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Everything posted by SatEng

  1. You are correct - and we prefer to work in Kelvin On-board the satellites the instruments are constantly calibrated against black-bodies - areas looking at deep space to give an accurate temperature basis - the instruments are also cryogenically or mechanically cooled to ensure no conductive radiated heat from the rest of the spacecraft On ground - and what I was responsible for - the instruments were verified and calibrated to ensure that they were accurate in orbit - so I know for a fact that the raw data is accurate
  2. We asked 100 people what the time was 99 people looked at their watches, telephones, clocks on the wall etc. and said 5:30 One guy who did not have a watch or anything else with the time on it said it was 4:45 The conspiracy theorist said "You see, it is a conspiracy, the 99 people were paid to say that and the guy saying 4:45 is right because he put it in a blog"
  3. Incorrect - Heller has misinterpreted the data - as usual for a conspiracy theorist when it does not fit his wanted outcome Read the real report "Preliminary reports by the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) suggest that the 2022 winter maximum took place on 7 March 2022. At 14.93 million square kilometres, it sits well below the 1981–2000 average." Arctic sea ice maximum feeling the heat | EUMETSAT or is that too much effort for you?
  4. And if you are talking about natural climate change that is true - and is taken into account when looking at the data. Anthropogenic climate change happens within the overall natural cycle as an aberration, and can be mainly traced back to the start of the industrial revolution, although there are smaller effects from land cultivation and domestication over a few thousand years. The change in population is also a good indicator - Before agricultural revolution (6,500BC) - 10 Million - Before industrial revolution (1750) - < 1 billion - Now going towards 8 billion
  5. No - it needs thousands of people - across the world It only needs a few nutters for a conspiracy theory though
  6. He wasn't in a bar that time
  7. Some of the instruments in question were actually made in the UK The Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) was proposed by the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) and British Aerospace plc, now Astrium (UK), as an Announcement of Opportunity instrument for ESA's planned Envisat satellite, for which one of the main objectives was to maintain data continuity after ERS-2.The (then) UK Department of the Environment (DoE) agreed to fund the instrument as it recognised the importance of the data for the Government-funded programme of climate research and prediction at the UK Met Office Hadley Centre. Successor departments have continued to provide funding for essential ongoing AATSR activities. The DoE funded the manufacture of AATSR on the basis that it meet both the AATSR Scientific Requirements and the AATSR Instrument Performance Requirements. Courtesy - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Note the important phrase "maintain data continuity" or are you not "clever" enough to understand this
  8. Would you like to call me a liar face to face and see what happens? I remember once when a conspiracy theorist came up to Buzz Aldrin and claimed that man never landed on the moon - he punched him in the face
  9. It will be economics rather than policies which will win out in the long run - policies - taxes and subsidies - can only nudge in the near-term. When it is more economic to build a solar plant or wind farm for the same amount of energy as drilling oils wells or building a new coal mine then the change will occur
  10. The raw data is available - and made available for free - there is no manipulation to fit any conspiracy - it would be impossible - a program such as I have described involves thousands of engineers and scientists over time, plus many more thousands of PhD students using the raw data for their theses - they are not all paid by some globalist conspiracy to manipulate the data - I know I was not. If you are clever enough take the raw data, the open data on the spacecraft altitude and other variables and prove there is a manipulation please go ahead- but I don't think you are that clever
  11. Ha-Ha Just like you cannot buy any telescope or tape measure today that is like anything on sale 30 years ago It is not the make of the equipment that matters it is the measurement that it does - however we also managed to keep the manufacturers the same The difference over the period has been the accuracy of the processing of the data we can obtain - so we have more granularity on the exact temperatures than you would get from earlier versions
  12. Although the satellites have changed (usual lifetime is about 10 years on the ones I worked on) we made a definite effort to keep the instrumentation on the satellites the same so that there was a continuous and contiguous dataset ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat. Sentinel-1 etc.
  13. You have to look at scientific data - for the last 30 years and the last 1000 and 125,000 years But glad that you don't dispute the data for the last 30 years as that is the most relevant today and is the most compelling proof we have that there is an observable trend.
  14. Yes, we know I personally worked on a radar satellite launched 30 years ago monitoring the global sea temperatures and the change since then with continuous data is astonishing. During that time there have been no natural phenomena - difference in sun temperature, orbital distance from the sun etc. that could account for the rapid growth in sea temperatures. In fact there have been a couple of cooling incidents from volcanic eruptions but not enough to affect then upward trajectory. The only cause then is "non-natural" Sea temperatures are more significant than land temperatures as with a higher temperature overall the sea level rises, more glacial melt even under the surface, current paths are affected and many of the species in the ocean are being adversely affected aswell - threatening food supply. The solution, however, looks challenging but is in fact quite clear - it is all down to economics. If renewable energy production falls to a cost less than that of fossil fuels then it will be adopted - similarly the phasing out of hydrocarbon based plastics - regulation has a small role in pushing this to happen - reversing desertification and desalination are a bit trickier and much more expensive but we see this already happening in UAE where they are prepared to spend the money and may have to happen in other places including the California wine districts So I am not as much a pessimist as some others
  15. I don't agree. This is a Thai problem, therefore any Thai buying land in a foreign country should lose their Thai citizenship ands all rights to land in Thailand. That would make it reciprocal
  16. Toxic woman - trying to introduce US style "Culture wars" into the debate - but she will be out of the running in 15 minutes
  17. One of the main reasons why US healthcare is so atrocious for many people is the link between their job and health insurance - lose the job, lose the insurance. It means another hold over the employees by the business - which American systems are geared to.
  18. Thammanat's Thai Economic Party recently lost a by-election they thought they would win and the "group of 16" mainly small party members have said they will support Prayut in the censure motion. Maybe Thammanat has over-estimated his influence
  19. Although it does not specifically mention a casino in Pattaya I would expect that the concession would go to the new aquatique/marriott development planned for next to the Hard Rock Hotel - of course owned by CP
  20. If this is done as a "concession" then the 30% may be on the top line revenues, not profits - I know of other concessions with such a scheme
  21. But I wonder if she wrote a memoir - can't invoke an NDA on a dead person
  22. I believe this thread is about candidates for the conservative party leadership, not historic labour party issues or systemic racism, unless one of the candidates makes a remark referencing this. Someone needs to get a grip on this bickering
  23. Whole all religion is harmful, and Islam is the most egregious, I understand from the original post that these objections and signs are directed at their own community, not outsiders
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