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Everything posted by proton

  1. I strive not to buy anything from China, rubbish or not. Yes we all know about the good stuff and that parts are mostly from there ,but thats no excuse not to try and boycott the Nazi like CCP regime built on cheap labour and oppression. Taiwan of course no problem, that's the real China anyway.
  2. Park and ride, has that been tried? you would have to provide car parking of course
  3. Chinese <deleted> tends to conk out after 30 seconds!
  4. That muck is not bread at all. Had a demo of how to make this at Peninsular hotel a couple of weeks ado, tasty. Still waiting for the mrs to have a go so looks like up to me as usual. Not sure what type of flour to get, and she forgot.
  5. Why not get an M1 Macbook? don't think they make intel ones any more
  6. Anyone know where The Lady of Heaven can be obtained? only seen hand cams so far. Causing a lot of protests from Sunni muslims so it must be worth a watch, Depicts the life of Fatima the prophets daughter, who the Shia claim was burned to death by Sunni forces. Protests have stopped in being shown in some UK places.
  7. Any been arrested for computer crimes (thought crimes) yet? ????
  8. The no bribes notice on samut prakan site, strangely only in Thai, as is the online survey underneath. maybe agents can read it ????
  9. Lot of hysterical exaggeration on here, this is more like it https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-10890631/MICK-HUME-argues-little-wonder-swallowed-distorted-view-UK-demographics.html
  10. But only carries the death penalty in some Islamic countries, more serious than a bit of name calling.
  11. The bullying and killing is in countries where being homosexual or whatever is illegal. We know what kind of countries most those are so why not push back against them?
  12. Just the sort of customer coffee shops don't want, get an office
  13. How long before they stick a P for pedophiles in this nonsense?
  14. Better than the UK approach, they put up over 10k illegals this year in hotels, as well as money every week, health checks and food. If you want to stop illegals entering your country which is more likely to stop them arriving?
  15. Anyone riding a bike here is dicing with death, tourists even more so. They should be warned that about 2 riders an hour die riding bikes here year round.
  16. I would suggest NORMAL for that ????
  17. Symbol of the town surely, it's mainly a cum dump and always has been.
  18. LGBTQIAN, how many more letters will get added and what does the QIAN bit stand for?
  19. Demanding signatures in another colour, ALL pages copied in a passport even blanks, being in the right office but being told they don't do extensions, TM30 wanted for a 90 day report, not accepting colour copies, All these have happened to me over the years so it's a relief when all goes smoothly.
  20. They also help themselves to certain payments via agents to ignore their own rules
  21. I remember 2 there, New Bride Cafe and Issan Holiday, some good ones along Udom Suk as well, 5 star etc.
  22. You missed out the interesting bit ????
  23. No is the answer, afaik. There were many cafes years ago not that I know of now. Once drove to Pattaya from Bkk and back just for one evening to see Jintara and Dernphen, those were the days. Best Tawang Deang I have been to is in Ubon, Surin one is also good. One in Bkk is still going, never been a favourite, not enough space.
  24. My rule, nothing before the one at 8am, though cant always stick to that????

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