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Posts posted by onebir

  1. 3 hours ago, heybruce said:

    China has made some just for show selling of US Treasuries during the Trump administration, but it continues to buy and hold a large stash.  https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/040115/reasons-why-china-buys-us-treasury-bonds.asp

    The chart in that link shows the stock of treasuries held by China falling since 2014. Unless there's a valuation issue, that makes them a net seller for the last 7 years (longer than I thought originally).

  2. 3 hours ago, madmen said:

    10000 units for sale, 20 sold cheaply. Won't effect the average noticeably .

    You think asking prices measure the true value of property? Sellers and buyers can ask/offer what they like; it's only when there's a sale that it's indicative of the true value. In this case, that appears to be the 20 that sold cheaply...

    • Like 2
  3. 21 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Kulwadee added that no change in price is expected in these three areas as most owners are waiting for the right opportunity to sell their land, even though some have sold cheaply.

    The waiters didn't transact, the cheap sellers did, so it sounds like most transactions have been 'cheaply'... In that type of situation, just how is it possible to say land prices are unchanged???

  4. 1 hour ago, ctxa said:

    I seriously don't understand humans some times.....


    So certain guy, suddenly sees two dogs fighting, and he goes and kick one of them ????


    Sometimes real life is even more fictional than science fiction movies...

    Yeah, at least kick both of them!

  5. 3 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    1) You think, the UK accepts any meat, fish, dairy from "third countries"without any veterinarian check into the UK ? They learnt theri lesson with the mouth & claw disease a decade ago

    2) For me, in international food business since 1977, not to understand why not arranged that a year ago.

    1) You tell me, since you've been involved in the business since 1977!

    2) Me neither, seems like a bad mistake on the company's part (unless maybe UK vets are really greedy?).

  6. 2 hours ago, Poet said:

    To imagine that the Thai elites will calmly wait for the entire population to be vaccinated before restarting the money machine is insane. Unless the new variants that render the vaccinations useless emerge over the next few months, Thailand will reopen this summer with only one requirement: a completed course of vaccination.

    Well I hope so too...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Fex Bluse said:
    3 hours ago, Poet said:

    Perhaps, some day, a mental giant will emerge in this thread who can explain how the mass tourism doesn't kick in later this year once everyone in the first world who wants to be vaccinated is, once people get to travel safely for the first time in over a year, and once Thailand drops its onerous quarantine and testing requirements.

    I think that last bit could be the sticking point while the Thai population remains unvaccinated. (I thought antibody testing could be used to ensure tourists possess sterilizing immunity, but apparently they're not very reliable.)

  8. 23 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

    none of the vaccines so far can prove that Covid can not be passed on after vaccination,

    To justify dropping quarantine for vaccinated people, doesn't it just have to reduce their risk of transmitting covid to a similar level to quarantine? It seems to go some way towards this.


    none of the vaccines were tested on old people,

    The Pfizer vaccine's original phase 3 group included over 65s, and it has been rolled out to older people preferentially in several places (Israel for one).


    they still do not know how long immunity will last

    True, but couldn't immunity be tested, eg via antibody tests?


    I think a system involving vaccination +/ administering an antibody test kit (ideally via the Thai Embassy where you apply for a visa) could provide a similar level of assurance to the existing quarantine arrangements, with much lower time/financial costs.


    Whether/when the relevant departments etc will figure this out, IDK... 

    • Confused 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, Slain said:

    Shouting over loud music or even the general noise level of a drinking establishment will enable small particles from your mouth to spread far more than is normal. Also it is a known drug to make people more touchy feely and want to be closer to others like many other drugs do.

    Small valve in mask + drinking straw + string telephone = COVID-safe drinking.


    • Haha 2
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