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vermin on arrival

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Posts posted by vermin on arrival

  1. don't know if people have seen this: UPDATE: Neither Mark Rumble nor another suspect deported to the UK have the Covid-19 coronavirus, The Daily Mail reports: “Two British prisoners including a ‘drug dealer’ who were sent home from Thailand do not have coronavirus, tests have confirmed.” update on top of daily mail article and from Thaiger website. I see @Anto mentioned it just above.

    • Haha 1
  2. I always catch my taxis upstairs at departures. They always use a meter, and I never have to pay the extra fee from downstairs. The only time I ever got ripped off at BKK airport was my first time into Thailand in 1998 using the legal 50 Baht queue at arrivals. The driver demanded 500 baht and when I refused took me on a 2 hour trip from DMK to Silom and back out to Sukaphibaan 3 for 450 baht on the meter. Welcome to Thailand! I have never used the downstairs queue at arrivals since then.

    • Like 1
  3. I only read the 1st page of comments so far, but did people read the article. This is the reason for the protest: "But Kamron alleged that the campaign was, in fact, intended to brainwash Thai youths to believe that consuming alcoholic drinks is normal in which case the real beneficiary will be the liquor producer and those in liquor business."


    So, I guess abstinence and forms of celibacy are the only forms of education that would satisfy these people.

  4. Sorry but you need to watch the video again at about 1,14 seconds in the dad sucker punches the thai man that is being held. They all got what they deserved apart from mom kick to the face. There being made to look like the victims here which is far from the truth.

    Still no reason to kick a person in the face when they are unconscious.

    A COWARD act, especially to an AGED Woman.

    They deserved that?!? I question your value system if you believe that Mr. catman20. They made some mistakes, but the husband and son were trying to protect the mother/wife, who is quiet aged and was clearly being intimidated and poorly treated by a drunken man who had pushed their son from behind causing him to hit his head against the concrete. While that push from behind was not intended to seriously injure the son, people die all the time from hitting their heads accidentally on concrete curbs.

  5. I'd say the tourists started it and I'm not an idiot.

    I beg to differ

    I agree with him, however the Thai's response was absolutely disgusting behaviour that is totally unjustifiable.

    The tourists certainly did themselves no favours at all.

    What started out as an argument between the Thai in the white shirt and the Thai in the black t-shirt with red square (the same guy that floored all three tourists) escalated when the white shirt walks into the son, who literally pushed him out of the way - at 23 seconds - but apart from being pushed, stumbling and smashing his face into the step, no punches were thrown up to this point.

    When the mother confronted white shirt, black t-shirt was out of the picture having a conversation with friends letting a farang walk through their group without a second thought. This farang stopped to watch the exact moment the mother slapped white shirt - at 55 seconds - and smartly decided to walk away.

    Black t-shirt walks back of to put his arm around white shirt—the same time as son gets to his feet and joins his mother—and the mother went straight for him - even though up to this point he had been uninvolved and was not even aware the mum had slapped white shirt.

    The son walks around and grabs black t-shirt while a little weed appears to headset mum. The dad then punches black t-shirt to the face while son holds him - at 1:18. At this stage a black cap wearing farang intervenes and appears to try to advise the mum to let it go. By this stage, it was too late; son had let black t-shirt go and he walks around the group coward-punching the dad, the knocking mum to the ground followed by the son.

    I'm certainly not saying the tourists deserved to be set upon, but they're definitely not the innocents most people are making them out to be.

    Edit: before I get flamed, let me just reiterate nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down, especially to an elderly lady.

    "nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down".

    Yes it does, if someone attacks you unprovoked, and you put them down, you make sure they stay down, even if it means

    kicking them in the head to do that. If they are able to get back up, they could pull a weapon on you. If you want to take that chance

    then you are in idiot.

    even a 65 year old grandmother on holiday?

  6. I don't normally post here on TV with all of the trolling, flaming et al that goes on here, but here is a point which people may have missed. The son of the British family involved, who lives in Singapore(and is a graphic designer there), made this comment(which may be untrue)in the Mirror article which few people seem to have been reading, “It was just out of the blue. None of us were drunk – we had just had a merry night and were going home.” Many have been saying that these people were drunken lager louts based on the video, but if this statement is true, than all the Thais involved were drunk and none of them. I guess only actual witnesses to the event or the hospital staff can have an accurate opinion on this point (although the family did look unsteady).

