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Posts posted by borisloosebrain

  1. They got royally screwed over by Goy who breached the surrogacy contracts' conditions thus depriving them of their legal rights.

    She initially refused to hand over their daughter. She lied about the abortion and it seemed a few other things The guy is being called a serial pedophile: he molested some girls 30 years ago, that's <deleted> up, it went to court 15 years later, he confessed did his time. He raised a family of adult kids ...no recidivism in 30 years. Okay to some people that doesn't matter but I think it counts for something..
    I agreed with the 'what a <deleted> couple' narrative and I donated but inconsistencies appeared in Goys story and now the other side comes out. When I first moved here way back when, I noticed that Thais lied a lot but weren't that good at it....they haven't mastered plausible deniability. That's what I'm seeing now.

  2. Yeah the rush to judgement has proceeded without hearing both sides. Personally I find it highly plausible that Thai agent lied to both parties. Having donated which I was happy to do...( A few beers that I won't miss) now seeing her say on Oz TV she might sue them for saying he didn't know about the boy because it hurts her dignity and she wants him to come here and let her confront him in front of the media...well that's a fast way to lose goodwill...
  3. Please NOTE:

    This is article about Portuguese Man-o-War, and the article states they are different from jellyfish and the treatment of a sting is not the same. You should not apply vinegar to this type of sting.

    And urine is always a bad idea because of the risk of infection.

    You don't know much about urines components. If it caused infections none of us would have survived infancy given that we pissed and shat our way through year one.

    Urine is filtered blood. It is totally harmless. Check some of the Harvard research. It is very beneficial for certain like stings, bites , tropical ulcers etc. It is anti septic and anti bacterial. It poses no risk of infection in fact it offers the opposite. It is often the go to solution for jellyfish stings in Australia ....don't know if it works for these Phuket dudes but it's worth a try. It certainly won't do any damage.

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