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Posts posted by jgm005

  1. BAY was offering an exchange rate of 33.3!!! 34.18 is the SCB rate for yesterday. That's about a $15 U.S. charge for withdrawing baht 20,000.

    So, I used my local SCB card.

    Options now?

    Snipped ...

    I won't bore you again (well, not much) with my recommendation -- Internet electronic funds transfers. These are ACH transfers in the States, via Bangkok Bank New York, and, yes, you'll need a Bangkok Bank account in Thailand. Haven't heard too much about these kind of internet transfers from other countries. But I do know they exist from at least Switzerland, where your bank issues you a crypto device to hook up to your computer. It would be nice to hear more about these options -- and related costs.

    SWIFT wire transfers are still too costly for most, and thus make sense only for large transfers (unless you have ACH :)

    This may of been posted before but I came across this link which explains in detail on Bangkok Banks' website how to do the ACH transfer. My apologies if this link has been dupped before >>> http://www.bangkokbank.com/Bangkok+Bank/Pe...ds+from+USA.htm

  2. I had Kasikorn ATM withdrawal about noon today/Tues., using a U.S. MC logo debit card.

    No ATM fee of course. Exchange rate 34.72.

    Interesting ...

    I had a Kasikorn withdrawal at a ATM at the branch ATM in City Center

    (using that description loosely) withdrawal at 12:36pm > today >12/May

    NO FEE

    But and this made me check and double check the rate was 34.4699949104 using Capital One M/M ATM

  3. Asok: downstairs at Robinson is a small post office. Parking is available at the Westin Hotel car park (get a stamp).

    Or go into McDonalds and on the counter to the far left is a stamp and pad to stamp the parking ticket yourself. This being the McDonalds to the right of Robinsons. As said down into the TOPS market near the bakery is a small shop that you can send packages/mail out.

  4. Thanks for helping keep us on point, LM....

    If talking about Capital One is as far astray as we get in this thread, then we're doing 100% better than almost every other thread on TV!!!! :)

    PS - One thing that would be interesting... I'm thinking of opening a new account with Kasikorn, presuming they stay on the NO FEE list... I want to do my Thai banking business with banks that treat me fairly as a customer, in my view.

    If anyone is having in-branch dealings with them now, it would be interesting to talk to one of the branch managers and mention the 150 baht fee issue, and see what they say... As in, trying to get some read of whether they are just SLOW or they're not going to do the fee.

    If it turns out they're not going to do the fee, every time an expat opens a new account with them, we ought to mention, we're doing it in part because they've kept their ATM network free.

    I have had a discussion with both the branch manager (Asoke Exchange Tower) and email contact with head office on their not applying the 150 bt fee. The response I got, sorry to say, was typical. They did not know. I made sure that many folks where following the fact they are not charging the 150bt. Specially with my contact with head office (granted through email)

  5. By way of comparison, I made identical U.S. ATM debit card withdrawals Thursday and Friday nights at Kasikorn with no Thai ATM fee, but the usual 1% Visa cut.

    I got a 35.18 rate on Thursday and a 35.08 rate today/Friday...

    Get a Capital One ATM card and you will not have to put up with that 1% fee!

    capitalone charges the 1% visa and mc fee.. it's widely reported that they do not..but in fact they DO..if you look closely on transactions done in thailand. 1% is dificult to detect..because currency rates often change more than 2-3% in a single day...but if you check the rates on visa's website before you make a purchase and look at the post date...you will see that they NO LONGER ABSORB the 1% fee. Call Customer service and the will give you the deceiving line that "THEY" do not charge any fee...this does NOT mean they eat the 1% visa/mc fee.


    I shall politely disagree. To be more specific the ATM Capital One card I have is linked to a money market. I have compared exchange rates, same day within same hour, using the Capital One card against a USA Credit Union Visa ATM card where the 1% is deducted as a separate line item. The exchange rate I received using the Capital One ATM was slightly, ever so, better than the other and there was not the 1% fee hidden or otherwise.

    And the other two people who reported their exchange rate for Saturday after my post you will see that their exchange rate was the same as mine. And for at least one of them they stated what ATM they used which was not Capital One.

  6. Just noticed a bank that has branches in Isaan and rural areas (591 branches) and doesn't seem to be on the Thai Bank Association list - Bank For Agriculture And Agricultural Cooperative (BAAC).

    I don't suppose anybody knows if they do fee-free ATM withdrawals?

    I'll be up at my home in Isaan land later this coming week for the local rocket festival and will give it a try. There is one in Nonsang, Nongbulampoo which is close to the home.

  7. "There is a solution to this, however. For example, if you live here, just call them and ask them to place a note on your file that you're living/working/visiting, etc. in Thailand (or wherever) for XX amount of time. I think the longest period they'll keep the note for is one year. So ex-pat residents may have to renotify them every year or so in order to avoid problems. For travelers, just tell them the duration of your trip before you leave home."

    Exactly ...

    Capital One is very conscious of where purchases are made and any break in a pattern you'll be flagged. This also applies to their ATM on their Money Market account. Which is what I use to fund my Kasikorn Bank account. I call a week ahead of time and give them my travel plans. Bit of a hassle but worth it!

  8. "By the way, I called Capital One to confirm that these fees are still not being charged and they confirmed it. I also found it stated on their website within their FAQ section. This isn't a complete solution to these ATM fees, but it can help reduce how often I may have to pay these fees."

    Been using a Capital One ATM for several years and can confirm there is no fees and the exchange rate was slightly better then my local USA Credit Union ATM.

  9. "Now... you could go to a KASIKORN bank and try your hand at opening a checking account to deposit the money and get an ATM card, but this isnt always so easy and does depend upon your visa and what bank you try, you would also need an address of residence but give it a go because i know some people have had success...."

    I opened up a Kasikorn Savings Account on a Tourist Visa 10 days ago at the branch in the Exchange Tower/Asoke. Done with ease. In and out in 20 minutes. gave my hotel address even though I could of used the house address up in Nongbulampoo. Then went next door to the KTB branch, closed out my two accounts and shoved the money into Kasikorn.

  10. Kasikorn ATM at Espanada Mall at Noon 29/April. NO FEE! Exchange Rate of 35.45. How long it lasts who knows. I hardly doubt they have 'forgotten'. I've already closed out my two KTB accounts and moved to Kasikorn before all this started. KTB Online banking mucked up my ability to use it and when going to a branch they said it'd take 3 days to fix. 3 weeks later it was still messed up. So I took my business to KasiKorn. That's my story and I am sticking to it. Least for now.

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