    The family certain made a number of egregious mistakes here that people who have long experience here would know not to do and escalated the situation, but for people to say that this was some lesson that they should learn is appalling. Yes, they should have walked away, but based on their limited experience here as tourists, they didn't realize what grave and deadly danger they were actually in (all for lightly pushing past a drunken man in the streets) and it all must have happened so quickly for them( in 2 minutes my god). The vile drunken Thai louts who savaged them should also have walked away rather than brutalize people who could be their parents and grandparents. The fact they couldn't based on losing face, etc. exposes many sad truths about Thailand and Thai culture.

    Over my 18 years experience in Thailand, there were 3 occasions when I could have been in serious trouble here. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind and walked away, and if I said anything it was as I beat a hasty retreat rather than get a lead pipe or whisky bottle in the head. For whatever errors these people made, they did not deserve this beating and the fact that only 1 or 2 Thai persons(both women-women in red who tried to save the striped shirt guy and woman in black who tried to stop the head stomps at the end) stepped in to try and break things up also says a lot about the country. The people came and helped them after the fact. If the perpetrators in this instance had made up their mind to kill these elderly people, I believe that no one would have lifter a finger to stop it.

    Certainly having audio of all of this would really help to clarify the actions of everyone.

    They were out celebrating the father's 68th birthday. Happy Birthday (and Songkran) from Thailand.

    Your post is very well written, I appreciate it. But the video does not lie. The Brits escalated a situation, and their ignorance does not excuse them In fact, I bet they would not have acted in the same manner toward young men out and about in a partying area in their home town.

    They thought the carefully constrained and gracious manner of their Thai hotel staff could be counted upon in every situation- and they were wrong.

    They should come out and say it.

    "We were wrong, we are lucky to be standing, and we have learned a lesson about taking advantage of the usual good manners of Thai people while we were behaving as louts. Go to Thailand, it a great travel destination..."

    Instead they are encouraging news media, who are not showing the entire video- to basically lie about the incident to show Thailand in as negative a view as possible.

    Now the lads have been rounded up, pointed at and paraded publicly looking properly chastised, and will most likely face some serious fines and punishment and will have this on their records. It is not like they got away with it.

    If you read carefully, you will see that I said they escalated the situation (1st sentence 2nd paragraph). I still do not think that what was done to them can at all be excused. It was just way over the top. You don't do this to people who could be your grandparents, and you don't allow it to take place if you are bystander. Any good Thai person would probably say this as well.

    Tourists are guests in the country. Hosts protect their guests even when they make mistakes ( as these people clearly made). Of course, with the huge numbers, it can be seen why people no longer care.

    I could see the woman slapping a young man in the face in her own town if he said something horrible to her (as probably happened here). They could also have stood up to people who were threatening them in their own town as well because people would not stand idly by while this took place one way or another, whoever was at fault, especially if you read the nice things that people, who are from their home town, say about them in the mirror article(if, of course, you believe them).

    There were no good manners being shown by the people who did this to them, and I can understand most probably their shock that no one lifted a finger to stop it. I can completely see why they have chosen to leave and never come back. It is also true that there are many good Thai people who are justifiably outraged by what was done to this family and have expressed remorse for it.

    Until we see what actual punishment takes place we don't know what really will happen to the perpetrators.In many worse cases, people have gotten off completely or just received a slap on the wrist.

    I respectfully disagree with your assessment. This video does show that they made some big mistakes, but it also shows some very negative things about Thailand. Have a good day.

    PS I have also watched the video many times.

  7. I don't normally post here on TV with all of the trolling, flaming et al that goes on here, but here is a point which people may have missed. The son of the British family involved, who lives in Singapore(and is a graphic designer there), made this comment(which may be untrue)in the Mirror article which few people seem to have been reading, “It was just out of the blue. None of us were drunk – we had just had a merry night and were going home.” Many have been saying that these people were drunken lager louts based on the video, but if this statement is true, than all the Thais involved were drunk and none of them. I guess only actual witnesses to the event or the hospital staff can have an accurate opinion on this point (although the family did look unsteady).

