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Posts posted by onebir

  1. 5 hours ago, chrisbangkok said:

    Brazilian studies today apparently show the Sinovac efficacy to be around 50% which will be the vaccine of choice from Thailand's biggest target tourist group China for instance. 

    That's... terrible.


    Under the SIR model, that vaccine couldn't deliver herd immunity even in a 100% vaccinated population. See "Imperfect Immunity". (Here R0 ~3, so 1-1/R0 = 0.67 > E, the vaccine effectiveness, in which case "it would be impossible to eliminate an infection even by vaccinating the whole population". For E=50%, R0 needs to be <2.)

  2. 12 hours ago, kotsak said:

    They keep forgetting that the vaccine is to protect you from getting sick, not to stop the spread.

    Actually the Pfizer vaccine is turning out to reduce transmission pretty quickly (rising to 33% on 14th day after vaccination). That's based on data for over 60s. Given how age-dependent the severity of this virus is, I wouldn't be surprised if it attenuates infections in younger groups more strongly. Israel should be rolling out vaccines for under 60 age groups soon, so there should be data on that soon.


    (I'm hoping they investigate delayed second doses; data on that could really help get the most of the vaccines worldwide.)

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  3. 1 hour ago, snoop1130 said:

    The Karen border guard force is a Myanmar military-backed armed group led by Colonel Chit Thu, a local ethnic Karen warlord. Chit Thu made peace with the Myanmar’s military and converted his armed units into an officially recognized border guard force. The Myanmar military has also made similar arrangement with some other ethnic groups.

    Sounds like a pretty tenuous arrangement...

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Kaoboi Bebobp said:

    Generally, you should be protected about 14 days after you receive your second dose of the vaccine. 

    It turns out that:


    preliminary data shows that after two weeks, 50% of the first 100 people who were vaccinated two weeks ago have developed strong antibodies against the virus. This is up from only between 1% and 2% after one week.

    Based on that, the doc in this article recommends delaying the 2nd dose by up to a month. (Still a far cry from the year mentioned in the OP though.)

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  5. 5 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    Also all those people who died from other causes because they didn't receive the care they needed will have added to the excess death rate.

    All the people who didn't die from various activities that were reduced due to Covid/ lockdowns will have reduced excess deaths.


    Two obvious categories are traffic accidents (~28k in 2019) & deaths after surgeries (20-25k). Call that 50k. If say 60% of road travel & surgeries were delayed/cancelled, that's a -30k contribution to excess deaths. That probably (at least) offsets deaths due to people not getting necessary medical care; ie there are still unexplained excess deaths that are likely Covid related. 

  6. 6 hours ago, ThaiNotes said:

    Anyway, I did find a workaround and now my alphabet/vowel/diphthong flashcards have sound (at least on Android devices).

    If reproducing the activethai table wouldn't be difficult, it could be improved in several ways:
    - customizable sounds*

    - ability to randomize character positions**

    - ability to show only a subset of characters

    - (ability to) display an indication of character class (by color coding?)

    - ability to show a message for each character (eg a mnemonic?)


    This would transform it into a flashcard-like game (the other characters acting as distractors). I'm using it like a game now, but the options are limited (eg clicking through the tiles in various orders). I can remember most of them, but I think the process could have been quicker (eg I spent several hours coming up with my own mnemonic.)


    * now it plays consonant + consonant object. It'd be nice to be able to play any subset of  consonant as initial, consonant as final & consonant object.

    ** either chosen individually, or configured as subsets (by high/mid/low, or perhaps groups of easily confused characters)

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