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Posts posted by Tatsujin

  1. 6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I am pretty sure the hospitals will have to pay up front. And the vaccine has only a limited shelf life. I understand that they don't just order amount x only to find out that the demand is not what they expected.


    As long as they have a fair refund policy I don't think paying up front is a problem.


    Perhaps if we could actually register interest first, that would give them the necessary numbers. But so far, none of the websites mentioned (Vimut, ThaiInterVac etc) allowed me to do so.

  2. 4 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Yes indeed........although there may be a few who need to get back here for family and business reasons, but apart from that, the days of having to "jump through hoops" to appease ill-thought-through TAT and Immigration regulations have pi$$ed too many off, so not likely to be a rush.


    Besides that, in Oz and NZ "come the end of the year" it will be summer time so better to stay where they are.

    Let’s not forget also there are a lot of people who might have visited but now can’t or won’t cos they didn’t make any money the last 6 months, have lost their jobs already, or are sitting tight and holding on to whatever cash they have until they see what happens.

  3. Have the morons at TAT finally realized it’s the “Europeans” that actually contribute most to the economy, and not the Chinese? And that “tourist numbers” mean nothing if the “tourists” aren’t spending locally? It’s not rocket science, and they have actual stats to work from, but seems they still have zero clue about what kind of people they actually want coming here.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, huberthammer said:

    "The German owner was unable to produce a licence, building permit or guest registration books."


    "He has been charged with not having a license to operate a hotel, illegal work practices and not reporting foreign guests within 24 hours."


    I feel sorry for the guy. Seems rather naive and did not seem to waste a minute on getting his homework done before building a house and operating a business. Thai law and regulations are complicated, confusing and not always logical but it is safe to say that he did not even cover the basics. Must have listened to the property sales guy and his mates "don't worry, everybody does it and if they ever show up just pay them". 


    I would think that we will get a lot more of this in the future as laws are getting enforced and things become more transparent. Missing building permits and licenses are not something that will just go away.

    He’ll be the first of many

    • Like 2
  5. 27 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    I wonder how long it is going to be before he disappears and pops up in Dubai? His family do not have a good track record of turning up in court after all, do they?

    Can't really blame them for not turning up to Court given the verdicts have always been decided upon in advance, along with seizure of assets prior to any conviction as happened recently with Yingluck.

  6. 4 hours ago, seajae said:

    the fact she did a runner says it all, claimed innocence and would defend it but never intended too. She has lied to all her supporters once again, trouble is they are not smart enough to realize they are just being strung along for the shins political pleasure, they actually think they are important to them. No mater which way the decision on her goes she has shown that all that is important to the shins is themselves and their money

    Or perhaps she could see that it was a kangaroo court, that the verdict was already set in stone, that there was zero chance of a fair trial, that facts or evidence are not considered, and that the eventual preordained sentence would be way out of proportion to the actual crime.


    In those circumstances I'd have legged it too.

  7. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    You say if you refuse to bribe, you get nothing done.

    Well i disagree with that, when i went to change from 1 year license to 5 year license, i was told farang cannot get 5 year license.

    After spending all day arguing , refusing to hand over money, i got out my phone, and infront of the man demanding money, i called 1111, 5 minutes later i walked out with 5 year license.

    Before youi start having a go about me walking out with 5 year license, this was 1 month before my accident.

    I was generalizing as you know, but good that you stood up for your principles and achieved something. It doesn't always (usually) work out that way however.

  8. 11 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Corruption is everywhere here, everyday every government office , police station.

    Sorry fact is Thai people accept it as the norm, if i want to get something done, i will have

    to pay.No government office operates without corruption, the higher up the chain, the bigger the bribe, it is disgusting.

    The people to blame are all the people who give money, they should refuse to be involved, but scan tsthey dont.-

    You start by saying that corruption is (essentially) everywhere and then finish by saying that people shouldn't pay.


    An admirable sentiment but not practical as if "bribes" are asked for or expected then you pay or you get nothing done, regardless of the rights or wrongs of a situation. And if you do refuse to pay a bribe you'll oftentimes then find yourself with additional "problems".


    Change will come from the top down, not the bottom up.

  9. 3 hours ago, saakura said:

    Well, if an overwhelming majority of thais would want him to continue (as gauged from his 4 questions, answers to which are being collected by his minions now), he might then show his magnanimity and humbleness by accepting to continue as the PM, not for himself but to save the kingdom.

    No need, he will be pulling the strings behind the scenes no matter who becomes "elected" PM, whilst his strings will continue to be pulled by those higher up.

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