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Everything posted by proton

  1. Got a Mac book air with SSD does not even need a fan, battery goes for 18 hours!
  2. Having been to one it's about as interesting as watching paint dry
  3. I never liked weed apart from Thai stick, resin from Morocco (zero zero), the Lebanon, Pakistan and Afghanistan were my favourites.
  4. Better than coming here for prostitutes and rubbish beer ????
  5. The problem with ingesting it is you have no idea of the dose and the effect, it's a gamble and often not a nice result.
  6. Some of the worst experiences of my life followed eating items with cannabis in them, smoking no problem as you know when you have had enough.
  7. Indeed, I printed out the changes to the TM30 regs in Thai from 2 years ago. Showed it to staff at the immigration office who said that does not count still need TM30, and they still claim money has to be in the bank for 3 moths not 2. If we follow the rules why can't they?
  8. Did they cast Maggie as a Caribbean woman? I downloaded a sherwood but it turned out to be a cartoon series so will have another try. My dad was a miner for 40 years and he said he never saw a black person in the mines, so I hope they got that right at least.
  9. Boy on boy manga is a massive female interest in Japan so they might be on to something
  10. Jihadist's have been murdering thousands over the past 20 years whatever the origins and excuses for their terrorism. You have to understand though they are only following the man they worship who is quoted in the Haddith of Bukhari when asked how he became victorious as saying: I became victorious (over Meccans) with terror.
  11. Get one of those small flat sanitisers to spray your hands with. Wai ing other foreigners always looks idiotic to me
  12. Strange, my Mrs is a better driver when she's had a few ????
  13. When will street dogs come under the spotlight?
  14. why are school kids forced to dress up in these uniforms when almost none of them are really in the Scouts and Guides? Apart from people making money out of it.
  15. Buddha never had air conditioning did he ????
  16. Been there one of the few places which appears to be authentic, no silly statues about, no lottery sellers, stay cats and dogs, collection boxes all over the place, food sellers or rubbish everywhere.
  17. Cult, avoid unless loaded!
  18. Most of them will end up in IDC and get deported then!
  19. But still full of thousands of Chinese fakes in all product areas!
  20. Officer - agent did a runner with my money and passport, i have no passport, no extension and on overstay. officer- no problem we are not investigating that ????
  21. They would only be trustworthy if they were regulated, are they? I don't see line accounts and facebook as being officially recognised.
  22. You believe what a Thai cop says to a news outlet?
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