the same, what's the law, what do the rules say, those are the first things clients wanted to know. Ask yourself, why do people consult with tax specialists in the first place, it's because they know what the rules are. Anyone who has been formally trained in tax will say the same thing and use the same starting point. Once you know those things, you have a boundary, within which you can manoeuvre. For whatever reason, on social media, the starting point is, how are the rules enforced, how can I evade, will they catch me, what's the penalties.....you don't know the answers to those questions, until you know what the rules say.
  13. That's not enforcement, that's being fined for non-compliance. Enforcement is where the person has to comply, otherwise the penalties are severe, which is why I used the example of the tax clearance certificate.....if you don't file, you don't get a visa and you have to leave, that sort of thing.
  14. "- The Thai government will not try to tax this poster". I haven't suggested they will, I've merely told him what the law is on the subject. Tax law and the Thai law is not theory, it is fact. I have also pointed out very clearly to the poster that practise sometimes differs from the rules. "-The TRD will have no idea of this posters existence". It will depend on several factors, including, any information shared between Immigration and TRD and the amount of money he transfers each year. "-Thai Immigration has no connection with any expats tax status ( excepting those who file via Non B's who work in Thailand)". I don't understand what this means. Immigration establishes a record of everyone who enters the country, that record stays open until the person leaves. "- There's no enforcement or cross checking vias entries vis a vis tax". The enforcement issue doesn't have to be proactive, many people will comply with tax law without enforcement, simply because that's what many Westerners do.
  15. My point is that several requirements of Thai bureaucracy are complied with, despite there being no enfirecement,
  16. I used that simply as an example of things where there is no enforcement, because the poster raised to me that there is no enforcement on tax returns.
  17. I'm not aware of any instances of Thai Tax Law or the Legal Code where the law is varied based on nationality.
  18. I'm not aware of any enforcement on 90 day reports or TM30's but nearly everyone does them!
  19. Nobody has a crystal ball but there are plenty of educated informed guess on this aspect, in the various tax threads.
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