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Posts posted by borisloosebrain

  1. Happy to see the pills of the streets.well done to the police involved ! That stuff messes with people's brains.

    Especially that meth stuff, though the current govt solution is just as dangerous, which is locking them up like sardines in inhumane conditions for months or years on end with next to zero nutrition and no medical care, minimal family contact, and indifferent prison guards watching over them.

    Better that they legalize cannabis and let them chill at home having the munchies and listening to or playing music like most normal people do. Nobody every died or caused major social problems from using herbs.

  2. Hey Pakorn and Pratian I'm looking for a scriptwriter for a new Fantasy movie are you available mate ! What a load of toxic waste you speak...how the hell else did they get sick. Thru osmosis from some other galaxy or jangwat ? Let's make a deal, you and your families and your comrades families use the same water as the villagers for the next twelve months , nothing else , and then we'll talk again okay ?

  3. Provide them with boats and equipment and a certified accountable human being as captain, keep the prison nazi guards well away and let them fish and sell and eat their catch...and sleep under the stars and sleep a full eight hours every night and throw in a few guitars and ...well shit treat them how you'd treat loved family member.....and watch the rate of rehabilitation rise and recidivism shrink. As they say don't give a man a fish, teach him how to fish and bingo..he's on his way. You may say I'm a dreamer blah blah blah but I'm not the only one.

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