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Posts posted by nycjoe

  1. there is something to be said about not speaking english. if i tried to get a word in edgewise from my american wife she would out shout me. if i left a cup on the table she was like genghis khan. never cooked always wanted to eat out.

    my thai gf takes really good care of me. i give her money for her and her two kids. i am happier than i have ever been. wants a cookbook in thai for western food. massages me keeps the house. i am king rather than slave.

  2. In vietnams Halong bay a junk that was carrying french tourists held them hostage and they had to jump off of the boat, when one of the crew tried to keep one guy on the boat he hit him with his bag. same deal, it is more capitalist than the usa. We went horseback riding in Dalat and the kid who was leading my horse asked me to tip him before we got back because his boss took all of the tip money.rolleyes.gif

  3. I am in the same position but older having sold my apartment in New York. They never fixed the stock market. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I am looking at water and sewer bonds and blue chip stocks with a history of paying dividends.

    Right now I am in Lake Tahoe and thinking about putting it all on 00. 8D but I don't gamble.

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