    The family certain made a number of egregious mistakes here that people who have long experience here would know not to do and escalated the situation, but for people to say that this was some lesson that they should learn is appalling. Yes, they should have walked away, but based on their limited experience here as tourists, they didn't realize what grave and deadly danger they were actually in (all for lightly pushing past a drunken man in the streets) and it all must have happened so quickly for them( in 2 minutes my god). The vile drunken Thai louts who savaged them should also have walked away rather than brutalize people who could be their parents and grandparents. The fact they couldn't based on losing face, etc. exposes many sad truths about Thailand and Thai culture.

    Over my 18 years experience in Thailand, there were 3 occasions when I could have been in serious trouble here. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind and walked away, and if I said anything it was as I beat a hasty retreat rather than get a lead pipe or whisky bottle in the head. For whatever errors these people made, they did not deserve this beating and the fact that only 1 or 2 Thai persons(both women-women in red who tried to save the striped shirt guy and woman in black who tried to stop the head stomps at the end) stepped in to try and break things up also says a lot about the country. The people came and helped them after the fact. If the perpetrators in this instance had made up their mind to kill these elderly people, I believe that no one would have lifter a finger to stop it.

    Certainly having audio of all of this would really help to clarify the actions of everyone.

    They were out celebrating the father's 68th birthday. Happy Birthday (and Songkran) from Thailand.

  8. Fact is fact, immigration at the airport or land crossing can and does deny entry to people; to valid visa holders and even to it's own citizens! (my THAI wife was denied entry at PoiPet on her THAI passport, no amount of discussing or rationalizing would help the situation.) If anyone is interested in that crazy story I might find time to post it someday.

    I'd be interested in hearing that one....

  9. Thanks for the clarification Maestro. It really helps to know what is going on. I certainly don't want to do anything wrong here. I just want to know the precise rules and policies so that I can then choose the option which works best for me. It can be very frustrating to think one is doing things that were thought to be legal and then to be told that they are improper.

    It is legal to enter repeatedly on visa exempt, within to the guidelines above, otherwise you would not have let be in Thai Immigration is not there to make exceptions.

    I guess my point, which may not have been adequately expressed, was that I was doing legal things, but then being told that it was improper or faulted by the airport immigration officers was confusing (after all CW gave me the extensions, but airport immigration didn't like me using them). It also would have been nice to know abut the informal policy of flagging people for questioning based on the quantity of 30 day exempt stamps being used in a 6 month or 1 year period. Flagging peple for questions implies that there is suspicion of improper behavior which I am not doing.

  10. The guidelines that immigration posted last year are here. attachicon.gifImmigratioNotice4-English_PDF.pdf

    What happened to the OP is certainly not new. But his 30 day extensions were certainly taken in consideration. Doing those and then going out for another entry looks bad,

    The OP could get a 2 entry tourist visa in Laos that would give almost 6 months of total stay. If he wanted to make a trip out during on of the 60 day entries and or the 30 day extension he could get a single re-entry permit. Or as suggested a multiple entry non-o visa for being 50 or over for retirement.

    Thanks for the info ubonjoe. It is interesitng that Chaneg Wattana gives the out so easliy when the airport considers them ot be something to be used sparingly. I had called 1st to ask if there was some limit to their use, but was assured that that was not the case. Oh well.

    Certianly, my entries to Thailand were not same day back to back. I was out of country for 2 to 3 weeks each time taking care of matters, but evidently that is irrelevant now.

    Does Penang issue theses multientry tourist visas as well? Can I get the non-immigrant O for travel (non-retirement) in Lao, or does it need to be home conutry?

    At an immigration office such as CW they will issue the extensions without any questions. It is a little different on entry because they have been instructed to look for people that are attempting to live here on visa exempt entries.

    Penang will only issue a single entry tourist visa. Vientiane and Savannakhet are the only neighboring countries doing 2 entry tourist visas.

    You can get them at other locations within the region by showing tickets out of the country for each entry. Bali will issue a 3 entry visa with tickets up to 90 days apart.

