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Posts posted by nycjoe

  1. I know a guy from the UK, , he has nothing back in the U.K., after some disastrous relationships a failed Bar business and a severe alcohol problem, he has nothing here either.

    He would be better off in the UK for sure but he is scared to go back as he has nothing or nobody back there, plus he took out unsecured bank loans maxed out his credit cards etc before he left UK, he has been in Thailand for 15 years and is 63 years old.

    A few friends and I are willing to buy his ticket back to UK and give the 20,000 Baht for his overstay.

    He's worried about what he will do when he gets to Heathrow, does anybody have knowledge of a scenario such as this ?

    I've suggested he do a spot of Air Rage and get arrested at the airport on Arrival, he's a nasty drunk so should be easy, he'll get arrested straight off the plane, go to court and get prison time, but, he'll be straight back in the system and be able to get help immediately, get sorted out, medical check, get on benefits etc whilst in Prison.

    He won't get arrested for Credit Card fraud and as its been too long, he got just about every Credit Card Possible and took cash advances just before leaving, so it was Fraudulent, but after a period of time, it's off the books.

    It's probably not the best idea, but I don't know other alternatives, he's gonna arrive with some pocket money, about 50 Pounds, that's all, and he has no idea where to go or what to do, he has no Family to help him, and nobody else.

    There must have been many guys going back to the UK with nothing over the years, is there help available at Heathrow airport ?

    Happy, joyous and free

  2. Love and Money, Money can't buy you love. I know many Farang-Thai relationships that are very good and last for a lifetime. But I still believe that I am 25, but when I look in the mirror I see a 69 year old. Thank God I can tell tell myself the truth.

    My advise to the lovelorn would be to just be as happy as you can for the few remaining years you have left. This is your time. Love yourself.

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  3. If they had a loop around the moat and a shuttle to nimmenheimen. Get on get off with a day ticket for 60 baht all day pass or a single 20 baht ride. Everything would be a short walk in town. They have a shuttle to promenada now and it is free I believe. Another one from ksk to airport plaza. But the people that make a living from these vehicles hold sway.

    Happy, joyous and free

  4. Koh lanta is nice in high season. I went there in July and all the tourist areas on klong dao beach were closed and the beach was filthy. Not a lot going on. Chiang mai air is unhealthy in March April and it can get very hot midday. In those months. Late May brings relief with the rainy season. Which lasts through October. It is a great place to live. I have adopted it as my home and you can live on 10000 pounds with comforts.

    Happy, joyous and free

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