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Posts posted by Tatsujin

  1. Dumb and dumber.


    Stop wasting huge amounts of cash on stupid projects and purchases and trips and commit to a fully integrated countrywide water management system a la Korea or other similar projects.


    Would cost a lot initially but would recoup costs relatively quickly plus provide mass employment, provide limitless electric power, give investors confidence that the flooding situation has been resolved once and for all and move the country forwards.


    But it's Thailand, not sure looking further ahead than the ends of their noses deep deep in the trough will ever happen.

  2. 12 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

    So how did he get that one ? I was borne in Germany had to surrender 

    my passport when I migrated to Australia (long time ago)

    Have only the Aussie one now if I want to move back to Germany 

    I have to wait for many years (I think  it is 10 ) to get a 

    German passport so how do this people get a citizenship to obtain

    a passport   so easy ?


    Thats where a very big wadge of cash comes in handy and being well known doesn't hurt either.

  3. 1 hour ago, chrisinth said:


    Ooops, sorry, my bad.


    I should have related properly between Bangkok events and Chiang Mai's Karaoke establishments.


    I didn't want to be accused of turning the thread into a Red/Yellow debate about which colour is controlling underage girls in karaokes.


    Problem is, it is a (mostly) red/yellow debate, no matter how you look at it (although you could throw in the argument about the word that ends in "chy" too which would be equally valid).


    From my viewpoint though, no matter who runs it, both are as equally bad, contemptible, thieving, corrupt, cutthroat, and despicable as the other, the lies are the same.

  4. 3 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    fighting corruption in thailand will only ever be about going after political opponents. no point getting upset about something that can not be changed.


    Bit defeatist and depressing ... (corruption) "can not be changed"?


    Of course it can be changed, but only once the "people" choose to change it. Until then, the corruption remains, but the players change.

  5. 18 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    same old same old. was reading an article about the last general who said the 2006 coup was necessary to stop corruption however in the last 10 years it seems to have gotten considerably worse. the one about the expensive fire trucks was incredible. another coup to oust the red under the guise of doing something good for the country.  have to just accept that this is the way thailand is.


    Yeah, problem is, accepting/resigning oneself to something "that is what it is" means nothing ever changes ...

  6. 12 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    How do you know the other side is installing their people? You Sherlock?


    Don't need to be Sherlock, just read the news, look around and talk to people.


    It's worth a try, works better tho when the head isn't firmly embedded in the sand and the fingers aren't stuck in ears whilst repeating "la la la la, I can't hear you".

  7. 3 hours ago, dwcrist said:

    Thailand, where standing up for human rights gets you a prison sentence.


    "No foreigner should think they have power above Thai sovereignty."


    What about Thai power over Thai sovereignty? Don't they even care that the sovereign Thai Law, which forbids the alleged abuses, may have been broken? What this statement means to me: "Foreigners and workers don't have rights, influential Thais can do what they want regardless of the law. *cite countless cases of DWI vehicular manslaughter.


    And people wonder why foreign investment and human rights/trafficking ranking are so bad? Wake Up!


    It's ignorance again, but to be expected I guess.


    Any perceived "attack" against any Thai or Thai business, seems to automatically then be associated (in their tiny little minds) as an attack against the monarchy and Thailand itself, despite the fact that it's they themselves breaking their own laws or agreements that they signed up to. No wonder investments etc have plummeted here, and they won't be going back up any time soon either if they carry on as they are.


    I had hoped things would improve here, but they just seem to be sliding backwards into even more extreme nationailistic fervor every day, whilst simultaneously blaming everyone else for everything as they are so perfect and never do wrong or break their own < deleted > laws.

  8. 14 hours ago, mankondang said:


    The "current crop" have always been at the very top. Any "crop", before them were just their subordinates.


    No, that's not correct, there's been a power shift at the (very) top which you'll see the results of very soon, and there's been a power shift away from the Police and to the Military further down and on the street (not entirely, but it's going that way).

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