    There have been reports of getting a multiple entry non-o in Penang based upon being over 50 if you can show 800k baht in the bank. If you have the money in the bank or 65k baht income you can get an extension of stay based upon retirement.

    Thanks again Ubonjoe. This is very helpful. :)

  11. These are the guidelines issued to immigration officers:

    Immigration Bureau guideline 0029.1712076 - visa-exempt out-in checklist

    The computer program giving immigration officers the instruction on the screen to interview a tourist also when the database shows that this is his sixth visa-exempt entry within 12 months is an unpublished addition to or variation of the above guidelines.

    Thanks for the clarification Maestro. It really helps to know what is going on. I certainly don't want to do anything wrong here. I just want to know the precise rules and policies so that I can then choose the option which works best for me. It can be very frustrating to think one is doing things that were thought to be legal and then to be told that they are improper.

  12. Thanks for directing me to this thread Paz...it's very helpful smile.png

    Last Friday, I had an interesting experience at Suvarnabhumi airport, which I thought people at Thaivisa might be interested in.


    I think when I leave again next week on the 13th I will try to talk to an immigration supervisor to get more information. They clearly have some clear guidelines/rules at the airport, but they don’t seem to want to let people know.


    The guidelines for secondary interview is 6 visa exempt entries in one year, flagged automatically by the system. As you said, this is completely unpublished, and is not legal reason to deny entry. Another thread:


    And there are more.

  13. whistling.gif There is a new procedure that started on 1 August 2014 that allows you to get one (and only one) extension to a visa exempt 30 day entry.

    It was made to allow people to get that new 2nd visa exempt entry basically due to compensate for the latest crackdown on back to back visa free entries no longer being allowed.

    It allows only a single (second) visa free 30 day entry.

    But as I say it is new, only since August 1 2014.

    That is why now it is more important to get a 60 day single entry tourist visa before you head to Thailand and not rely on repeated 30 day visa fee entries.

    All things change.

    Yes, things do change. It is interesting to note though that #1, at the main immigration at Chaeng Wattana, they are giving the extensions out more often than that, without comment. And #2, they are also allowing more than 2 back to back visa free entries at the airport. I was out for a few weeks between each time and don't fit the profile of someone working in Thailand (I'm not). I'm just saying. It makes one wonder exactly what is the policy that is being enforced on this issue, and how in synch all the immigration offices are, or maybe how flexible they can be in interpretng the stated directive. But thanks for the info on what the stated policy was to be in August 2014.

  14. Unfortunately the written rules & the implementation of then by immigration are not matched, if want go down this root they ideally want change rules & clearly state a maximum amount of exempt entries in 12months but that too simple :-/

    i had same experience at swampy with TR visa, European friend from Taiwan had same as you with exempt entries at swampy.

    Worth picking up a TR visa for next visit or at least keep an eye on the status on entry hassle & plan accordingly.

    It really would be nice if they would spell out the number of entries and days in country that are considered acceptable under the 30 day stamp. Then people could plan and choose the most appropriate option for themselves while adequately following the rules and not giving anyone any problems.

  15. I know a friend from Singapore who uses to fly into Chiangmai quite often on visa exempted 30 days stay.. stays in Chiangmai for 20+ days and flies back to Singapore and comes back to Chiangmai after 40-50 days, has been doing this for the past many years. Not a visa-runner, has confirmed R/T tickets and funds all the time.

    Just three weeks ago arriving at CNX, he was brought to a room and questioned why he comes so often, why was he doing here..blah blah blah. He was not given a 30 days stay but instead only seven days..and was cautioned to have a tourist visa the next time or no entry. He has a house here and staying with g/f.

    Needless to say he bought a new ticket to fly home after seven days stay.

    The irony of it is the Thai embassy in SIN refuses to give him a tourist visa saying....1) staying less than 30 days.....2) too many entries into Thailand...

    Now he has to forfeit the tickets he bought for June travel....sad.png

    Ouch. Maybe he needs to go to Lao or Penang to get his visa.

  16. The guidelines that immigration posted last year are here. attachicon.gifImmigratioNotice4-English_PDF.pdf

    What happened to the OP is certainly not new. But his 30 day extensions were certainly taken in consideration. Doing those and then going out for another entry looks bad,

    The OP could get a 2 entry tourist visa in Laos that would give almost 6 months of total stay. If he wanted to make a trip out during on of the 60 day entries and or the 30 day extension he could get a single re-entry permit. Or as suggested a multiple entry non-o visa for being 50 or over for retirement.

    Thanks for the info ubonjoe. It is interesitng that Chaneg Wattana gives the out so easliy when the airport considers them ot be something to be used sparingly. I had called 1st to ask if there was some limit to their use, but was assured that that was not the case. Oh well.

    Certianly, my entries to Thailand were not same day back to back. I was out of country for 2 to 3 weeks each time taking care of matters, but evidently that is irrelevant now.

    Does Penang issue theses multientry tourist visas as well? Can I get the non-immigrant O for travel (non-retirement) in Lao, or does it need to be home conutry?

  17. OP .... If you plan on continuing to come in and out of Thailand on a basis similar to your travel history. When back in the states get a Non Immigrant Multi-Entry 'O' Visa for $200.00. This visa will allow you to zip in and out of Thai airport or land immigration. You do have to exit and reenter Thailand at least every 90 days - more often if you wish. If you were out of the Thailand for say ... 3-4-5 months and then come back - no problem your Multi 'O' Visa does not go stale - as long as you do not go past the Enter Before Date. The term of the Non Imm Mult-Entry 'O' visa is 12 months from issue and is extendable up to about 15 months with proper timing of the last exit / reentry.

    At 50 years of age you are fully qualified to apply for and get this Visa issued in America at a Thai Consulate or the Thai Embassy ... or at any one of the several Royal Thai Honorary Consul General Offices - which I highly recommend.

    There are no real qualifications except being age 50 or more and showing that you have enough money in a bank account to sustain yourself over a year of going in and out of Thailand... This is not related to the 800,000 Baht or Equivalent required for an Extension of Stay based on Retirement. This Visa I speak of is not a Retirement Visa. There are several reasons the Non Imm Multi 'O' Visa is granted but you do not really have to have a reason - just extensive travel in and out of Thailand and the adjacent region.

    The Non Immigrant Multi-Entry 'O' Visa can be used (at anytime) as a basis to apply for an Extension of Stay based on Retirement. You would of course have to meet all other requirements for the Extension. You can apply for this Extension of Stay at the nearest local Thai Immigration office in Thailand.

    For clarification, there is a Visa Category 'O-A' that is for Long Stay -- sometimes called a Retirement Visa -- but this is not what I write about ...

    So this type of visa is only able to be gotten in home country or country of residence? I don't usually go back to the US often, but it is good to know that this is an option. Thanks. Do you know the income requirement in bank?

  18. The "rules" are clear and simple !!

    Want to enter Thailand "visa exempt"?

    Best have on an onward an onward ticket out of Thailand within 30 days and be able to produce a minimum 10,000 Bht cash .

    Easy ?

    I had thought the income requiremnet is 20,000 baht. If it is 10,000 baht that is good to know since 20,000 is a lot to have in hand. Thanks.

  19. I am aware of the cash requirement as well. I normally have it since this latest change in policy was enacted (since they hadn't checked me for the cash the last 3 times, I didn't have it this time) I am glad I made sure to have my onward ticket.

    I thought that with the change in rules, using the 30 day extension was not a problem. Chaeng Wattana was giving them out like hotcakes the last two times I was there. It would be nice if these two important immigrations were sending out a consistent message on this issue (they don't appear to be). I will be more wary about using them in the future.

    Thanks for your input Mario :)

  20. It almost feels like they are informally doing the the 90 days stay out of 180 without a visa like they did the last time the military was in power in 2006.

    I had not heard that you were only allowed 3 entries on 30 day stamps within a 6 moth period. That would be good to know if it were true Richard. They weren't bored at the time. The queue was stacked.

    Mario, they didn't tell me I had to have a visa the next time I came. They suggested that that it would be better for me and told me it would be more convenient for me. Certainly no stamp to that effect was put in my passport. I do wonder if that suggestion was more a requirement than they said it was.

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